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单词 Give free rein
1. He gave free rein to his imagination.
2. The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques.
3. Give free rein to your imagination.
4. The designer was given free rein.
5. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.
6. His moral reading of events was given free rein.
7. You'd be given free rein to run the show how you wanted it.
8. In order to give free rein to rule of the system for our country's reform, we should carry out a overall and systematic study and analysis.
9. The latter contains five parts: First,() give free rein to political and ideological education for reforming peasants'thoughts.
10. Do you think it advisable for parents to give free rein to their teenage children so as to develop their individuality?
11. You may give free rein to your imaginations when admiring a mass of such colors: pink clouds in the horizon, a vast, open country, a long-gone history, or memory of your last intoxication.
12. Often, it seems too risky to give free rein to the investigation and commemoration of the past.
13. Chongqing administration must give free rein to self regional advantage and economic advantage and follow correct regional economic development direction to build economic cent...
14. The result has been that recent chancellors have been able to give free rein to their tax-reforming ambitions.
15. So, goes the conspiracy, the Foreign Office can now give free rein to its instinctive Arabism.
16. In the blue, I can release all, and in the blue, I can give free rein to my thoughts.
17. Therefore, it is of great significance for translators to give free rein to their creativity and seek unswervingly the style reproduction of the ST in their literary translation practice.
18. With the competition in the hotel industry becoming more intense, how to give free rein to staff's enthusiasm and raise the profit is one of the important conditions in the competition.
19. Consequently, this paper argues that it is an inevitable choice that cross-border tourism should he developed through international cooperation between both sides, and this can give free rein to i...
20. It was the type of writing which he enjoyed, because it permitted him to give free rein to his imagination.
21. The National Party, the junior partner in Australia's coalition government, draws much of its support from the countryside and is particularly reluctant to give free rein to the water market.
22. And then put forward several proposals on how to give free rein to it' s political superiority in solving national problem and how to go forward with times in new situations.
23. Cognitive psychological structure, formed during long-term of study and practice of athletes, is the base with which athletes give free rein to the ability of cognitive psychology.
24. The Party members in Yunxi County open the creative activities to bring all the Party members into full play and they all try to give free rein to their respective ability.
25. The Chinese government should fully respect the market mechanism, establish and show trust in the market system, allowing competition to give free rein to the role of adjusting economic activities.




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更新时间:2024/7/21 7:26:08