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单词 Traced
1. We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.
2. The murderer was traced to Paris.
3. The police have traced him to London.
4. Depression can be traced to holding in anger.
5. She traced out the plan of a house.
6. He traced the words with a shaking hand.
7. We traced the trouble to a faulty transformer.
8. Many modern festivals can be traced back to an ancient past.
9. They traced the criminal to a house in the city.
10. They have traced the plan of the construction site.
11. The government has traced a policy.
12. He claims to have traced descent from Christopher Columbus.
13. The perpetrator of this crime must be traced.
14. Her annoyance can be clearly traced in her letter.
15. He traced our route on the map.
16. The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal.
17. We traced the river to its source.
18. Rosie's fingers traced a delicate pattern in the sand.
19. A tear traced a path down her cheek.
20. We traced out our route on the map.
21. Lovelock'sprincipled nonconformity can be traced to his childhood.
22. The rumour was traced back to Tom.
23. The police traced the call to her ex-husband's number.
24. She traced a line in the sand.
25. The oldman traced his name laboriously.
26. Archaeologists have traced many Roman roads in Britain.
27. The names were traced out in stark black print.
28. They've traced their ancestry to Scotland.
29. The criminal was traced to Glasgow.
30. He traced the route on the map.
1. We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.
2. The murderer was traced to Paris.
3. The police have traced him to London.
4. Depression can be traced to holding in anger.
5. She traced out the plan of a house.
6. He traced the words with a shaking hand.
7. We traced the trouble to a faulty transformer.
8. Many modern festivals can be traced back to an ancient past.
9. They traced the criminal to a house in the city.
10. The names were traced out in stark black print.
11. The family has traced its ancestry to the Norman invaders.
12. The rumor has been traced back to a bad man.
31. The police have traced her movements to the time of her death.
32. The family has traced its ancestry back to the Norman invaders.
33. The cause of the fire was traced to a faulty fuse-box.
34. The practice of giving eggs at Easter can be traced back to festivals in ancient China.
35. She has traced the touring map onto a sheet of paper.
36. The programme traced the development of popular music through the ages.
37. The dispute can be traced back to resentments which have festered for centuries.
38. Several outbreaks of infection have been traced to contaminated food.
39. The stolen paintings have been successfully traced to a London warehouse.
40. The book traced his steady progress from petty theft to serious crime.
41. He traced the line of her jaw with his finger.
42. A lot of emotional problems can be traced back to childhood.
43. I traced my family history using the civil registration records.
44. The leakage was traced to an oil pipe in the cellar.
45. Words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries.
46. They traced the leak to a secretary in the finance department.
47. She has never traced back her lineage, but believes her grandparents were from Aberdeenshire.
48. The family has traced its ancestry to the Norman invaders.
49. His call was traced and half an hour later police arrested him.
50. Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders' inflated assessments of mortgaged property.
51. The psychiatrist successfully traced some of her problems to severe childhood traumas.
52. She lightly traced the outline of his face with her finger.
53. Relatives of the dead man were traced through an address found on his person.
54. The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.
55. I traced the course of the river on the map.
56. The outbreak of food poisoning was traced to some contaminated shellfish.
57. The rumor has been traced back to a bad man.
58. Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood accident.
59. Those who came later followed the policies he had traced out.
60. She traced the contours of his face with her finger.
61. The other student has not been traced.
62. Jen traced her name in the sand.
63. Wycliffe traced the route the undertaker must have taken.
64. He traced his signature laboriously.
65. The middle finger traced a heart on her lips.
66. Miguel traced the speedometer with a finger.
67. Cyclists traced greasy lines up and down the tarmac.
68. The organiser can't be traced to answer the criticisms.
69. His name had been leaked inadvertently in a press interview which I had given and some one had traced his whereabouts.
70. He traced his Ulster family with the help of Barnardos and by placing advertisements in Belfast newspapers.
71. The bodies of 18 had been recovered and 366 had been traced, most of them to detention centres for rebels.
72. It has a rich and colourful history, which can still be traced in its fortifications, towers and old city gates.
73. It is a fundamental concept that can be traced back to earliest times.
74. The shorelines of ancient seas can be traced uncertainly along the margins of the great northern lowlands.
75. The money was traced back to the bills missing from the bank, and the man got what was coming to him.
76. Willie sat back on the pouffe and traced his finger over the pictures.
77. I dissected preserved larvae into their component appendages and painstakingly traced each detail.
78. Education researchers have traced her poorer performance all the way back to elementary school.
79. Its entire course can, however, be traced without much hesitation.
80. Early descriptions Descriptions of self-starvation among early religious ascetics suggest that some variant of anorexia nervosa may be traced to medieval times.
81. Marshall traced the development of a legal status of citizenship in the United Kingdom through a number of historical stages.
82. He traced the heart line from her chin to her forehead and down again.
83. Everything that Margery says can be traced to what she would hear in sermons and readings.
84. This effect is traced inpart to the special status afforded to characters which are introduced through proper names.
85. After this, but before the car or rogue had been traced, the rogue sold the car to an innocent purchaser.
86. First of all, there are ways that missing husbands can be traced so that the divorce petition can be sent to them.
87. Many cultural practices have, of course, been traced to accidents.
88. No baptism has been traced, though his marriage certificate records him as the son of John Crockford,[] schoolmaster.
89. It can be traced back to nineteenth-century philanthropists like the early socialist entrepreneur Robert Owen and various Quaker-owned businesses.
90. Such a correlation between sound and sign can be traced back to the age of Neanderthal Man.
91. These stages, linked to the known planets, can be traced back through medieval literature to the ancients.
92. Could the jeopardy you were in be traced back to the school somehow?
93. Earlier we traced the new emphasis which, by contrast, Liberal Theology laid upon the historical approach to the New Testament.
94. Idly she traced the pattern of the marble-topped table with a slender finger.
95. With an outstretched finger, she traced the lines of Pascoe's sleeping face.
96. This can be traced to two, radically different, political forces.
97. That other story, likewise, traced the path from poverty to wealth and obscurity to fame.
98. Through the binoculars, I traced the path I had taken the night before when following Victor.
99. She traced with her forefinger the silky whorls of the carved garland of oak leaves that swung across both doors.
100. It's said that he first traced the outline for his ladylike creation around a tall woman friend.
101. The outbreak was eventually traced to a new strain of E. coli on hamburger meat.
102. My fingers traced the ridges and folds of his hand.
103. This can be traced in the working-class response to birth-control propaganda, which was often extremely hostile.
104. Their path westwards can still be traced by the chain of distinctive buildings they erected on their way across.
105. The source for the basic difference in taste is traced by Bourdieu to the different experiences of these classes in modern society.
106. Even though he was gagged, Mr Glenn managed to dial 999 and the call was traced by police back to the brasserie.
107. Investigators traced the cause of the crash to engine failure.
108. Effluent in rural areas is usually discharged visibly into watercourses and can often be traced without much difficulty to its source.
109. After an extensive survey, the infestation was traced to flooding below the concrete floor of the factory.
110. The role of auditors can be traced back many hundreds of years.
111. Agents took the vehicle identification number from the axle and within hours traced the truck to the Ryder rental firm.
112. And how far back can the Neanderthal lineage be traced?
113. She traced a pattern over the rough-hewn stone of the sill(), while behind her there was no sound of retreating footsteps.
114. We have traced her history from the great goddesses of the pre-patriarchal period, especially Inanna and her handmaiden, Lilith.
115. For Oakeshott, modern collectivism is not to be traced to Hobbesian authoritarianism.
116. Barber argues that these traits can be traced back to three components of personal development and socialization.
117. Mostly black on black, its central diamond is traced in faint gold and barely visible.
118. However, nearly all funboard technique problems can be traced back to deficiencies in the strong wind stance.
118. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
119. Masonry is traced on the background by the seated figure and a tree by the other group.
120. The custom of carving jack-o'-lanterns can be traced back to an old Irish folk tale.
121. The invisible lines, which traced the patterns of their existence, merged into one.
122. The mysterious Mr Kipper has never been traced and Susie is presumed dead.
123. Doctors were unable to treat them unless and until their parents had been traced and this could cause unnecessary suffering.
124. Hence, neither the historical dynamics of myths nor their impact upon present culture can be traced with confidence or systematically plotted.
125. Such patterns could be traced back to the original ranchos, five of which once divided up the Los Angeles basin.
126. We have traced the processes by which they become turbulent in Sections 17.6-17.8 and Chapter 18.
127. A tax on inherited estates began in 1894, though death duties can be traced back much further.
128. Professor Gimbutas has traced the prominence in later Goddess art of precisely that image, parallel curved lines.
129. Set in motion, she would soon be traced and while they ran her down he might sell out and get clear.
130. Their ancestry can be traced in the Reading area as far back as 1240.
131. Her life traced the social history of women in this century.
132. The snails had vanished, but now some one seemingly had traced a picture of a butterfly in the dirt.
133. The success of the company can be traced to good marketing.
134. A pilot study has already traced the progress of these new bodies since October 1988.
135. A tradition implies continuity, and the historical origins of collectivism have been traced in a variety of ways.
136. The sample movements are traced as a series of oscillations whose frequency is a function of the physical state of the sample.
137. Water trickled from the brown earth near the roots of the bush and traced a dark line through the tall grass.
138. The cash was eventually traced to a prominent Paris lawyer.
139. The make-believe could be eliminated if Congress systematically traced its laws through the bureaucracy to see what finally happened after their enactment.
140. Depreciation and interest need to be traced, as far as possible, to products.
141. I hugged him, then traced lines on his biceps, around his back, a five-finger exercise pianissimo.
142. She stroked his face, traced his strongly-curved lips with her finger, and kissed him lightly.
143. That the practice of spiritual marriages can not with any certainty be traced back into the first century eliminates the third possibility.
144. Cellular technology is not a new concept; some authorities have traced its origins to 1947.
145. Asked how old he was, he traced his reply with a finger on the window pane, 21.
146. Quintas told police he was recruited by a man in Brighton who has not been traced.
147. So much for a tradition whose origins may be traced back to early classical times!
148. This sample is being traced through such sources as the Registrar of Births and Deaths, and was identified again in 1981.http://
149. The renewed development of the market in the 1980s can be traced to three principal factors.
150. The fact that the definitions of these terms are extremely murky can inpart be traced to the notion of pertinent effects.
151. The cause was traced to a subtle change in assembly procedures.
152. Each word has component parts which can be traced back to one of 800 roots.
153. The children traced the map of France and then wrote in the names of the places they had visited.
154. Once the design has been traced, you must then cut it out very carefully with a very sharp knife.
155. As she stroked and caressed his own fingertips traced spirals of fire down into her groin.
156. He traced the contours of her face with gentle fingers, outlining the curve of her mouth, stroking her temples.
157. They fell into clearly identifiable categories, many of which can be traced back to the nineteenth century and beyond.
158. The Stir may be traced to the streams which flow from the western slopes of the Dwarf fortress of Karak Kadrin.
159. Wars, revolutions, crimes all the evils that beset mankind could be traced to them.
160. The tilt problems so far have all been traced to the electric control systems.
161. No criminal activity has yet been traced to the president or his wife.
162. This tradition itself can be traced back a long way in political theory.
163. The theory is that the rage and intensity with which he plays can be traced back to his childhood.
164. Slowly and sensually he traced the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue.
165. On the long row back he had traced the logic of the thing time and again.
166. They traced the serial numbers and found he had probably killed a military policeman.
167. The call was traced to a pay phone at a convenience store.
168. Such reasoning can be traced down to the present day, although there are variations on the theme.
169. This was traced to the main power connector, where the plug hadn't been properly pushed home.
170. Through these planes the bodies of the fish, fragmented and dislocated, can be traced in a series of subsidiary diagonals.
171. On leaving, Meredith dipped his hand into a basin of water and traced a cross on her forehead.
172. He was subsequently traced and cleared by Oxford police, who knew him as Stephen Smith, a wandering sheet music salesman.
173. The trend toward globalisation can also be traced to the Nixon administration's modifications of the political economy of the cold war.
174. The roots of this new fascination can be traced back to the heart of minimalism.
175. The acquisition of many gnathostome characters occurred through several transformation series which can be traced across the phylogeny of agnathans.
176. The weakening position can be traced back to the Hatfield crash last October(), in which four people died.
177. These are then traced on a touch-sensitive drawing board to make digital data signals which are dumped in the computer memory.
178. He traced a copy from the original.
179. These quotations cannot readily be traced to their sources.
180. HIV can be traced back to villages along the Congo River in the 1950's.
181. Rex is genuine Tibetan Mastiff. We traced his genealogy back 10 generations.
182. Countercharge system, a very useful system in practice, can be traced back to offset plea in Roman law about 1,300 years ago.
183. Since the extant literature about Xia Dynasty is scant and uncomplete , and most of those literature are traced by later generations, so modem scholars explore Xia Culture by using archaeology.
184. The experience of China's joint investment railway can be traced back to the 1980's.
185. Using the technique, a target moving along a space curve can be traced and mea-sured.
186. All of Wordsworth's ideas about nature can be traced back to Rous...
187. All pressure differences between places on the earth's surface can be traced , directly or indirectly.
188. He traced the history of free products from Jell-O's giveaway of billions of free recipe books starting in the '20s to today's free e-mail programs and beyond.
189. Years later, my brother gave me a book that traced the experiences of the real-life David Crockett.
190. Curves of constant specific impulse are traced inside the triangle.
191. In television and facsimile, the path traced by scanning spot.
192. The origins of the distinctive horse-drawn freight wagon known as the Conestoga wagon can be traced to the Conestoga River region of Pennsylvania's Lancaster County in the mid- to late-18th century.
193. Although the lateralization of language function cannot be traced phylogenetically for obvious reasons, that of limb-preference could be, at least theoretically.
194. Such distortion may be traced onto his " translation methodology ".
195. For each target, the tracing compound name or fragment the measurement should be traced to, and the data type that it should be traced as.
196. Explorers traced the Nile River to its several headstreams in Central Africa.
197. Type a value for the minimum duration of traced queries.
198. The stock saddle's design traced all the way back to the Moors of North Africa, having come to the American cowboy by way of the Spanish and Mexicans.
199. The bankruptcy law system can be traced back to the ancient Rome ages.
200. The follow-up rate was 70.9%, and arrival rate of the traced cases was only 33.1%. ?
201. We need a war chest from a source that can't be traced.
202. Copper Roofing Tile Series The usage of copper can be traced back to 2500 years ago.
203. They finally traced the hat to someone's house and retrieved the'souvenir ".
204. It has traced a familiar success story from log cabin to Guggenheim grants.
205. Scientists estimate that 8.3 percent of the human genome can be traced back to retrovirus infections.
206. Almost all of it could be traced to Henrietta , the house keeper . whom Eleanor had handpicked.
207. When he found himself cheated and traced back the company has been defunct.
208. Listing 1 shows an example of the pwd command being traced.
209. An international team of researchers led by social scientist John Kittinger of Stanford University looked into the islands' history to see how far back human impacts on the reefs could be traced.
210. When writing post code,[Sentence dictionary] the solid lines of the numerals of the required post code are traced on the light dashed lines of the double rectangles spliced 8.
211. Rossy traced the route of French aviator Louis Bleriot, who became the first person to fly across the Channel in an aircraft in 1909.
212. The classical Western world directly affected Hindu religious art, and several features of Hinduism can be traced to Zoroastrianism .
213. Diabolism has a very long history in the West, and its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology and ancient Hebrew Bible.
214. The friendly intercourse between our two countries can be traced back to last century.
215. For example, in this outbreak, person-to-person transmission cannot be traced back to a traveler, or a single closed community such as a school or workplace.
216. They are a kind of hegemonic near-totalitarianism that can be traced back to the antignostic rhetoric of the early Church Fathers like Tertullian, Epiphanius, and Irenaeus.
217. The homosexuality writing can be traced back a long time ago, back in the "Book of Songs" period, there are some words about homoerotic in literary works.
218. The U. S. has suffered a series of outbreaks involving food-borne illnesses, including a months-long string of salmonella cases finally traced to jalapeno and serrano peppers from Mexico.
219. Therefore, the origin of Chinese diet culture should be traced back to Neolithic Age.
220. Many features of Japanese bathing culture can be traced back to the EDO Era.
221. For instance, in 2003 an outbreak of monkeypox affected around 20 people in the US midwest, traced to imported Gambian pouched rats from Africa.
222. The origin of the Indian theatre or rather folk theatre and dramatics can be traced to religious ritualism of the Vedic Aryans.
223. Sinologist traced and found the opening to replace the professional bureaucrats vassalage that moment the most important, can be used as a starting point.
224. The origins of hermeneutic thought are traced through Western literature.
225. This tradition can be traced to legends about Saint Nicholas.
226. The process begins with the geometric construction of circles traced on the ground at sunrise to orientate the temple and to lay out the ground plan.
227. The origins of it can be traced back to the ages of prose and poems, which can be proved by the emergence and development of prose poem both in China and other countries.
228. The origins of ethology can be traced back to Darwin.
229. Game Description : The origin of Ski Jumping can be traced back in the 1800 s in Norway.
230. The battle-scarred suit's design heritage can be traced back 4,000 years, when clans of Mandalores fought against the Jedi during the Great Sith War.
231. He traced the white race on the surface of the racing facilities.
232. The Distributions of the primary afferent neurons of Albumin Secreting Part of the uterine tube in the chickens were retrograde traced using CB-HRP methods.
233. The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries -- the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal.
234. The source was traced to guar gum from India that was contaminated with pentachlorophenol (PCP), a pesticide no longer in use.
235. The story of how Henry IV's head became the subject of a forensic investigation can be traced to 1589, when his predecessor, Henry III, was assassinated by a fanatical monk.
236. The Hesychasts taught doctrines which could be traced to Dionysius the Areopagite and Neoplatonist, thought.
237. He has been calledthe last of the romantic poets, for he wrote in a tradition that can be traced back through Rupert Brooke to Keats and Shelley in the 19th Century.
238. Much poverty can be traced to the underdevelopment of industry.
239. Misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression.
240. The beginning of the teaching method of cases in law can be traced back to the teaching method of prejudication founded by Landor of the Law Institute of Harvard University in 1870.
241. The universal set seemed extremely natural and obvious, yet ultimately several paradoxes of set theory were traced to the assumption that it existed, which mathematicians now know is flawed.
242. They traced the van to a New Jersey car rental agency.
243. The ideas about the law of sufficient reason can be traced back to the ancient Greece.
244. He traced his descent back to an old Norman family.
245. The idea to establish IRENA can be traced back to Hermann Scheer.
246. The cephalographs were traced, and 12 homologous landmarks were identified and digitized. Average mandibular geometries were generated by means of Procrustes analysis.
247. As the birthplace of modern capitalist democracy and rule by law, social legislation in Britain also stands in the front rank-its origin can be traced back to Poor Law in Medieval England.
248. Can automatic testing ground will volt-ampere characteristics curve traced, save manual pressure regulation, artificial records, sorting, tracing curves, and so cumbersome labor.
249. The deep observations have also traced the waxing and waning of star formation in the universe at large over cosmic time.
250. In her thought she traced its course as it ran down the hill to the sluggish Flint River, through the tangled swampy bottoms and up the next hill to Twelve Oaks where Ashley lived.
251. The philosophical sources of structuralism can be traced back to Vicao and Kant.
252. The X Lounger is based on a single ray, traced along a periodic double curved surface.
253. Chinese primitive creative workmanship can be traced back to the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) when the Chinese ancestry's thinking ability was still of barbarism.
254. The planet Venus traced a perfect pentacle across the ecliptic sky every eight years.
255. Outside the shop, 41-year-old Wang Jiazhong traced characters in water on the pavement with a device that looked more like a sponge mop than a brush.
256. Replay events in the order they were traced. This option enables debugging.
257. The line of descent can be traced back 400 years.
258. He has many gifts often associated with autism: he can copy a picture so accurately that it could have been traced,(http:///traced.html) and planned his book without jotting down a single note.
259. Minimal Architecture can be traced deeply into the history of Architecture and it is influenced by 1960's Minimal Art.
260. The knee-jerk disdain so many of his critics have for him can be traced largely to his worldliness: He's a man who, of necessity, was brought up not to be Joe the Plumber but a citizen of the planet.
261. The evening sky was illuminated by an awesome display of stars while the moon traced its course through the immense skycap.
262. Compared with the manually traced boundary, except for the failure in one image pair, the mean error radial length rate of star algorithm detected boundary was 21.80%.
263. It was traced back to a post office box in Hull registered to Sheppard.
264. Many challenges faced by adults, such as mental health issues, obesity, heart disease, criminality, and poor literacy and numeracy, can be traced back to early childhood.
265. Variable material and labor costs that can be directly traced and allocated to a specific unit of production.
266. Her finger traced the checkered pattern of their flannel sheets.
267. Main advantages are extremely fast scanning rate, much higher range, low probability of intercept, tremendous number of targets being traced and engaged.




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