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单词 wilt
释义  Related topics: Plantsldoce_351_dwilt1 /wɪlt/ verb [intransitive]  1. HBPWEAKif a plant wilts, it bends over because it is too dry or old 〔植物〕枯萎;凋谢 → droop →5  See picture of The flowers have wilted.花凋谢了。, The plant has wilted.这盆植物枯萎了。2. informalTIRED to feel weak or tired, especially because you are too hot 〔尤因太热而〕萎靡不振,发蔫→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswilt• One of my patio pot plants suddenly wilted and died.• In a large saucepan, heat oil and saute the onions and leeks until wilted and golden.• Under different circumstances, this would have sounded patronizing, a wilted bouquet tossed by a haughty victor.• I'm starting to wilt - can we go home?• Ed Sneed wilted in 1979, taking a bogey five when a par would have won.• The child wasn't wilting in an alien environment.• The plant in the corner was wilting, its brilliant yellow petals scattered on the floor.• The dew vanished from the flowers; they began to lose their freshness and to wilt, passing from hand to hand.• Look for lush foliage or, failing that, avoid wilted plants or plants with leaves that are starting to brown.• She let fall the flowers she had gathered like the child who had once cried to see them wilt so soon.• Marigolds are a strong breed, less likely to wilt than other plants.wilt2 verb old use  thou wilt old use XXyou will / you will 的旧用法→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuswilt• One of my patio pot plants suddenly wilted and died.• In a large saucepan, heat oil and saute the onions and leeks until wilted and golden.• Under different circumstances, this would have sounded patronizing, a wilted bouquet tossed by a haughty victor.• Ed Sneed wilted in 1979, taking a bogey five when a par would have won.• The child wasn't wilting in an alien environment.• The dew vanished from the flowers; they began to lose their freshness and to wilt, passing from hand to hand.• Look for lush foliage or, failing that, avoid wilted plants or plants with leaves that are starting to brown.• She let fall the flowers she had gathered like the child who had once cried to see them wilt so soon.wilt1 verbwilt2 verbChinese  is because plant wilts, it a if Corpus too over it bends




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