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单词 In this regard
1. In this regard nothing has changed.
2. I have nothing further to say in this regard.
3. In this regard, the child may be thought of as having two homes.
4. The company's problems, in this regard, are certainly not unique.
5. In this regard, do not limit yourself to experts.
6. Sauteed quail livers with Madeira sauce are notorious in this regard.
7. In this regard, the privatization strategy was criticized as merely transferring monopoly power from the public to the private sector.
8. Any moves in this regard will be made only when the time is right, and without interfering with the business.
9. One of the most flagrant abuses in this regard is the widespread practice of multiple recovery surgery ....
10. And in this regard there is no doubt that the middle classes of the emerging world have an edge.
11. In this regard,[Sentencedict] it seems to be essential to distinguish between the skilled and unskilled labor markets.
12. There are two main schools of thought in this regard: the behaviourist approach and the cognitive approach.
13. There was some variation in this regard as different colonial powers pursued different expansionist policies.
14. In this regard, fundamental changes are required in organizational patterns of scientific and technological activities in the region.
15. They are especially dismal failures in this regard because in fact they support these prejudices.
16. In this regard, increased plasma renin activity and decreased renal prostaglandin production have been reported in patients with acute liver failure.
17. There is no substitute for truly professional practice in this regard.
18. It is well within reason to expect help in this regard in exchange for further financial assistance.
19. I am, in this regard(), simply challenging received wisdom as to which is the chicken and which the egg.
20. Older methods of producing duplicated material can be defective in this regard.
21. Chadwick is thought to have refined the ideas of another sportswriter, one M. J. Kelly, in this regard.
22. Last quarter we stated the need for developing a new appraisal system. The department's efforts in this regard have been impressive.
23. A bank or potential private financing source may be approached in this regard.
24. Henry Fielding was one of those who was annoyed by the poor's presumption in this regard.
25. The weakening of party and the creation of a strong committee system are seen as of especial importance in this regard.
26. There is in fact no implied covenant or warranty on the part of the landlord in this regard.
27. Again the most senior teachers in schools are the least negative in this regard and the most junior the most negative.
28. There has been among psychologists a considerable change of attitude in this regard during the past three-quarters of a century or so.
29. A baby is a powerful icebreaker, and Charlie is especially charming in this regard.
30. Overdrive will try to find a replacement driver but offers no guarantee in this regard.
31. The second guidance was in respect of roads, and much needed to be done in this regard.
32. There was little incentive for them to be active in this regard, for only a few high-level headmen received a salary.
33. In this regard I have been nothing else all my life.
34. I have had some modest success in this regard, and pass on here some tips I have used.
35. In this regard, achieving a representative sample is the objective.
36. Crohn's colitis does not differ very much from ulcerative colitis in this regard, the reported frequency of stricture being 8%.
37. I know that in this regard my feeling will be echoed by my hon. Friends with responsibility for Bristol constituencies.
38. The trees that remain on the planet are, therefore, utterly necessary to our survival in this regard.
39. This paper proposes some coping tactics in this regard.
40. If, based on the reservation of title, Mentor takes back the delivery object, the contract will only be deemed to have been repudiated if Mentor makes an explicit declaration in this regard./in this regard.html
41. Emphasizing on the increasing returns to scale, spillover effect and accumulation of specialized human capital, the endogenous growth theory is a breakthrough in this regard.
42. However, the laws of our country on the strike action and the right to strike provisions in this regard are blank.
43. Interfaces , in this regard , should resemble sovereign posture applications , taking the full - screen real estate.
44. In this regard, if decoration company offers low, the company is likely weaknesses, or the construction of " jerry-built ".
45. Soy products like tofu, tempeh and fortified soymilk do double duty in this regard since they provide both calcium and protein.
46. Chinese painting theory is the focus of interest in the studies of Chinese paintings, and Chinese painting studies is an academic term in this regard.
47. In this regard, a study progress of latest years was reviewed on antitumor effect, anti-inflammatory property, antioxidation and immunity regulation effect of phycocyanin in spirulina.
48. Nobody is being harmed by respecting another country's laws in this regard, so your outrage is purely self-involved narcissistic rage.
49. And lastly, determined water resources allocation plan under different drought grades, and formulated the water transfer routes and necessary engineering measures in this regard.
50. In this regard, IT professionals today are called upon to do less software design and construction and do more management of the total software system delivered to their end users.
51. It is in this regard that the China - ASEAN sub - regional grouping is proving to be a trailblazer.
52. In this regard, the ancient art of paper folding has become such a versatile tool that it can be used in many ways in many logos.
53. In this regard, if decoration company offers low, the possibility was a "trap", or the construction of " jerry-built ".
54. The acquisition process has already been initiated by the IAF with the release of a global Request For Information (RFI) in this regard.
55. The PP's regular service users able to solve the problems in this regard.
56. And the provident fund by developers for project loans as a developer of security, there is no restriction in this regard, but many of the procedures are reimbursable by the developers.
57. The PRECIS (Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies) initiative was highlighted by participants as one of the useful experiences in this regard .
58. In this regard, Ordos has been successful -- the old town has expanded three-fold over the past decade and homes in the new town are all sold out.
59. In this regard, Gandhi's paean to the village was spot-on.
60. As a largely urbanised and populated country, the Netherlands has much to offer in this regard.
61. In this regard, I see myself as a potential gap abridger.
62. In this regard, due attention should be focused on the solution of three main problems:political orientation, the concept of life-long learning and the style of integrating theory with practice .
63. Dr. Morgenstern's indispensable assistance in this regard is gratefully acknowledged.
64. In this regard, South Korea, 25, said that some Members, senior South Korean military should be removed from office.
65. In this regard, several are given based on existing designs, eg, the SD 7037 airfoil and others.
66. Part of purposefulness, however, is not only understanding users' goals but also understanding their limitations. User research and personas serve well in this regard.
67. Along with being effective in this regard, St. Johns Wort is also useful for treating sleeping disorders, particularly insomnia.
68. Returning to a rational way of thinking, the methods in this regard should be traditionally and gradually transformed into a method of accounting system.
69. Dipa Ma's abbilities in this regard were once tested by a third party.
70. We expect the Commission on Human Rights to play a greater role in this regard and to engage in a constructive manner in discussing how to effectively protect and promote civil and political rights.
71. In this regard[sentence dictionary], Xinhua Finance Department issued a short commentary credit rating a dissenting opinion.
72. Nihon Keizai Shimbun of Japan: Has Japan engaged with the DPRK? If yes, can you give an introduction in this regard?
73. In this regard, the host government should bear the most responsibility.
74. If they fail in this regard, then a great business opportunity is wasted.
75. However, the lack of deep study in this regard may be said that fiscal income study is still superficial.
76. The emergence of distributed search engine can solve the problem in this regard.
77. In this regard, you may want to take the time to do some background research on any product bath soap, shampoo, what have you that you are considering purchasing for your baby.
78. In this regard, Marx's "on the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" is a rare example.
79. Will the Chinese government request the Ecuadorian government to take necessary measures in this regard?
80. The article analyzes the necessity and feasibility of collecting social security tax in China at current stage[], and suggests some specific measures in this regard.
81. In this regard, the game on Wednesday against Atalanta will be very important.
82. In this regard, sol-gel method can be used as an effective method for biomolecule immobilization and the fabrication of enzyme electrodes.
83. In this regard it should be noted that the guidance provided in WSPA's publication 'Planning and Running an Animal Shelter' relates to short-stay kennels only.
84. In this regard, public journalism as a reform movement is conservative.
85. SOA does not have the same business urgency and lacks critical focus in this regard in most organizations.
86. In this regard, a theoretical yield should be established with appropriate limits, and there should be an investigation if the actual yield falls outside the limits.
87. In this regard, the Bank gave the official explanation, saying it is to prevent the rapid disinvestment institutional investors to small investors losses.
88. If you need some guidance and suggestions regarding a pregnancy week by week journal, there are some websites in operation on the Internet that can assist you in this regard.
89. New Jersey, Michigan , Virginia, and the VSDA programs have been particularly prolific in this regard.
90. You can think of many of the poems, for example, of Langston Hughes in this regard ; and of a great deal else that goes on in the Harlem Renaissance; so that's the third phase, kinship.
91. In this regard East Asian students are among the most clueless: too often incurious and self-absorbed, they are notoriously out of touch with American society, and also slow to form advocacy groups.
92. The Hong Kong - Guangdong Co - operation Joint Conference has made a number of new breakthroughs in this regard.
93. He follows Jakobson much more consistently in this regard than Derrida does.
94. Banks should bear any responsibility for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the consultations in this regard issued by fax or the Internet caused by a bank or other third parties.
95. In this regard, understanding the characteristics of the principalship is the prerequisite of the research on qualifications of the principals.
96. Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is a model in this regard.
97. According to Ciro de Quadros, executive vice president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, Africa is a matter of particular concern in this regard.
98. The study of Dirichlet series in this regard have been the results of a number of important, but most of them are use of different type functions in strong circumstance(s2.2).
99. In this regard, the main cause of pregnancy nausea is believed to be the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone or the hCG hormone.




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