单词 |
(whether you) like it or not |
释义 |
(whether you) like it or not (whether you) like it or not → (whether you) like it or not at like2(4) used to emphasize that something unpleasant is true or will happen and cannot be changed(whether you) like it or not |
随便看 |
- captors
- capture
- capture attention
- capture/catch somebody's imagination
- captured
- capture heart
- capture imagination
- captures
- capture sb
- capture sb attention
- capture sb heart
- capture sb imagination
- capture somebody's
- capture somebody's attention
- capture somebody's heart
- capture somebody's imagination
- capture somebody's imagination/attention etc
- capture the headlines
- capturing
- capulets and montagues
- capulets-and-montagues
- Capulets and Montagues, the
- car
- Caracas
- carafe
- In use
- In turn
- In truth
- In case
- In brief
- In any event
- In any case
- In all
- In advance
- In addition
- 为政之道,以不扰为安,以不取为与,以不害为利,以行所无事为兴废起弊。
- 为政之道,以顺民心为本,以厚民生为本,以安而不扰为本
- 为政之道,第一要德感诚孚,第二要令行禁止。令不行,禁不止,与无官无政同,虽尧舜不能治一乡,而况天下乎?
- 为政以徇私、弭谤、违道、干誉为第一耻,为人上者自有应行道理,合则行,不合则去。若委曲迁就,计利虑害,不如奉身而退。孟子谓枉尺直寻,不可推起来。虽枉一寸,直千尺,恐亦未可也。或曰:处君亲之际,恐有当枉处。曰:当枉则不得谓之枉矣,是谓权以行经,毕竟是直道而行。
- 为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之
- 为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 为政以问察为第一要,此尧舜治天下之妙法也。今人塞耳闭目,只恁独断,以为宁错勿问,恐蹈耳软之病,大可笑。此不求本原耳。吾心果明,则择众论以取中,自无偏听之失。心一愚暗,即询岳牧刍荛,尚不能自决,况独断乎?所谓独断者,先集谋之谓也。谋非集众不精,断非一己不决。
- 为政先以扶持世教为主,在上者一举措间而世教之隆污、风俗之美恶系焉。若不管大体如何而执一时之偏见,虽一事未为不得,而风化所伤甚大,是谓乱常之政,先王慎之。
- 为政名言
- 为政名言
- 为政名言
- 为政必立善法,俾可以垂久而传远
- 为政智慧
- 为政者不赏私劳,不罚私怨
- 为政者不赏私劳,不罚私怨。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- Bootlegging句子
- Malapert句子
- A watched pot never boils句子
- Spring to mind句子
- Immaterial句子
- Inadmissible句子
- Sensibly句子
- Uninhabited句子
- Hippo句子
- Tonne句子
- Sloppy句子
- Headiness句子
- Gruff句子
- Prolonged句子
- Proportional tax句子