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单词 venal
释义  ve·nal /ˈviːnl/ adjective formal  DISHONESTwilling to use power and influence in a dishonest way in return for money 〔利用职权〕贪污[受贿]的,腐败的 our venal politicians 我们腐败的政客 —venality /viːˈnæləti/ noun [uncountable] His venality has discredited Parliament. 他的贪污腐化败坏了议会的名声。Examples from the Corpusvenal• Ezra can be mistaken - more thoroughly mistaken than most people - but he has never been venal.• He was not to mention the matter of money to the press: that would be too venal.• The law courts are venal and can take decades to decide a case.• a venal tyrantOrigin venal (1600-1700) Latin venalis, from venum “sale”ve·nal adjectiveChineseSyllable  and willing a to use Corpus influence in power




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