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单词 white goods
释义  ˈwhite goods noun [plural] British English  DHFequipment used in the home, for example washing machines and refrigerators 大型家用电器,白色家电〔如洗衣机、冰箱等〕 → brown goodsExamples from the Corpuswhite goods• Even the washing machine and tumble drier have long been overtaken by advances in white goods technology.From Longman Business Dictionarywhite goodsˈwhite goodsCOMMERCE equipment used in homes that is usually painted white, for example washing machines, REFRIGERATORs etcConsumers are buying more clothes, furniture, white goods and electronic equipment. → goodsˈwhite goods nounChineseSyllable  machines the home, Business equipment in washing Corpus for example and used




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