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单词 voiceless
释义  Related topics: Linguisticsvoice·less /ˈvɔɪsləs/ adjective  1  unable to get your opinions or concerns noticed by people in power 不能表达观点的,无发言权的 The vast majority of our people feel ignored and voiceless. 我们人民中的绝大多数觉得受到了忽视,而且没有发言权。2. SL technical voiceless sounds are made without using the vocal cords. For example, /p/ and /k/ are voiceless consonants. (发)清音的〔如/p/和/k/为清辅音〕Examples from the Corpusvoiceless• And listen to the cry of the voiceless.• the voiceless immigrant community• Notice that of the plosives and fricatives there is one voiceless set and one voiced set.• Notice the lack of contrast between voiced and voiceless sounds and the predominant contrast between long and short consonants.voice·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  people Corpus concerns opinions by or your get to unable noticed




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