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单词 ground plan
释义  Related topics: Architectureˈground plan noun [countable]  1. AAa drawing of how a building is arranged at ground level, showing the size, position, and shape of walls, rooms etc 底层平面图 SYN floor plan2  PLANa plan for doing something in the future 大纲,计划,草案 documents which formed the ground plan for the welfare state 成为福利国家制度草案的文件Examples from the Corpusground plan• What is this pencil sketch that looks like a ground plan of the radio factory?• Ivy Cottage had originally had much the same ground plan as Rose Cottage.• Nearly everything else follows the ground plan of the later, and much larger, colony base station.• You need a flexible and adaptive approach in devising your ground plan for bargaining.ˈground plan nounChineseSyllable  how a ground Corpus of drawing arranged at a building is




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