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单词 Tightrope
1 One of the acrobats who walked the tightrope at the circus did it blindfolded.
2 School administrators walk a tightrope between the demands of the community and the realities of how children really behave.
3 I feel as though I'm walking a tightrope between success and failure.
4 Many manufacturers have to walk a tightrope between pricing their goods too high and not selling them, and pricing them low and losing money.
5 The government is walking a difficult tightrope in wanting to reduce interest rates without pushing up inflation.
6 But Blondin had made the horizontal tightrope his own.
7 United lived on a tightrope at times.
8 Gielgud, seizing a parasol,[] crosses by tightrope.
9 It's like walking a tightrope in size-15 wellies.
10 Skinny tightrope walkers, feet weighted with fishing sinkers, traversed the high wire.
11 The Profitboss walks a tightrope between research and risk, between research and opportunity.
12 She sometimes felt she was walking a tightrope, wanting to be friendly with Therese, and yet terrified of upsetting Karl.
13 To become foot-sure and fearless in such tightrope bridge crossings, he practiced on easier ones a few inches above the ground.
14 I walked a tightrope between two realities to both of which I felt seriously committed.
15 He was constantly aware of the tightrope he was walking-being a major player among the elite but not really one of them.
16 And went back up and walked the tightrope to the west bank 31.
17 He danced across a tightrope as easily as he strolled down a coun-try lane.
18 The Profitboss knows how to walk that high-hung tightrope between work and pleasure, between the office and home.
19 The audience held its / their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.
20 The drums rolled as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.
21 There were gasps of horror from the spectators as he fell off the tightrope.
22 I was drawing these pictures in my head of walking across a tightrope and falling into a chasm.
23 But he's been doing very well at it despite having to learn terrifying new skills, like walking a tightrope.
24 Meditation for a leap into the unknown At great turning points, life quivers precariously on the tightrope of obedience.
25 The rare person who on the rare occasion wants to be wholly neutral has to walk a tightrope.
26 Only London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard seems to grow, still balancing on a tightrope - a difficult and dangerous trick.
27 All organizations especially those that are growing, walk a tightrope between stability and change, tradition and revision.
28 Last week, it seemed Dole was coming precariously close to falling off that tightrope.
29 In the old days he had been front and center on tightrope and trapeze.
30 In the old days he could've swallowed a six-pack in half an hour and then gone out and walked a tightrope.
31 Neurotics walk a tightrope from one catastrophe to the next.
32 For Farini the Great, the tightrope was only an adventurous way station on a roller-coaster journey through life.
33 She and Edwards went first on a two-person, help-your-buddy tightrope walk 30 feet above the ground.
34 She felt like a tightrope walker suffering an attack of vertigo, terrified she was going to topple.
35 I teetered across, on the edge of tipping up, a tightrope walk between panic and despair.
36 Life here, I could see,[http:///tightrope.html] was going to be on an even more perilous tightrope than it was in Britain.
37 The Chancellor had a narrow tightrope to walk and he managed to please a variety of people.
38 YIN MINGSHAN is a Chinese tightrope walker.
39 At a circus, there is usually a tightrope walker.
40 Not now .'So begins the fall tightrope walk.
41 The story of several encounters. A tightrope of feelings.
42 She dared to walk the tightrope without a net.
43 He kept his balance on the tightrope.
44 They have magic shows , flying trapeze arts, tightrope walking and even the clowns.
45 And when asked if she likes tightrope walking, she says ,"yes, because I started from a very young age."
46 The tightrope walker kept her balance by holding up an umbrella.
47 The Darwaz ( Uygur tightrope walking at high altitude ) is now widely known at home and abroad.
48 Tightrope walking at the age of 3-not something most parents would encourage, especially 9 metres above a tiger enclosure.
49 TYPICAL USE : The crowd gaped at the daring tricks performed by the tightrope walker.
50 They watch with horror as the tightrope walker struggled to remain his balance.
51 The children were breathless as they watched the tightrope act.
52 Wang is a tightrope walker : One lapse in concentration and everything can be lost.
53 Designing a post - PC device is something of a tightrope act.
54 An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with pole as he prepared to perform a trick.
55 The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope.
56 All this tightrope walking is unnerving the staff at the IMF, which warned last week that "though there has been progress on banking system repair, the pace is too slow."
57 Adili Wuxor lies on a tightrope during the last day of his two-month tightrope walking performance on top of China's National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest, in Beijing.
58 Life is like tightrope walking. If one does not earnestly look forwards but keeps looking back, he is sure to fall off.
59 For the past few days Corinne has been living on an emotional tightrope.
60 It is distinct from tightrope walking in that the line is not held rigidly taut—it is instead dynamic, stretching and bouncing like a large rubber band.
61 With "Satisfy and Delight" stitched on our leotards, we're determined to get up on the tightrope and start juggling principles.
62 He walks a tightrope.
63 The children are breathless as they watch the tightrope act.
64 Government is like a tightrope in the slightest mistake would be a problem.
65 The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.
66 They have magic show, flying trapeze acts , tightrope walking and even the clowns. It is a combination of Chinese acrobatic art, Chinese kungfu, Chinese dance and Chinese music.
67 One who performs on a tightrope or a slack rope.
68 It is a question of being a tightrope walker or not.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:07:53