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单词 well-timed
释义  ˌwell-ˈtimed adjective  SUITABLEsaid or done at the most suitable moment 时机合适的;及时的 SYN timely a well-timed remark 不失时机的评论 My arrival wasn’t very well-timed. 我来得不太是时候。Examples from the Corpuswell-timed• Wyse's movement into the software market appears to be well-timed.• Its formation at a time when moves are well-advanced to remove customs and other technical barriers throughout the Community is well-timed.• His incursions into the line are always well-timed and his goal-kicking has been immaculate so far.• Another well-timed cover-drive beat the fielder and this time it reached the boundary.• With one well-timed joke, Gazzer would be able to make her fears look ridiculous.• The man took a well-timed opportunity to smile broadly, a smile that said everything if one knew how to read.• She took a sip of water during a well-timed pause, and waited for my reply.• Distance A good, well-timed release action will return the club to the position it was in at address.• Wallace made a well-timed run through the midfield, collected the pass and scored with a low shot.ˌwell-ˈtimed adjectiveChineseSyllable  at the most suitable Corpus or done said




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