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单词 vowel
释义  Related topics: Linguistics, Colours & sounds, Letters & punctuationvow·el /ˈvaʊəl/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. SLCone of the human speech sounds that you make by letting your breath flow out without closing any part of your mouth or throat 元音2. SLAa letter of the alphabet used to represent a vowel. In English the vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. 元音字母〔英语的元音字母为a,e,i,o,u,有时也包括y〕Examples from the Corpusvowel• And all his fans can rest assured that even a vowel change won't fool us.• Some phonologists maintain that a syllabic consonant is really a case of a vowel and a consonant that have become combined.• These often involve vowel sounds having their Creole rather than their expected London pronunciations.• Much of the easy flow of speech depends on the neutral vowel.• In some accents - particularly London ones - we often find a close back rounded vowel instead.• Weak syllables with close back rounded vowels are not so commonly found.• Diphthongs are made from a simple vowel phoneme followed by one of, , .Origin vowel (1300-1400) Old French vouel, from Latin vocalis; → VOCAL1vow·el nounChineseSyllable  speech sounds Corpus human that you one make the of




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