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单词 Early days
1 In the early days , the railways mainly carried goods.
2 From those early days the business has snowballed.
3 We've come a long way since those early days of the project.
4 Mercedes were pioneers during the early days/years of car manufacture.
5 I'm still in the early days of my recovery and that worries me.
6 It's early days yet. I don't want to make any predictions.
7 Pilots in the early days of aviation flew by the seat of their pants.
8 In the early days Christina moved jobs to get experience.
9 We've come a long way since the early days of the project.
10 It's early days yet. We don't know if the play will be a success.
11 In the early days, news was handed on from one person to another.
12 Look, it's early days yet.
13 It's early days yet, Paul.
14 Jean-Claude got accustomed in these early days to stealing.
15 In these early days Temperance was greeted with cynicism.
16 In its early days the Association was primarily concerned with campaigning for garden cities.
17 Admittedly, these were early days in the season, before the tough training schedule at Richmond had beefed up fitness levels.
18 Over-confidence in the early days has led to a surfeit of caution ever since.
19 In early days the packs had concentrated on the caribou, but the semi-domestic, smaller animals were easier prey.
20 Since those early days, telecommunications Companies have been striving constantly to make the network intelligent once again.
21 Beads were used as barter in the early days of settlement.
22 It's early days yet and if it does happen I will up-date you with the information.
23 She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.
24 I'm not sure if our book will be a success it's early days yet.
25 Our progress has been fairly slow so far, but it's early days.
26 I always used to do the cooking in the early days of our marriage.
27 It's a remarkable rise for a company which in the early days operated from a nissen hut at the same site.
28 Don't forget a muzzle is very helpful in those early days.
29 Henry Lunn, one of the major figures of the early days of organized travel, was also inspired by high ideals.
30 The Hollywood connection goes back even further, in fact, to the early days of silent film.
1 In the early days , the railways mainly carried goods.
2 She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.
3 Pilots in the early days of aviation flew by the seat of their pants.
31 In the early days of archaeology, the dividing line between archaeologists and treasure hunters was all but invisible.
32 He also has a collection of Rentokil news letters going back to his early days which made for fascinating reading after dinner.
33 For most couples, circumstances will differ radically from the early days of marriage.
34 Some of the absolutism of the early days of social investing seems to have given way to a new pragmatic activism.
35 In the early days Busacher had tried to discourage him.
36 It's early days and the market for acrylics needs to find its own level.
37 Those early days of marriage were lived modestly in a one-bedroom flat in Clapham, South London.
38 Although it is early days yet, should we be that club, then it can only spell disaster.
39 Mile Ilic, the local Socialist chieftain, was fired by Milosevic in the early days of the protests.
40 Anyone who visited the Garden in the early days would not recognise the place now-every inch is resplendent.
41 On top of this there were practical pressures that made those early days very difficult.
42 The most contentious issue in the early days of the second session was the collegiality of bishops.
43 In the early days there was no cure and it killed AIDS patients the first time they got it.
44 However, in early days he seems to have led a sunny existence.
45 We had high hopes for television in those early days.
45 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
46 As football managers are fond of saying, it's early days yet for battler George.
47 In these early days a flying career was not particularly attractive in view of the frequency of fatal accidents.
48 In those early days of the war, the Continental Palace Hotel was still locked in a colonial reverie.
49 This ancient placental family coexisted with the marsupials from the early days of the continent's isolation.
50 In the early days we ventured further afield than we do now, working in Suffolk, Berkshire, Wiltshire and Surrey.
51 It's early days for us, you and me, if you like.
52 She helped with the spadework in the early days of the Wisley garden, I had learned.
53 Still no gas, still no bombs, we were so panic-stricken in those early days.
54 There was nothing on show to lift the roof - but in this remarkable renaissance, it's early days yet.
55 In the early days after the war, Berlin was not the closed, divided city it became later.
56 He had no burning ambition to climb to the upper reaches of management in those early days, however.
57 It also includes descriptions of his early days on the Survey and pen portraits of the great geologists of those times.
58 Specialists on Indochina were considerably less optimistic during the early days of the Truman administration.
59 Since those early days, work at the Museum, now renamed Southport Railway Centre has gone on apace.
60 But these were early days, and Shelley wasn't a quitter.
61 In his early days, as congressman, senator and vice president, he was a vicious political opponent.
62 Since the war urban Britain has experienced a rate of change unparalleled since the early days of the Industrial Revolution.
63 It was founded by Stan Barnet and Sid Dicker and in the early days met behind the grandstand on match days.
64 In the early days, some who came here were outlaws and others came for the timber.
65 And in those early days he was careful with money.
66 In the early days it was seen as bringing a whirlwind of well-paid high-technology jobs to an area of record unemployment.
67 Amy Johnson was a Hull girl who found fame as a pilot in the early days of aviation.
68 In the early days she had been stung by criticism of the way she dressed.
69 The result is the single most comprehensive account of the early days at Dovercourt.
70 Sue: I appreciate it's early days, but what can you tell me about the Workstart Pilots?
71 As she reminisces on camera, she also recalls her early days of stardom as an actress and her subsequent career.
72 While many other businesses languish in the early days of a new year, gyms and match-makers are likely to be hopping.
73 The early days are, in many ways, the most vivid.
74 In the early days the stigma of being HIV positive drove away 60% of my circle of friends.
75 Nevertheless in the early days many of the other forms of bacteria died off in vast numbers.
75 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
76 That was in the early days of the specialty foods market.
77 Performance, however, at least in the early days was misinterpreted.
78 In the early days, individuals who sent letters received a standard reply from Paul Lee.
79 The raillery with which he had spoken to her in her early days at Vetch Street had changed its nature.
80 These are still very early days and the options are wide open.
81 It should be recognised that we are still in the early days of case-mix accounting.
82 In those early days, we are told, women voted as well as men.
83 Their role and importance within the deaf community, particularly in the early days, are difficult to exaggerate.
84 The early days set the scene for a recognisable figure.
85 Not too many records kept on those matters in the early days.
86 We got the compromise right in the early days, and now everyone has copied our specifications.
87 In the lobby there's a display of photos of the theater from its early days.
88 This was in the early days of the personal computer when graphics software was scarce.
89 In the early days the novelty must have outweighed the discomfort, or no one would have travelled in the first charabancs.
90 Most music lovers assume the convention was widely established at least by the early days of this century.
91 In the early days of the Bonn Republic members of the higher courts freely invoked a revived Natural Law.
92 The early days of talkies in Hollywood must have been one of the steepest learning-curves anyone anywhere has faced.
93 This being the early days of punk we looked like complete urchins.
94 Had the paparazzi been around in the early days of his marriage it's doubtful Philip would have escaped criticism.
95 In the early days Diana had had some guidance from Sir Richard Attenborough.
96 I remember in the early days flying home from one of my infrequent trips to the outside world.
97 If we wish children to develop awareness and sensitivity, Art and Nature must ramify their schooling from their early days.
98 In the early days ordinary mill-stones were used as the clinker was soft and the cement need not be finely ground.
99 The incident was one of many domestic crises which crowded in upon the royal couple in those tumultuous early days.
100 Simply flying jet fighters in those early days involved high risk.
101 Nelson, historic landmarks from the early days of the fur-trader, the gold miner and the explorer.
102 Blow-overs were a common occurrence in the early days with lighter gliders and they sometimes even happened on almost windless summer days.
103 In the early days it was like cinema in the home, watched with rapt attention.
104 It's early days yet, but we're really looking forward to seeing the finished article.
105 However in the early days of her tenure at Althorp, the children simply treated Raine as a joke.http://
106 In these early days key staff members lacked a consensus regarding how to go about implementing a housing program.
107 Anyway, it's early days.
108 In those early days, that last week of June, it was merely a matter of raising enough money.
109 From the early days Kylie was plagued by obscene phone calls and hate mail.
110 In the early days I remember we could spend an hour talking round one position.
111 Picture Dexter and Birdie Yager in those early days in the I960s when they risked their financial future on a brand-new business.
112 What symptom is arthritic early days?
113 In the early days, hunters used muzzle-loading rifles.
114 What is the early days symptom of hematic cancer?
115 What does the early days symptom of leukaemia have?
116 Whenever I think of the arduousness in my early days and the long road to success, I will feel a sense of accomplishment.
117 The old man idealized his early days on his father's farm.
118 A natural comedian from his early days performing in revue sketches at the Edinburgh festival, Grant adopts an ironic tone about his work as well as his personal life.
119 Her early days certainly didn't foreshadow a speed skater who would donate $10,000 out of her own bank account to the humanitarian group Right To Play after winning gold at the 2006 Turin Olympics.
120 It was felt that Greek preserved the original sound value of many of the characters in Coptic because of its close association with Coptic in its early days.
121 There is very little information regarding the origins of Salerno , although we are lead to believe that the area was inhabited from the early days .
122 In her early days as a singer she had encountered those who had wrongly assumed she was nothing more than a beautiful but empty-headed blonde.
123 In our country, researching and applying the fluid loss additives began from the early days of the 1980's, the water-solubility synthetic polymer kind of which has been developed very soon especially.
124 Sulfation is residual term that came into existence during the early days of lead - acid battery development.
125 In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit.
126 Periodontosis of confine green early days encroachs a few deciduous teeth only, place adventitious.
127 German pillbox on Omaha Beach serving as a US Army command post, during the early days of the invasion.
128 The megalomaniacal Koong used political intrigue, theft and hijacking to increase his personal power in the Roon system during the early days of the Empire.
129 In the early days there was an efficient electrified railway linking the settlements.
130 Conclusion: During early days, WBC, lymphocyte count, RET and absolute RET are related to radiation dose.
131 It is still early days in the quest for global power of the Chinese carmaker.
132 In the early days of the Empire, Screed was a tall man with harsh, angular features and an electronic eyepatch .
133 But raising of pet fish goes back to the early days of the Sung Dynasty in China, about 900 A.D., when they were raised in small bottles as house pets.
134 The Chinese Islamic Xidaotang is a newfashioned religious community, established by Maqixi in Gansu Lintan county in the terminal stage of Qing Dynasty and the early days of Min Dynasty.
135 In early days of start business of Guangzhou appropriate home, a lot of furnisher regard appropriate home as great scourges, assimilate to " boreal Europe wolf " come Yang Cheng is grabbed feed.
135 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
136 The initiative is in its early days and for now, primarily in outlets selling the Linea T-Jet.
137 Because obstacle of this ill spirit, mood is more outstanding, ever named before for " the catatonia before classics " , " insecurity of classics early days is asked for integratedly " .
138 The vessel of choice for these pirates in the early days was the galley, whose oars allowed them to overtake merchant vessels caught in light wind.
139 In his early days, Stevens was regarded as a middle-of-the-roader and now, a liberal.
140 Objective To analyze the clinical effect of The application of the parenteral alimentation for curing the neurosurgery severe cases in early days.
141 If we clarify the interreaction in their development in early days, it is important for us to appraise their history corrtory correctly.
142 Classics early days has a headache to be the expression of catatonia of classics early days more, have a headache show periodic bilge spasmodically painful or jump painful.
143 Objective To judge the intervening project's implementing effect of neonatal hyper-unconjugated bilirubinemia in early days.
144 Due to the limited social influence of the press in the early days, the first generation of journalists were on the fringe of the society, confronted with severe approbatory crisis of profession.
145 Most old people are fond of recounting the experiences of the early days.
146 Diesels were popular in the early days because they didn't require a complicated ignition system.
147 In its early days , Hong Kong was regarded as an uninviting prospect for settlement.
148 In the early days human resource accounting only emphasis on reflecting the information of human resource.
149 Followed the Princess Diana story from early days until her death and state funeral.
150 It is early days yet to make up one's mind.
151 In the early days at PayPal, he even discussed establishing cryogenic storage as an employee benefit.
152 It is unclear why Medea died in the early days of the Bush administration, but President George W. Bush developed a reputation for opposing many kinds of environmental initiatives.
153 It is so most of the promotion that affects oneself, this is meant, the promotion that beautiful time of place of him early days makes is infructuous entirely.
154 Of the person what symptom does hydrophobic early days have?
155 “On to Oregon.” This outdoor saga, written almost 90 years ago, is loosely based on the true story of the Sager family journeying by covered wagon in 1848, in the early days of the Oregon Trail.
156 What is symptom of hypertensive patient early days, the hand bilges is! This what is treated.
157 Pathogeny of periodontosis of green early days is unidentified, come on go out at deciduous teeth bud period, the age can come early 4 years old or so or earlier.
158 The chances of Francis eventually becoming manager of England are perhaps higher. It is early days, of course, and he has yet to win anything.
159 The engine has transformed the face ofwarfare, from the early days of steam locomotive troop transports tofuture electric or hybrid engines lofting up stealthy airborne robots.
160 Peter Carrington was a vital crutch in those early days abroad.
161 In the early days, bootstrapping a computer meant feeding a paper tape containing a boot program or manually loading a boot program using the front panel address/data/control switches.
162 In the early days of spreadsheets, VisiCalc and Lotus 123 were first to market.
163 City in the early days of land based Roman curia for the clans and to average the distribution of the collective.
164 Our host, Enzo Vecchio, Humanitarian Emergency Affairs Manager of World Vision (WV) Uganda, recounted the early days of a recent cease-fire agreement.
165 In the early days, pathologists called any agent of infectious disease'virus'.
166 Suddenly, it feels like the early days of personal computing, albeit computers are now deeply ingrained in nearly every aspect of life.
167 Nevertheless, had the early days matting of double nucleus market, 4 nucleuses should be met more quickly, some firmer.
168 In the early days, many users ran Windows with a monochrome display.
169 Panoramic photo is a special type of photography since the early days.
170 In the early days of reform and opening up, the urban-rural dual economic structure and the small farmer economy constrained the demand for rural social security.
171 In early days, many people live from hand to mouth.
172 Arminianism is one example of an attempt by some "Reformed" folk to sue for peace in the early days of the struggle with modernity.
173 In his early days, he would do almost anything to earn a crust from the sport.
174 In his early days Gandhi served as a stretcher-bearer on the British side in the Boer War, and he was prepared to do the same again in the war of 1914-18.
175 The United States has followed the two-party model since the early days of the nation.
176 The problems of the author and version of Altar Scriptures are the cruxes to the history of the Chinese Zen in the early days.
177 A gracious survey of Lincoln's early biographers, particularly Ida Tarbell, stands alongside an appreciation of Harry Edward Pratt, a key figure in the early days of the Abraham Lincoln Association.
178 In judge committee system established after a fairly long period of time, has been recognized and accepted by the people, especially in the early days after the founding played a more important role.
179 The merle colours were very common in the early days of the breed.
180 Long-term insomnia, have phonism, photism, behavior is dissocial , do not wish to communicate with anybody. Is this the early days symptom that spirit breaks up?
181 In BWRs one of the things that saved some of these plants in the early days was the water that went into the cooling of the control rod drive as I recall.
182 Text narrate Tuina ( Chinese massage - traumatology ) therapeutics early days develop with recent years develop situation at Taiwan.
183 In the early days of the nation , America's bountiful resources seemed virtually inexhaustible.
184 In many ways, the place resembled the busy young city of the Confederacy's early days.
185 The Web has evolved from its early days into a fully functioning multimedia communication environment.
186 This views was established firstly by the Confucianists in the pre-Qin days who is the important represention in the early days of the Han nationality culture.
187 Today, the older I get, the more I appreciate what I was taught in those early days, because, when I got to the Menuhin School, the atmosphere changed.
188 There were some " middling - great " New Hampshire men in the early days of the republic.http://
189 Quite a few attendees (and one keynoter) could and did give first-hand reports of the early days to others like myself who only discovered the power of descriptive markup from XML.
190 Gianluca Zambrotta (right), a promising right-winger in his early days at Bari and Juventus, was switched to left-back by Marcello Lippi, and became the best full-back in the world.
191 Taisho and Showa early days, five famous picture postcard Toyohashi, Aichi, Toyohashi Station Other.




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