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单词 market
释义 Word family  noun market marketing marketeer. marketer adjective marketable verb market  Related topics: Trademar·ket1 /ˈmɑːkɪt $ ˈmɑːr-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  place to buy things 购物场所 [countable] a) SHOP/STOREa time when people buy and sell goods, food etc, or the place, usually outside or in a large building, where this happens 集市;市场 I usually buy all my vegetables at the market. 我通常都是在菜市场里购买蔬菜。fish/fruit and vegetable/flower etc market There’s a good antiques market here on Sundays. 每逢周日这里都会有一个不错的古玩集市。street market (=with a lot of different people selling things from tables, stalls etc in the street) 街市 b) American EnglishSHOP/STORE a shop that sells food and things for the home 食品杂货店 SYN grocery store2  the market a) BFSthe stock market 证券市场,股票交易所 Most analysts are forecasting a further downturn in the market. 大多数分析家预测证券市场将会进一步下挫。 As soon as she graduated from college, she started to play the market (=risk money on the stock market). 她大学一毕业就炒起了股票。 The markets (=all the stock markets in the world) are better prepared for a weakening economy than they were ten years ago. 相比十年前,全球股市应对日益疲弱的经济更加有准备了。 b) BBTthe total amount of trade in a particular kind of goods 〔某种货物的〕市场总额,总销售量 Honda is trying to increase its market share. 本田公司正设法提高其市场份额。 the state of the art market 艺术品市场的状况the housing/property etc market Investors in the property market are worried about rising inflation. 房地产市场的投资者对通货膨胀上升表示担忧。the market in the world market in aluminum 全球铝市场 → bear market, bull market c) BBTthe system in which all prices and wages depend on what goods people want to buy, how many they buy etc 市场机制;市场情况 The president believes prices should be determined by the market, not the government. 总统认为物价应该由市场决定,而不是由政府决定。 → free market3  on the market BBTSELLavailable for people to buy 在出售的,可买到的 The manufacturers say the device will be on the market by May. 生产商说该设备将于5月前上市。 Handguns are freely available on the open market (=for anyone to buy). 手枪可以在市场上自由买卖。 They knew it wasn’t a good time to sell their house, but they still put it on the market (=offered it for sale). 虽然他们知道这不是卖房子的时候,但他们还是挂牌出售了。 a revolutionary new drug that has just come onto the market 刚刚上市的一种革命性新药物 ► Don’t say ‘in the market’. Say on the market.不要说 ‘in the market’. 而要说 on the market.4  country/area 国家/地区 [countable]BBT a particular country or area where a company sells its goods or where a particular type of goods is sold 〔公司产品或某类商品的〕市场 Our main overseas market is Japan. 我们的主要海外市场是日本。international/home/UK etc market The domestic market makes up about 75% of their sales. 国内市场占他们总销售量的75%左右。market for The world’s largest market for illegal drugs is the US. 全球最大的毒品市场是美国。5  people who buy 购买者 [singular]BBTBUY the number of people who want to buy something, or the type of people who want to buy it 市场〔指购买人数或购买人群〕market for The market for specialist academic books is pretty small. 专业学术著作的市场非常小。 Is there a market for his invention? 他的发明有市场吗?niche/specialist market 针对特定群体的销售市场► see thesaurus at customer6  be in the market for something WANTto be interested in buying something 有意购买某物 This is a bad time to be in the market for a new car. 现在不是购买新车的好时机。7  the job/labour market BEthe people looking for work, and the number of jobs that are available 就业市场/劳务市场 The job market has been badly hit by the recession. 就业市场受到了经济衰退的沉重打击。8  a buyer’s/seller’s market SELLa time that is better for buyers because prices are low, or better for sellers because prices are high 买方/卖方市场 I’ll look for a house next year when it’s more of a buyer’s market. 等明年相对来说是买方市场时我就找一栋房子。 → corner the market at corner2(3), → price yourself out of the market at price2(4)Examples from the Corpusmarket• Japanese cars account for about 30% of the U.S. car market.• Every market is full of people who are looking for products, even when no jobs are being advertised.• You occasionally see eel in the fish market, but it's quite rare these days.• Sorrel was on duty at her stall on the corner of the flea market, so that was my first port of call.• I went down to the flower market to get these - aren't they gorgeous?• The technology-heavy Nasdaq market and the Russell 2000 index of smaller company stocks were flirting record highs after erasing their early losses.• Without research we can't be sure of the size of our market or even who our market is.• If rates go up another percentage point, however, they could seriously dampen the rebounding market.• I bet you could have got that cheaper at the market.• Many US-owned maquilas claim to be in the market for locally produced materials and components, backward linkages.• Capitalism is based on a belief in the market.• September looked set to be a dead month for mortgages, prompting fears of a further collapse in the market.• The market for Internet-based products has grown dramatically in recent years.• Both countries seem destined to make their mark on the red wine market with cabernet sauvignon and merlot.• The magazine is aimed at the youth market.street market• But I've stopped off at a street market on the way over for socks and shirts and thin garish underpants.• Converse crossed the square and found a street market in the shade of the church.• And what evil demon had prompted her to drive past a street market which all the gods knew she couldn't resist?• I drove through a street market, up and down hills, in and out of alleyways, through tarpaper shacks.• She adored shopping for bargains and street markets and would have got on well with Cherry.• Most businesses and street markets opened normally.• There are makeshift street markets bustling with men, women and children who have been to hell and for• The main market for computer software is still the U.S.• a growth in the urban market for dairy productsniche/specialist market• They also provide an important service to issuers of bills by offering a specialist market for such bills.• Devices that are explicitly computers appeal to a niche market.• A specialist market in traditional treats will run alongside the great new industries that will feed the population.• Its strategy is to acquire engineering companies in niche markets and dispose of existing businesses to reduce borrowings.• New niche markets and synergies emerge as these intersections occur.• The 1990s will be an age of niche markets, intense competition, and extremely short product life cycles.• We live in an age of niche markets, in which customers have become accustomed to high quality and extensive choice.• At $ 499, the Auri is restricted to a special niche market.market2 verb [transitive]  1  ADVERTISEto try to persuade people to buy a product by advertising it in a particular way, using attractive packages etc 推销 If you could ever figure out how to market this, you’d make a fortune. 如果能想出办法来推销这个东西,你就发财了。market something for somebody They plan to market the toy for children aged 2 to 6. 他们打算向二至六岁的儿童推销这种玩具。market something as something Electric cars are being marketed as safe for the environment. 电动汽车被宣传为是环保的。2  SELLto make a product available in shops 〔在店铺〕出售 The turkeys are marketed ready-to-cook. 火鸡是以即可烹调的形式销售的。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmarket• In order to market a product well, you need to be aware of public demand.• Most turkeys are marketed at a young age.• The toy is marketed for children aged 2 to 6.• The company has exclusive European rights to market the new software.• But about 20 percent to 30 percent of all fresh-cut produce goes bad while being shipped and marketed, Watada something as something• The noodles are being marketed as a health food.From Longman Business Dictionarymarketmar‧ket1 /ˈmɑːkətˈmɑːr-/ noun1[countable]COMMERCE the activity of buying and selling goods or services, or the value of the goods or services soldThe babyfood market is worth many tens of millions of pounds a in/forthe market in consumer electronicsthe booming market (=a profitable one with lots of activity) for mobile communicationsheavy losses on apartment loans in states with depressed markets (=ones with falling prices and not much activity)Harley has captured (=obtained) about 60% of the market for the biggest bikes.Fast food is certainly a growth market (=one that is increasing in size).Futures will tend to be overpriced in a rising market and underpriced in a falling market.2[countable]MARKETING a particular country, area, or group of people to which a company sells or hopes to sell its goods or servicesOur main overseas market is Japan.a magazine aimed at the teenage marketThe company is entering the Hawaiian market as part of its nationwide expansion.Import rules could make it hard for foreign van suppliers to penetrate that market (=to manage to enter it).3on the marketCOMMERCE available for people to buycompanies with drugs on the market or in the final stages of product-testingThey put their apartment on the market (=offered it for sale) for $300,000.4MARKETING [singular] the number of people who want to buy somethingmarket forThe market for specialist academic books is pretty small.He’s been trying to determine if there is a market for his invention.5the marketECONOMICS the economic system in which prices, jobs, wages etc depend on what people want to buy, how much they are willing to pay etcWe should not leave credit card interest rates to the market - Congress should act.6corner the marketCOMMERCE if a seller corners the market, they own or produce most of the goods on sale, and can therefore set pricesA trader may deliberately set out to corner the market in a product.7price yourself out of the marketCOMMERCE to ask for so much money for something or for your services that no one wants to buy it or employ youSupermodels are pricing themselves out of the market.8[countable] (also financial market)FINANCE the buying and selling of shares, bonds, COMMODITIES etc, or a place where this happens. Some markets are in a particular building, while trading on others takes place on computers and over the telephone, with no central buildingThe markets (=financial markets in general) here have improved and the economy is strong.Fear of war shook financial markets around the world.9make a marketFINANCE to be ready to buy and sell particular shares, bonds etc at particular pricesEach company is assigned a dealer who is responsible for making a market in the stock.10buck the market trendECONOMICS if a price bucks the market trend, it goes in the opposite direction to most of the other prices in the marketAmong shares that bucked the market’s downward trend, EMI finished 4p higher.11buck the marketECONOMICS if someone cannot buck the market, they cannot avoid the effects of the market as a whole, for example by making money when everyone else is losing itGovernments can’t buck the market.12play the marketFINANCE to risk money on a financial marketOne way to play the European markets is through publicly traded mutual funds.13[countable]COMMERCE a time when people buy and sell goods, or the place, usually outside or in a large building, where this happensA market is held in the town square every Friday. → bear market → black market → bond market → bull market → buyer's market → capital market → captive market → cash market → closed market → commodity market → credit market → curb market → currency market → discount market → domestic market → efficient market → equity market → eurodollar market → exchange market → export market → foreign exchange market → forward market → free market → futures market → gilt-edged market → global market → graveyard market → grey market → high-yield market → housing market → imperfect market → insurance market → investment-grade market → job market → kerb market → loan market → luxury market → main market → mass market → middle market → money market → mortgage market → new issue market → niche market → open market → options market → over-the-counter market → parallel market → perfect market → primary market → primary mortgage market → property market → secondary market → secondary mortgage market → securities market → seller’s market → shadow market → single market → spot market → stock market → swaps market → target market → terminal market → test market → third marketmarketmarket2 verb [transitive]MARKETING1to sell something or make it available for sale, especially in a particular wayToshiba’s consumer electronics products were previously marketed in Italy through a distributor.2to sell something by considering what customers want or need when buying a product or service, for example how much they are willing to pay, where they will buy it etcThe company has marketed its services well with a highly visible media campaign. → see also test-market→ See Verb tableOrigin market1 (1100-1200) Old North French Latin mercatus “buying and selling, marketplace”, from mercari “to buy and sell”, from merx “things to sell”mar·ket1 nounmarket2 verbChineseSyllable  people buy when Corpus and a sell Business time




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