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单词 Findings
1. Later,findings verified the scientist's theory.
2. Other archaeologists are sceptical about his findings.
3. These findings are inconsistent with those of previous studies.
4. The new report concurs with previous findings.
5. We cannot accept his findings without tangible evidence.
6. The original findings conflict with more recent findings.
7. Extrapolating from his American findings, he reckons about 80% of these deaths might be attributed to smoking.
8. The findings are similar to those reported in previous studies.
9. Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true for women and children.
10. The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.
11. The findings of the survey puzzle me - they're not at all what I would have expected.
12. The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children.
13. A number of the report's findings are worthy of note.
14. The book describes in outline the main findings of the research.
15. Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.
16. Our findings have far-reaching consequences for researchers.
17. We went back and reported our findings to director.
18. The report's findings are analogous with our own.
19. The findings could be priceless.
20. This new evidence discredits earlier findings.
21. They will present their findings to senior police officers.
22. Surveys conducted in other countries reported similar findings.
23. The importance of these findings cannot be overestimated .
24. These findings appear to violate the laws of physics.
25. Similar findings were made in Spain.
26. The findings are summarized in the report.
27. We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly.
28. If I were you, I would not place too much trust in their findings.
29. The scientists are cautious about the wider significance of their findings.
30. Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.
1. Later,findings verified the scientist's theory.
2. Other archaeologists are sceptical about his findings.
3. These findings are inconsistent with those of previous studies.
4. The new report concurs with previous findings.
5. We cannot accept his findings without tangible evidence.
6. The original findings conflict with more recent findings.
7. Extrapolating from his American findings, he reckons about 80% of these deaths might be attributed to smoking.
8. The findings are similar to those reported in previous studies.
9. We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products accordingly.
10. If I were you, I would not place too much trust in their findings.
11. Unfortunately, these findings do not hold true for women and children.
12. The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.
13. The findings of the survey puzzle me - they're not at all what I would have expected.
14. The findings of the survey apply equally to adults and children.
15. A number of the report's findings are worthy of note.
16. The scientists are cautious about the wider significance of their findings.
17. The book describes in outline the main findings of the research.
18. Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.
19. Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.
20. The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.
21. The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.
31. The survey's findings are a matter of great concern.
32. The research findings will provide practical assistance for teachers.
33. Their findings have been widely disseminated.
34. The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.
35. Their findings are startlingly similar.
36. The findings of the various studies differ significantly/markedly/radically.
37. I wouldn't attach too much weight to these findings.
38. The findings are strictly confidential.
39. Later findings invalidated the theory.
40. His conclusions are underpinned by experimental findings.
41. These results conflict with earlier findings.
42. The findings of the commission will be published today.
43. These findings are consistent across all the studies.
44. The commission released its findings.
45. The findings of the research seem unsound.
46. Her findings have been widely disseminated .
47. A digest of the research findings is now available.
48. It behoves us to study these findings carefully.
49. He tried to downgrade the latest research findings.
50. The report's findings had been leaked.
51. Following is an outline of the survey findings.
52. His findings have been harshly criticized by fellow scientists.
53. He amplified his new findings with drawings and figures.
54. They tried to prejudge the commission's findings.
55. She viewed the findings with a critical eye.
56. They had to do a survey of the island and write up their findings.
57. UN official reports supported the preliminary findings that the plane was brought down by a missile.
58. To make sure that he was on solid ground, he confirmed his findings with others.
59. These latest findings support the thesis that sexuality is determined by nature rather than choice.
60. These latest findings have generated a lot of discussion of the moral issues involved.
61. Students were asked to conduct a survey and write up their findings in the form of a report.
62. Because of the way this research was conducted, its findings are open to challenge.
63. Scientific findings that help explain the origins of the universe.
64. It would be a mistake to make too much of these findings.
65. This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics.
66. Findings suggest that while television is more informative than the press, it is less persuasive.
67. The methodology and findings of the research team have been criticized.
68. The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims.
69. His findings are based on anecdotal evidence rather than serious research.
70. The findings of the commission have not yet been made public.
71. Our findings point to a lack of training among social services staff.
72. It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.
73. Our recent findings are in line with those of an earlier study.
74. The findings from the case study school may apply to schools elsewhere.
75. Sociologists have challenged the findings of criminologists on the behaviour of prisoners.
76. These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.
77. The findings of the report refer to a particular social and cultural milieu.
78. Although this was a very highly selected study group(http://), the results were in agreement with our findings.
79. The latest results are in keeping with our earlier findings.
80. The findings are based on interviews with more than 2,000 people.
81. The findings for one group can be applied to the others.
82. The final technical report into the accident reinforces the findings of initial investigations.
83. The researchers were accused of slanting their findings in favour of their own beliefs.
84. We've decided to change the design based on our preliminary findings.
85. She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle/a load of old twaddle.
86. The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.
87. The findings of the report had been slanted in favour of the manufacturers.
88. The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.
89. These findings are at odds with what is going on in the rest of the country.
90. The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance.
91. The theory has the face validity of being consistent with recent findings.
92. The government hopes the court will announce its findings before the end of the month.
93. The findings of this research do not comport with accepted theory.
94. There is a need for further research to replicate these findings.
95. The disciplinary panel will notify the person concerned of its findings.
96. These findings suggest that there is no direct link between unemployment and crime.
97. This new information does not change the nature of our findings.
98. These new findings turn the accepted theories on their head.
99. The conclusion that follows from these findings is that inner city schools need more investment, not less.
100. They could give no credence to the findings of the survey.
101. There have been many new findings since the original report.
102. The findings are the fruit of more than three years research.
103. The initial findings lay to rest a few canards.
104. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.
105. Once again, this confirms the probit findings.
106. Summary of main findings and conclusions. 3.
107. People in the cable industry corroborate these findings.
107. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
108. The findings will be eagerly awaited.
109. Multicompany studies bear these findings out.
110. Many doctors have challenged the accuracy of his findings.
111. Histological findings were related to these anatomical landmarks.
112. Russell's findings are not altogether surprising.
113. The committee is to be congratulated for presenting its findings in such an informative manner.
114. The findings led to a widespread belief that psychological tests were situation specific and therefore limited in their usefulness for personnel selection.
115. The chapter concludes by discussing policy in social work agencies in the light of research findings, legal requirements and developing opinion.
116. That complaint forms the basis for the ethics committee findings against Gingrich.
117. A health check, in my opinion, involves a clinical examination and intervention, where appropriate, based on the findings.
118. More disturbingly, military statistics seemed to confirm the findings on poverty by Charles Booth and Llewellyn-Smith.
119. Out findings of an apparently greater adverse effect on trabecular rather than cortical bone is in keeping with other publications on the effect of prednisolone.
120. These findings would suggest that an interplay of various intraluminal factors, including bile acids themselves, may affect colonic function.
121. Our findings are based on a cohort of women seeking insemination treatment because their partners had a fertility problem.
122. That is, to explain the experimental findings in terms of the subjects' account of the experimental rather than causal processes.
123. Once the researchers returned to shore, news of their findings spread rapidly through the scientific community.
124. These pathological findings are in agreement with clinical studies, the most convincing evidence coming from the prospective community study in Framingham.
125. But what happens when academic researchers go out on a political limb with their findings?
126. A summary of key findings is to be circulated to social work agencies, training courses and other relevant bodies.
127. However, the findings of this study show there is no room for complacency.
128. Some teachers will believe so, particularly since it seems to be well founded on experimental findings.
129. The new data or new findings from the research should be integrated into the established theory base.
130. Invariably, the discussions that follow the analysis confirm the preliminary findings.
131. Political Pluralism and the Media Media analysis often arouses controversy, not just about the findings themselves but about their policy implications.
132. The findings are strictly confidential and we do not know if these athletes were allowed to compete.
133. His findings mirror those of other studies elsewhere on the eastern coast.
134. The researchers are making assumptions based on their preliminary human findings and the changes observed in animals.
135. The therapeutic implications of the present findings are to be established in acute pancreatitis.
136. Because of the doubtful reanalysis of the data Maran and colleagues' findings should be interpreted with caution.
137. This tends to confirm the findings of psychologists who report an optimum memory faculty for five items in any one dimension.
138. When questioned directly about these findings,(Sentencedict) the patient admitted to the presence of visual abnormalities since early adolescence.
139. In fact recent findings make this kind of view untenable, as we will see below.
140. The moral is that the need to clearly communicate findings must always take precedence over considerations of technical adequacy.
141. She was referred back to the medical clinic after a few months with the same clinical findings.
142. These findings support the existence of a key L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway regulating gall bladder contraction.
143. The principal findings of the Implications Team, concurred in by the 350 members of the plenary, were twofold.
144. Other topics on which findings are ambiguous are the effects on leisure activity, crime, and degree of dependence on parents.
145. Anyway, you can't dismiss the experimental method just because some irrational people choose not to put the findings into practice.
146. When laboratory findings confirm clinical signs of nutrition problems, an interview with a nutritionist is essential.
147. The findings from these interpretations will be communicated to and developed with the relevant communities through consultations, workshops and the web.
148. More recent findings indicate that hypergastrinaemia associated with pernicious anaemia leads to hyperplasia of fundic endocrine cells.
149. Chapter 8 provides a summary of the findings from the previous chapters and draws conclusions.
150. How do these findings bear upon our earlier discussion of Zande witchcraft?
151. Polls in the state of public opinion and attitudes offered contrary findings.
152. The data of Jean Ginsburg and Paul Hardiman confirm our findings of declining semen quality.
153. These findings add considerable weight to the claims that emotional arousal is of causal significance to relapse.
154. The report that documents their findings includes an appendix with 108 anecdotes by Princeton students of racial or religious harassment or discrimination.
155. These findings are consistent with decreased transit in the proximal and rapid transit through the sigmoid colon in patients with active colitis.
156. The State Department has cited these findings as evidence of deliberate attack.
157. Jay Johnson, a naval aviator, that all negative findings by evaluation boards must be reviewed at the Pentagon.
158. Tumour staging was dependant upon the histological features and the clinical findings at the time of resection.
159. In such cases the interview is used to collect illustrative material to complement other material and findings.
160. This does not mean that governments always take action when researchers identify a social problem, or act upon their findings.
161. Our findings are intended not to replace, but to supplement other materials used for the analysis of political systems.
162. Unlike the pre-election polls, Gallup's findings on how people had cast their ballots were very close to the actual result.
163. Various new findings have weakened the position of the sceptics on climate change.
164. But the man who chaired the subcommittee says he now disputes the findings.
165. Our findings may also have clinical implications concerning longterm treatment of acid related disorders with potent inhibitors of acid secretion.
166. Good relations between partners depend on their sharing equally the work and making their findings freely available to each other.
167. Roubein etal evaluated endosonography in eight patients with resectable carcinoma after pre-operative chemotherapy,(Sentencedict) and accurately predicted histopathological findings.
168. Writing is downgraded as if it is a clumsy substitute for more efficient means of preserving data and the findings or conclusions.
169. These are the findings in a study just issued by the Rand research center in Santa Monica.
170. Will the Minister assure us that he will stop the transportation of any nuclear weapons until the Drell panel findings are issued?
171. The latest findings may not make much difference to clinical practice in this country.
172. Generally, our results confirm some of the findings from invitro studies.
173. The Hawthorne effect would seem to confirm this but for two other findings.
174. In this study we evaluated the findings of follow up gastroscopies performed three years after primary gastroscopic screening of pernicious anaemia patients.
175. This is essential for the translation of research findings into clinical practice and should be mandatory in reports in clinical journals.
176. Equally important are the findings that attendance at post-natal clinics is also associated with social class.
177. The findings were based on examining all birth certificates registered in all the states and the District of Columbia.
178. These findings also reflect the higher proportion of elderly patients with colonic disease.
179. These findings suggest that factors, in addition to biliary cholesterol saturation, are responsible for the formation of cholesterol gall stones.
180. Among the findings: About two-thirds of child killers victimized small children, with about 15 percent targeting newborns and infants.
181. Several other causes, according to their findings, often lie at the root of violence against tenants.
182. These findings suggested that bile and taurodeoxycholic acid directly inhibited ileal motor activity.
183. Researchers there were intrigued by findings that red wine, in test-tube experiments, was found to be an antioxidant.
184. Our clinical findings suggest that the neuronal disorder may be compensated to some degree because the intestines are richly innervated.
185. Findings include: Some 600 million people live in urban areas where the average level of sulphur dioxide pollution endangers their lives.
186. Of course we can contest this kind of sexism by arguing about the accuracy of particular scientific findings.
187. The findings indicate why groups such as the Pearl are finding it heavy going in their core business activity.
188. Kletz also plans to publish a book that Patrick Eddington is writing about his Gulf War findings.
189. We do not know whether our findings of early changes in rectal dialysate eicosanoid values relate to the risk of late complications.
190. Research and literature being published now are based on these new techniques and provide us with greater confidence in research findings.
191. In academic research we submit our findings to rigorous peer review.
192. Since these behavioural data are so crucial to interpreting the physiological findings they will repay careful scrutiny.
193. In our second study we sought to confirm our findings that group and individual cognitive therapy were equally effective.
194. Oesophageal radionuclide transit was evaluated in 15 patients and a barium meal was performed in five cases to confirm endoscopical findings.
195. Such findings suggest that famous coffee drinkers such as Bach and Kant may have derived little help from their caffeine habits.
196. At the end of the patrol I was to submit a comprehensive report of our findings.
197. The four degree score of Binder was used to classify clinical and endoscopic findings.
198. Hospitals(http://), project managers revealed the findings of samples taken since tunnel toll takers began complaining early last month of noxious odors.
199. From these findings and from the clinical course, we concluded that the fragments had passed spontaneously into the duodenum.
200. The high standard of diagnostic imaging skills at our hospital has led to a decreased reliance on clinical findings.
201. The research findings will provide practical assistance for teachers in the running of schools.
202. And every year the report's findings are roundly condemned by Tory politicians for being excessively negative.
203. Between 1945 and 1956, many research findings identified other factors which affected the blood pressure.
204. The physiological significance of the findings in diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients, which were contrary to expectation, is unknown.
205. The prisoners were assured that the findings would be held in the strictest confidence.
206. Moreover, the findings challenge conventional assumptions about the amounts of time the different subjects should be allocated.
207. This itself suggests that such findings assuage some sense of guilt.
208. Such studies generally refer to wider determinants or concomitants of the national industrial relations variables with which they explain their findings.
209. I will incorporate the new findings in my report.
210. Our reporter Chris Loosemore sums up the findings.
211. Subsequent experiments failed to replicate these findings.
212. I should respect the findings of your inspection bureau.
213. The findings give scientific support to a long weight - control tactic.
214. New Anatomical Findings Regarding the Footprint of the Rotator Cuff.
215. It exhibits archaeological findings in the field of ancient mining and metallurgy.
216. Daniel Kahneman ? s findings in the field are now known as behavioral economics.
217. Ministers are awaiting the findings of the - Human Genetics Commission, a government advisory body.
218. The findings appear in July's Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.




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