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单词 weigh
释义 Word family  noun weight weights weighting adjective overweight ≠ underweight weighted weighty weightless verb weigh outweigh weight  weigh /weɪ/ ●●● S3 W3 verb  1  be a particular weight 有多重 [linking verb]WEIGH to have a particular weight 重〔若干〕,重量是… The young birds weigh only a few grams. 雏鸟重量只有几克。 Do you know how much it weighs? 你知道它的重量吗? What (=how much) do you weigh? 你的体重是多少? The box was full of books and weighed a ton (=was very heavy). 这箱子里放满了书,重得很。n GRAMMAR: Linking verbsWeigh is a linking verb in this meaning. It links the subject of the sentence with a noun, often an amount: The package weighed several kilos.2  measure weight 测出重量 [transitive]WEIGH to use a machine to discover how much something or someone weighs 称…的重量 He weighed some potatoes on the scales. 他用秤称了一些土豆。weigh yourself Have you weighed yourself lately? 你最近称过体重吗?3  consider/compare 考虑/比较 (also weigh up) [transitive]THINK ABOUT to consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about it 认真考虑,权衡〔某事〕 It is my job to weigh the evidence. 认真研究证据是我的职责。weigh something against something We have to weigh the benefits of the scheme against the costs. 我们必须把这个方案的好处和费用放在一起进行权衡。4  influence 影响 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] formalEFFECT/INFLUENCE to influence someone’s opinion and the decision that they make 〔对观点或决定〕有影响weigh against This unfortunate experience will weigh heavily against further investment in the area. 这次遗憾的经历将大大影响对这个地区的进一步投资。weigh in somebody's/something’s favour These facts will weigh in your favour. 这些事实将对你有利。weigh with Her evidence weighed strongly with the judge. 她的证词对法官影响很大。5  weigh your words THINK ABOUTto think very carefully about what you say because you do not want to say the wrong thing 〔因不想说错话而〕斟字酌句,推敲字眼 He was weighing his words carefully. 他在仔细斟酌要怎么说。6. weigh anchor TTWto raise an anchor and sail away 起锚,起航 PHRASAL VERBS7 weigh somebody down phrasal verb a) BENDCARRYif something weighs you down, it is heavy and difficult to carry 使〔某人〕感到沉重;压下,压倒be weighed down with something Sally was weighed down with shopping bags. 萨莉吃力地提着购物袋。b) WORRIEDif a problem weighs you down, it makes you feel worried and upset 使感到焦虑,使烦恼,使忧心忡忡be weighed down by/with something He felt weighed down by his responsibilities. 他感到自己的责任重得难以承受。 a family weighed down with grief 沉浸在悲痛之中的一家人8 weigh in phrasal verb a) DSHDSOto have your weight measured before taking part in a competition 〔在赛前〕测体重,称体重 at Higgins weighed in at just over 100 kilos. 希金斯赛前测得的体重刚好100公斤多一点。 → weigh-inb) informalADD to join in an argument or fight 加入〔争论或争吵〕 with The chairman then weighed in with his views. 然后主席也加入讨论,提出了自己的观点。9 weigh on somebody/something phrasal verb WORRIEDto make someone feel worried and upset 加重…的心理负担;使〔某人〕忧虑[烦恼] The desire for peace will weigh heavily on the negotiators. 人们对和平的渴望将会给谈判者带来极大的压力。 I’m sure there’s something weighing on his mind. 我肯定他有心事。 The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders. 责任的担子重重地压在他肩上。10 weigh something ↔ out phrasal verb TMMEASUREto measure an amount of something by weighing it 称出〔一定数量的某物〕 She weighed out half a kilo of rice. 她称出半公斤米。11 weigh somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a)CONSIDER/COMPARE 考虑/比较 THINK ABOUTto consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about it 仔细考虑,权衡 We’re still weighing up the pros and cons (=the advantages and disadvantages) of the two options. 我们仍在对两个选择权衡利弊。b) OPINIONto watch someone and listen to them carefully so that you can form an opinion about what they are like 〔通过观察〕评估〔某人〕 I could see that he was weighing me up. 我看得出他是在掂量我。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusweigh• Allen is a fast runner, despite weighing 325 pounds and having a chest like a barrel.• Each whale was about 40 feet long and weighed 45 tonnes.• Our portable computer weighs 7 pounds and costs about $4000• I've never seen anything like it -- some of those cabbages must have weighed 8 pounds at least.• She didn't tell me how much the baby weighed.• How much does this parcel weigh?• What do you weigh -- a hundred kilos or so?• It looked as though it weighed a ton and seemed to quiver every so often.• It'll take two of us to get it out of the car, it weighs a ton!• Wasson said a steel truss weighing about 2 million pounds will be raised atop the northeast and southeast towers on May 20-21.• She weighs about 58 kg.• I haven't had time to weigh all of my options.• Weigh all the ingredients carefully before mixing them together.• How much do you weigh, Diane?• She collects stones to weigh down her basket, but as there is no hurry she falls asleep on the bank.• a special machine that weighs each truck and its cargo• The Boston Globe nurse weighed each woman and measured her thighs before and after the experiment.• I weigh eight stone now, exactly.• Both weighed exactly, the same: 475 pounds.• They would probably weigh it and work out the value that way.• At all ages, men weigh more than women.• Every time I weigh myself I seem to have got heavier!• What weighs on the other side of the scale?• Some of their players weigh over 300 pounds.• The stones seemed not to weigh the room towards the earth but to be ready to lift it into the sky.• You have to weigh the sugar exactly when you make wine.• Dieters shouldn't weigh themselves too often.• The blue whale is a vast creature, weighing up to 30 tons.weighed a ton• They were full of books and weighed a ton.• It looked as though it weighed a ton and seemed to quiver every so often.weigh yourself• He would face that weight, at eye level, each time he measured his height and weighed himself.• No point in weighing oneself down.• We weighed each other up for a few moments without speaking.• You are virtually 25 percent of the way to your new shape and tomorrow morning you will be measuring and weighing yourself.• Next, weigh yourself and make a note of it.• A Weighty Decision Tired of your scales groaning when you weigh yourself every morning?• Eventually it should be quite sufficient to weigh yourself once every week or two.• We do strongly recommend that you continue to weigh yourself regularly.weigh something against something• We have to weigh the costs of the new system against the benefits it will bring.weigh with• Greg's opinion usually weighs strongly with our supervisor.Origin weigh Old English wegan “to move, carry, weigh”weigh verb →n GRAMMAR1 →PHRASAL VERBS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  a particular have weight to Corpus




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