1. The captain steered the yawl into the harbour.
2. The advantage of YAWL model used for analysis the performance of the secure consumption system is identified at the end of the paper.
3. Aside from this technical difference, the yawl and ketch rigs are similar and have similar advantages and disadvantages.
4. Brian and Chris had a brawl in the yawl .
5. Unlike in a ketch or yawl, the forward mast is smaller than the aft mast (or sometimes the same size).
6. Why all your diagrams are incomplete? This is so special- yawl ? You obtain from the girls incorrectly of money! ! ! !
7. A new workflow language (YAWL) can provide direct support for the current workflow patterns. In this paper, we primarily study the YAWL and the implementations of YAWL system.