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单词 Civil law
1. The lecturer said that civil law was different from criminal law.
2. You have a remedy in civil law.
3. The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.
4. The civil law position is less problematical.
5. Normal practice in civil law countries is very different.
6. The more formal civil law tradition requires international service to be initiated by specified officials.
7. The civil law deems that the victim did not intend.
8. Many civil law systems find room for oral evidence at the eventual hearing.
9. A legal duty should in civil law be the counterpart of a legal right.
10. His court was not only one of civil law but dealt sometimes with criminal justice.
11. The civil law, mainly through the torts of trespass and private nuisance, also had a role to play.
12. The civil law provides a framework for the redress of individual grievances.
13. The purpose of the civil law is to compensate; it is the function of the criminal law to punish.
14. At civil law reasonable force may be used to evict a trespasser.
15. At civil law, in fact, he has no right in personam either.
16. Since an exchange's rules are a civil contract, the prosecution only needs to meet the civil law standard of proof.
17. Many of these provisions would be quite unacceptable to a civil law country.
18. There is a basic distinction in the laws of this country between the criminal and the civil law.
19. Moreover, once the elements of theft are satisfied, it does not matter that the victim has no civil law remedy.
20. The accused may be prosecuted under Criminal Law whereas a private individual may be sued under Civil Law.
21. Since nodding can be described only as a formless act, clearly the civil law had no interest in it.
22. Heads of departments and institutions are indemnified by the University in respect of any claims made against them under civil law in connection with safety duties.
23. Secondly, share-pushing raised in acute form a problem which bedevils much of civil law.
24. It must be said that as a matter of civil law the existence of an equitable proprietary interest is doubtful.
25. In post-classical law the traditional procedural scheme of the civil law evaporated, and all claims were heard under the cognitio procedure.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. What he would really and truly like was to do this new degree course for Bachelor of Civil Law.
27. In Great Britain, one major judicial system is responsible for criminal law and a second handles civil law.
28. At age sixteen, he had received his doctorate in canon and civil law.
29. Such language would be quite inappropriate if applied to the typical civil law system.
30. The result looks odd: she is guilty in criminal law but not liable in civil law.
1. The lecturer said that civil law was different from criminal law.
31. Intellectual property law is integral part of civil law.
32. knowledge of civil law (basic principlesof personal rights) and the law of obligations (law of contract).
33. Our country must realize the civil law statute book and the modernization, must take highly the personal property rights protection, strengthens to the private property rights research.
34. Although the reservation clause of order public is already available in the draft Code of Civil Law o...
35. In order to protect environmental personality right, our civil law should bring into line with it and carries on sanctions to the environmental tortfeasors by stipulating the civil liabilit.
36. The Civil Law system and the Common Law system have made different provision about the corporate charter invalidity system which we can learn.
37. Frustration and clausula rebus sic stantibus are both important doctrines existing separately in the contract laws of civil law countries and common law countries.
38. In the General Principles of Civil Law which our country enacted in 1986, it firstly regulated the system of limitation of actions in the form of basic law.
39. The general regulations of two years in civil law applies to the litispendence.
40. Being a form of the usufructuary right of traditional civil law, Iusemphyteuticum has been gradually annihilated, suggested by its evolutionary process both in the East and in the West.
41. Is trusts alien to the conception of unitary ownership in civil law?
42. Law and Civil Law need dialogue to effectively solve the environmental problems.
43. Another argument is that product liability for no-fault liability, its are based on civil law article 122 bar and "product quality standard" the provisions of article 41.
44. The theory of res judicata is an indispensable theoretical research content of legislation and litigation, both in the civil law, or at common law.
45. He holds a doctorate in canon and civil law from the University of St. John Lateran.
46. Firstly as a matter of fact, assignment of debt in nonrecourse international factoring is an incomplete and special one belonging to civil law.
47. The law on the right in rem is an important part of the civil law.
48. While declared dead, a person with capacity for civil legal acts may nevertheless act in civil law matters with validity.
49. The businessman identity law of modern commercial law is based on the particular personality of modern civil law. The basic cause lies in pursuit for appropriation of modern civil law.
50. The conflict of laws and the civil substantive law will have to co-exist in future Civil law Code of PRC.
51. The evolution of personalism in the civil law reflects the process of growth of personalism in terms of natural, socially commune, independently individual features.
52. Why this doctrine was so popular in the civil law domain of non-monopoly capitalism time has its profound economical root and special political background.
53. In Middle Ages, arrest of ships has already appeared in Europe, then it was seen as Property Protection Action in Civil Law System, but it developed into Action in Rem in Common Law System.
54. It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S. Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris.
55. However(http://), China's present civil law has not any definite provision concerning the easement.
56. The priority system has a long history. Many countries have special regulations in their civil law chapters.
57. Originated from Roman Law , novation of obligation is one cause of termination or obligation in the traditional civil law codes .
58. In the countries of continental Europe and those areas influenced by them, the governing law dates back to Roman law and is known as the civil law system.
59. There already had systematic and specific stipulation in the traditional civil law regarding to joint ownership which is the elementary problem in real right system.
60. As an important principle in the performance of contract, the principle of the changed circumstance is provided minutely in civil law countries and common law countries.
61. The term delict and variants thereof are used in civil law systems for civil wrongs.
62. Floating charge legal system not only exists in the United Kingdom, United States, and other countries using Anglo-American law system, but also exists in the civil law countries like Japan.
63. " The Japanese Corpus of civil law" forty-fourth paragraph 1:" legal person for the director and other agents in the performance of duty to others and damage, liability for damages.
64. Article 105 Women enjoy equal rights with men in civil law.
65. For the above reasons, the system has been adopted widely broth in the civil law and common law, although it derived from the cases of equity in common law.
66. Usucaption is an old system in the traditional civil law. In Roman Law it was formulated as one kind of prescription system, and was passed on in civil code of different counties.
67. Superficies are an important usufructuary right in the civil law of the continental law system and space superficies is one of superficies established on the space or the land.
68. This paper introduces and elaborates on the different contract interpretation theories and the application rules between the civil law and Cose law systems.
69. The term "civil law" and the basis of the law itself are derived originally from the law of ancient Rome, the jus civile.
70. For the advantageousness of legal implementation, this case has mainly manifested the legal flaw mentioned above and suggested to consummate the correlation content in the revision civil law process.
71. The fourth part deals with the experiences of right of priority protection in procedure of execution in civil law countries and areas.
72. Civil Law aid and Criminal Law aid have different developing sequence.
73. In German civil law, three doctrines prevail about the judgment of unlawfulness:consequence unlawfulness, act unlawfulness and the depend-on(compromise)doctrine.
74. This paper is to discuss the issues at hand; hopefully, it will be able to provide some help for civil law of evidence theory and to make civil proceedings fair and just.
75. The major states and regions of common law and civil law are provided for loss of rights system in order to solve the problem of litigation delay.
76. It is suitable to take "depute doctrine" as the theory basis of directors' duties in our country from the angle of the basic theories of civil law and legislation of our country.
77. In France civil law, they are between the contractual character and its having the unchangeableness of judgment and correspondingly having the direct enforcement powers.
78. The director is regarded as the member of the company organ in the civil law system, based on the theory of the legal man entity.
79. The twelve States in the area have used Sharia in cases of civil law.
80. That apart, the paper holds that the establishment of self-support system is an important link to perfect the civil law system in our country.
81. Part 3: The introduction of presumption of fact of common law system and civil law system.
82. In civil law a person suffering from delusions is probably not in any exceptional position.
83. Proof system stands a natural core position in the system of civil law suit, but the responsibility for proof is the core in this system.
84. During the distributive law system, civil law is the foundation, while economic law is the center on account of China's special situation and current social contradiction focus.
85. It is a misunderstanding to German civil law to hold the viewpoint of juristic act of real right protecting mala fide third party.
85. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
86. Whereas, all the Civil Law countries make provision concerning Eigentumerhypothek.
87. The doctrine of reason in many civil law countries and the theory of consideration of common law countries are all important conditions which decide the performance of contract obligations.
88. So far as the civil law is concerned, slaves are not considered persons.
89. Good faith is one of the basic principles of Civil Law.
90. The civil law system and the common law system have two different entrances of legal classification.
91. The phenomenon is worth thinking that in some civil law countries case system turns up and keeps development after extending over several centuries in common law countries.
92. The counterargument right of adduction is a nation of the science of civil law, but this kind of system not established in the science of negotiable instruments law.
93. As one of usufruct, superficies originated from Roman law, was carried down through national civil law of the Continental law family.
94. As an important principle of traditional civil law, the life-force of good faith doctrine is durable.
95. And in Civil Law country , it is not only use legal theory to amend the articles of law , but also draws on the useful outcome of the prejudication.
96. In the civil law, it is embodied in the right for unstable counterplea, in Anglo-American law it is reflected in the right for the anticipatory breach of contract.
97. Anticipatory breach of contract plays an important role in modem civil law.
98. In the first paragraph, the civil law foundation subrogation is analyzed.
99. Traditional civil law countries, legislation and the general theory of litigation is only a hindrance as malicious act litigation.
100. No matter in civil law or common law, judge's behavior of judging the evidence embodies the free proof rule and free judicial evidence.
101. There are also introduction about banker's right of setoff in common law and civil law, which are used to improve that in China.
102. As an important component of civil rights, the personal right plays the same role as jus ad rem and jus in personam, or even in a sense a core, in the civil law.
103. Part IV discusses the practice in the existing legal mechanisms of substance justice consummating formal justice in adjudgement in the common law and civil law system.
104. Firstly, from the residence system in civil law and common law countries, the paper raises the status of residence system in China.
105. Acquisitive prescription is the important system of the traditional civil law.
106. The transferable endorsement of overdue bill should only produce the civil law effect of common creditor's right.
107. Chapter 2 deals with the civil retrial procedure in civil law countries and Taiwan.
108. Acquisition prescription originated from The Roman Law, constructs the traditional prescription system together with negative prescription in civil law system.
109. Civil law is the basic law of a civil society, and its essential concept is the inviolability of civil rights.
110. Lien is one of Guarantee System of debt regulated by Civil Law.
111. It was therefore of the highest interest to Byzantine jurists after the fall of the Western empire, and, though them, had great influence on the development of the civil law systems.
112. Creditor's subrogation system is one important civil law system in civil law countries. "
113. Meanwhile, the "breach of contracts" system in Common Law is introduced into the legislation of Civil Law countries, along with the mutual infiltration and influence between two law families.
114. The theory on the relations of civil law is the basic theory on civil law, established on the evaluation and methodology of legal philosophy.
115. Further more, the core value to construct the norm system of the international private law is to protect the civil law position of the foreigner at the inside country.
116. The high Court of Justice the superior civil law court.
117. Forenotice registration, firstly written in German civil law in the middle age, is an important component of real property adscription registration system.
118. There are statutes about ship mortgage not only in civil law countries, but also in common law countries, and international society has codified related conventions.
119. Safeguard in civil law concerning right of status, includes three ways that are right to petition endowing to the obligee of status, litigant right of confirmation and right of action of formation.
120. At last, the author reviews insurance brokers process the debt setoff stipulated in the civil law, especially about the setoff ways and their respective conditions and legal outcomes.
121. As a unique concept in civil law of China, the independent liability of juristic person is essentially a projection of stockholders' limited liability in corporation law.
122. Though having spousal relationship, husband and wife are independent subjects of civil law.
123. The volume of business on virtual property is getting more and more. Virtual property, such as game arming and private trade between players is challenging the traditional theory of civil law.
124. French civil law considers priority as a incumbrance, when it inherit Roma law.
125. The right of set-off in bankruptcy law is based on the set-off of obligation in civil law, and it has some characteristics of that in civil law.
126. This kind of classification that comes from the system of civil law has no actual senses to us. Our criminal code stipulation concerning fault can resolve the discernment stumper problem.
127. Unjust enrichment system began in Roman law. The remodeling and consolidation of Civil Law and modern civil become an important area of the law of obligation.
128. Lease contract purchase contract principle is a very important rule in civil law.
129. Furthermore, it is necessary to legalize habitation in civil law and to make it more concrete.
130. Non Bis Idem which originated from the Roman Law, has been considered a cornerstone of modern criminal justice administration in the civil law and the common law.
131. Our country adopts restrictionism in General Rules of the Civil Law, the original Economic Contract Law and Urban Real Estate Management Law.
132. The prescription system is one of the ancient and important legal systems of Civil Law, which include acquisitive prescription and extinctive prescription.
133. The essence of civil law idea is justice, and its core incarnate inviolability of private right, equality of personality and autonomy of will.
134. US Closely-held Company is featured by its collaboration of human resource as is Limited Liability Company under the civil law system.
135. The right of habitation, which was institution of civil law of law , step from Roman law.
136. Along with social development, some countries of Common Law system and Civil Law system support claims for spiritual damage caused by breach of contract in legislation and juridical practice.
137. The division between chattel and estate is the foremost classification of thing in civil law.
138. The right of preemption of housing lessee is generally established by various countries and areas in their civil law system, which has a long historical origin.
139. The Principle of Directness and Verbalism is a fundamental principle that is universally established in the Civil Law System countries.
140. The system of intellectual property can form certain restriction itself, the owner of IP rights can seek to the counterplea of abuse from fairness, justice and honesty principle of the civil law too.
141. In modem civil law, land lease continue to evolve into right in rem. Many countries have made certain law to strengthen the legal effect of lease of realty including land lease.
142. He is a learn jurist , who has written several books on civil law.
143. The system on liability for fault of contracting a treaty came into being later in Civil Law, set forth systematically by the famous German legist Rudolph von Jhering.
144. Third To analyse and explain, base on the General Rule of the Civil Law, the contents of responsibility principle of fault, responsibility principle of no-fault and fair responsibility principle.
145. The introduction of a third party interests contract varies in civil law and common law systems.
145. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
146. Following the approach of civil law, the Chinese trust law adopts the system of revocatory right.
147. There are different jurisprudential foundations of seizure of ships on Law and Civil Law.
148. Protection of fetus rights is inadequate as stipulated Chinas civil law.
149. Warranty against defects of title originating from Roman Law is inherited by many countries civil law.
150. That commercial act is different from common civil law act, so it should be regulated by special legal norms.
151. Canada has the further advantage of being at the crossroads of the world's two main legal traditions, the civil law system, and the common-law system.
152. The infringement of debt that illegal profit forms on the civil law, is an illegal civil behavior.
153. The value and system of civil law need transfix with culture of civil law.
154. The exact definition can only be got through using for reference the joint ownership in Common Law System and reconstructing the form of co-ownership in Civil Law System.
155. Common law ( and civil law ) is one of the nomoses.
156. The system of acquisition in good faith is a very important legal system of civil law and law of jus ad res in the world, whose aim is to enforce a restriction on the protection of absolute ownership.
157. Res Judicata Law Theory is the basic theory of litigation areas, civil law and common law countries have admitted that the majority of administrative litigation judgments res judicata issue.
158. That answer with which mode civil law protect the right.
159. The basic principle of civil law that is known by the mankind as the tool overcoming the limitation of written law has gone through a long period.
160. To define the tortious conduct in theory and prescribe it in legislation is a problem related to torts law and the entire legislation system of civil law.
161. The thesis analyzes and construes joint mortgage institution in terms of civil law adaption.
162. Yang says that there are multiple-choice radio, multi - election, which covers the Constitution, Civil Law, Criminal Law, and so close to more than 20 subjects.
163. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus clearly abrogated the ceremonial and civil law that God had given uniquely to the nation of Israel.
164. In the Civil Law System, there is the concept of quota, which is used in the communion by severalty.
165. The civil law system is based Corpus Juris Civilis and follows its tradition of codification.
166. The thesis, at first, has explained the basic conception and classification of water rights and orientates water rights as the new-type usufruct on the civil law.
167. Chinese code of civil law has rough rules of judgment by default with many disadvantages.
168. Invading suppositional property must be punished by civil law, and if the invasion has serious danger, it is criminal.
169. During amending the Civil Law, we should correctly stipulate the territorial jurisdiction of civil environmental suit.
170. The introduction mainly presents the background of the birth of the anticipatory breach system and relative regulations in the Civil Law system.
171. The person in civil law is a citizen, an individual, and a private person that includes a natural person, a legal person and a nonlegal-person body.
172. The purpose of civil law is to compensate; criminal law to punish.
173. Thirdly, any incompleteness of legal personality can be corrected through the civil law system.
174. Civil law is also an entity of both general provisions and special provisions, and the special provisions comprehend legal fiction and provision of attention.
175. At the same time it is the needs to connect the tracks of the world on civil law legislation by establishing the positive prescription systems.
175. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
176. The right of setoff in law of bankruptcy is based on the seto ff of obligation in civil law, thereby it has some characteristics of that in ci vil law.
177. As for as the present research findings as a whole were concerned, articles about female social status in Song Dynasty were so few, not to say articles on women's civil law status.
178. Limitation of actions is an important system of the traditional civil law system, directly related to whether civil rights can be protected by law.
179. Differences between possession in Criminal Law andin Civil law have existed since the Roman law era.
180. Hence, the Codification system is a process which will a long time in civil law.
181. Besides, as a special law of the civil law, the law of trusts does not harmonize with the civil law either, and the typical manifestation is the content relevant to the rights of the settlor.




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