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单词 reflection
释义 Word family  noun reflection reflector adjective reflective verb reflect  Related topics: Opticsre·flec·tion /rɪˈflekʃən/ ●●○ W3 noun  1  [countable]HPO an image that you can see in a mirror, glass, or water 映像;倒影 Can you see your reflection in the glass? 你能看到玻璃里你的影像吗?2  [countable, uncountable]IDEA careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on this 深思,仔细考虑;〔经过仔细考虑形成的〕想法,见解 A moment’s reflection will show the stupidity of this argument. 只需认真想一下便可看出这种观点多么愚蠢。on/upon reflection At first I disagreed, but on reflection (=after thinking carefully about it), I realized she was right. 起初我不同意,但经过一番考虑后,我发现她是对的。3  [countable]SHOW/BE A SIGN OF something that shows what something else is like, or that is a sign of a particular situation 〔某种情况的〕反映reflection of His speech was an accurate reflection of the public mood. 他的讲话是公众情绪的准确反映。be a reflection on somebody/something (=show how good or bad someone or something is) 是某人/某事物的反映 On some level, a student’s grades are a reflection on the teacher. 在某种程度上,学生的成绩是老师水平的反映。4. [uncountable]REFLECT the action or process of light, heat, or sound being thrown back from a surface 〔光、热或声音的〕反射n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: something that shows what something else is like, or that is a sign of a particular situationadjectivesan accurate/true reflectionThese reports were not an accurate reflection of existing attitudes.a fair reflection (=reasonable and right)The score was 4 – 1, which was a fair reflection of the difference between the sides.a direct reflectionThe child’s behaviour is a direct reflection of its parents' behaviour.a sad reflectionThis situation is a sad reflection on society.a pale reflection (=similar to, but not as good as, something else)The film is only a pale reflection of the book.Examples from the Corpusreflection• The contrasting images which survive of Osred are probably a reflection of the increasing divisions within the Northumbrian kingdom at this time.• a reflection of the moon on the surface of the lake• It is not just an automatic reflection of gender.• Many working women have little time for reflection.• Whether they liked him or not, Johnson was an awfully good reflection on them.• Anna stood looking at her reflection in the mirror.• A third way, called an endoscope, uses the principle of total internal reflection which we saw in the demonstration.• Methods of controlling expenses are a mere reflection of the levels of trust in an organization.• I could see my reflection in his glasses.• The full bright moon and the reflection of the snow made a mockery of the night.• the reflection of the moon on the surface of the lakeA moment’s reflection• What would be the consequence of that? A moment's reflection will show that it would make private members more independent.reflection of• The amount you tip should be a reflection of the kind of service you·flec·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  an Corpus a see in can image mirror, that you




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