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单词 tonnage
释义  Related topics: Water, Measurementton·nage /ˈtʌnɪdʒ/ noun [countable, uncountable]  1. TTWthe size of a ship or the amount of goods it can carry, shown in tonnes 〔船舶的〕吨位2  TMthe total number of tonnes that something weighs 〔以吨计的〕总重量,总吨数 A huge tonnage of bombs has already been dropped on the area. 巨大吨数的炸弹已被投到该地区。Examples from the Corpustonnage• Early tonnages of product are made under very tight supervision for data-gathering so that optimal requirements are quickly developed.• This unsportsmanlike style of hunting became lucrative as export tonnages increased.• Large tonnages of CO2 are also produced.• Net tonnage of goods broke the four million tonne mark reaching 4,001,353 tonnes - a rise of over three percent.• Grangemouth was also developing rapidly although it was the early part of the present century before substantial tonnages were handled.• All the costs were met by the coal companies, who then paid royalties to the landowners on the tonnage produced.• At its peak, the scheme involved some 35 vessels, of a total tonnage probably approaching 10 million.• Business generally increased until the First World War when tonnages dropped away.From Longman Business Dictionarytonnageton‧nage /ˈtʌnɪdʒ/ noun [countable, uncountable]1the total number of tons that something weighsThe aim is to obtain the maximum saleable tonnage at reasonable cost.2TRANSPORTthe size of a ship or the amount of goods it can carry, measured in tons → gross registered tonnage → net registered tonnageton·nage nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of Business or a the size the amount of ship




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