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单词 who
释义  who /huː/ ●●● S1 W1 pronoun  1  XXused to ask or talk about which person is involved, or what the name of a person is 谁,什么人 Who locked the door? 谁锁的门? Who do you work for? 你为谁工作? Who’s that guy with your wife? 和你妻子在一起的那个人是谁? They never found out who the murderer was. 他们一直未查出谁是凶犯。 She wondered who had sent the flowers. 她不知道是谁送的花。who to ask/contact/blame etc He doesn’t know who to vote for. 他不知道该投谁的票。who on earth/in the world etc (=used for emphasis when you are surprised, angry etc) 究竟谁〔用于强调〕 Who on earth would live in such a lonely place? 谁会愿意住在这么偏僻的地方? Who the hell are you? 你究竟是谁?2  XXused after a noun to show which person or which people you are talking about …的人〔用于名词之后,指代提及的人〕 Do you know the people who live over the road? 你认识住在马路对面的人吗? the woman who was driving 在开车的那个女人 She was the one who did most of the talking. 大部分时间都是她在说话。3  XXused, after a comma in writing, to add more information about a particular person or group of people that you have just mentioned 〔在书面语中用于逗号之后,补充说明前面提及的人〕 I discussed it with my brother, who is a lawyer. 我和哥哥商量了此事,他是律师。 Alison Jones and her husband David, who live in Hartlepool, are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. 艾莉森•琼斯和她的丈夫戴维住在哈特尔浦,他们正在庆祝金婚纪念日。4  informal used to introduce a question that shows you think something is true of everyone or of no one 谁又…〔用于引出问句,表示谁也不例外〕 We have the occasional argument. Who doesn’t (=everyone does)? 我们偶尔也会吵架,谁又不吵呢? Who wants to come second (=no one does)? 谁会想得第二呢?5  who is somebody to do sth? JUDGE spoken used to say that someone does not have the right or the authority to say or do something 某人算老几?某人有什么资格做某事? Who is she to order me around? 她是谁呀,竟然支使起我来?6  who’s who POSITION/RANK a) if you know who is who within a particular organization or group, you know what each person’s name is and what job they do or what position they have 谁是谁〔指某组织或团体内人员的姓名、地位、职位等〕 I’m just getting to know who’s who in the department. 我正在熟悉部门里的每个人。 b) a who’s who of something a list of the important people within a particular organization or group – often used to emphasize that many important people are involved in something 名人录〔常用于强调某事有许多重要人物参与〕 The list of competitors reads like a who’s who of international tennis players. 参赛者名单读上去简直就是国际网坛名人录。Examples from the Corpuswho• Oh, now I know who he is!• The talk was given by a man who used to live in Russia.• Ron, who usually doesn't drink alcohol, had two beers.• Who wants another beer?• Who was that on the phone?who to ask/contact/blame etc• He doesn't know how to wear them and he doesn't know who to ask.• The company's complaints department phoned Susan the next day to tell her who to contact.• Relatives also need to know who to contact and how when an emergency arises. 8.• Over the next few months we planned when to go, who to take, who to contact and why.• Write to the addresses below to find out who to contact in your country.nWHO /ˌdʌbəljuː eɪtʃ ˈəʊ/  nthe world health organizationnThe WhoWho, The  na British rock group whose members included Roger Daltrey, the group's main singer, and Pete Townshend. They first became popular in the mid-1960s and are known especially for their song My Generation and for their album Tommy. They sometimes used to end their performances by violently destroying their instruments.Origin who Old English hwawho pronounWHOWho, TheLDOCE OnlineChinese  or person Corpus ask talk is which used about to




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