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单词 Enthymeme
1. The enthymeme must consist of few propositions, fewer often than those which make up the normal syllogism.
2. The difference between example and enthymeme is made plain by the passages in the Topics where induction and syllogism have already been discussed.
3. The enthymeme and the example must, then, deal with what is in the main contingent, the example being an induction, and the enthymeme a syllogism, about such matters.
4. The orator's demonstration is an enthymeme, and this is, in general, the most effective of the modes of persuasion.
5. The enthymeme is a sort of syllogism, and the consideration of syllogisms of all kinds, without distinction, is the business of dialectic, either of dialectic as a whole or of one of its branches.
6. This paper attempts to study the features and rhetorical mechanism of the enthymeme, which was, is and will be an important subject in rhetoric.
7. With the modern cognitive theories the cognitive feature of enthymeme is examined; its cognitive process is analyzed and its cognitive prerequisites and cognitive natures are deduced.
8. The transfer of humor text usually adopts the principle of enthymeme.




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