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单词 voracious
释义  Related topics: Foodvo·ra·cious /vəˈreɪʃəs, vɒ- $ vɔː-, və-/ adjective  1  DFHBGREEDYeating or wanting large quantities of food 贪吃的;食量大的,胃口大的 Pigs are voracious feeders. 猪的食量很大。 Kids can have voracious appetites. 小孩子有时胃口很大。2  ENTHUSIASTIChaving an extremely strong desire to do or have a lot of something 渴求的,求知欲极强的 a voracious reader 一个如饥似渴的读者 Her appetite for information was voracious. 她对信息有强烈的渴求。 —voraciously adverb Anne has always read voraciously. 安妮总是如饥似渴地阅读。 —voracity /-ˈræsəti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusvoracious• He has a voracious appetite for knowledge about what is happening around every corner in New York City.• Walburga once suppressed the voracious appetite of a child by having her consume three ears of grain.• It is a voracious blood-sucker and even 100-200 worms are sufficient to produce death in sheep within a few weeks of infection.• Thus a dragonfly and its larva are both voracious eaters of their fellow creatures.• Caterpillars are voracious leaf-eaters.• It was a dorado or dolphin fish, a voracious predator which feeds mostly on flying fish.• A voracious reader, Vea is adamant about the pursuit of writing excellence.• a voracious readervoracious appetites• Children have voracious appetites for authenticity, but in drama we should never intimidate them with factual information.voracious reader• Academic staff are voracious readers and inveterate talkers.• A voracious reader, Vea is adamant about the pursuit of writing excellence.• He was a voracious reader with a compulsion to finish everything he started.Origin voracious (1600-1700) Latin vorax, from vorare; → DEVOURvo·ra·cious adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus of large quantities food wanting or eating




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