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单词 amanuensis
释义  Related topics: Occupationsa·man·u·en·sis /əˌmænjuˈensɪs/ noun (plural amanuenses) [countable]  formalBOWRITE someone whose job is to write down what someone else says 记录员,文书Examples from the Corpusamanuensis• By the age of twenty-four she was free to seek work outside the home, finding temporary positions as amanuensis and governess.• These are the words of Hugo Rune, delivered through the mouth of my amanuensis Rizla.• How could I dictate to some amanuensis all the love I feel for my darling Lily, the loveliest flower ...a·man·u·en·sis nounChineseSyllable  whose to job someone is else down Corpus write what someone




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