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单词 miserly
释义  mi·ser·ly /ˈmaɪzəli $ -zər-/ adjective  1  LITTLE/NOT MUCHa miserly amount or quantity is one that is much too small 小[少]得可怜的 SYN measly, paltry We were offered a miserly 4% pay rise. 我们的工资只涨了可怜的4%。2. GENEROUS#a miserly person is not generous and does not like spending money 吝啬的,小气的,爱钱如命的 SYN mean —miserliness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmiserly• Awarded a miserly 85% on Issue 66, on budget it's worth far, far more.• Old Crumwallis won't notice I've had more than his miserly allowance.• Too many customers are alienated by our miserly attitude to compensation for mistakes that we made.• His action has already caused the premature death of 700,000 birds with miserly compensation to owners.• Nobody was more surprised than Neeld when his miserly great-uncle proved to be worth nearly £1 million, mostly in cash.• The First World's miserly materialism is enough to make any honest seeker yearn for a new alternative or age.• A miserly offer is unlikely to be accepted.mi·ser·ly adjectiveChineseSyllable  a one amount that is quantity miserly Corpus or




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