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单词 buoyancy
释义  Related topics: Finance, Physicsbuoy·an·cy /ˈbɔɪənsi $ ˈbɔɪənsi, ˈbuːjənsi/ noun [uncountable]  1. ON/ON TOP OFthe ability of an object to float 〔物体在液体里的〕浮性2  ON/ON TOP OFthe power of a liquid to make an object float 〔液体的〕浮力 Salt water has more buoyancy than fresh water. 盐水的浮力比淡水大。3. HAPPYa feeling of happiness and a belief that you can deal with problems easily 自信;乐观4. BFthe ability of prices, a business etc to quickly get back to a high level after a difficult period 〔价格、生意等的〕恢复力,复苏力Examples from the Corpusbuoyancy• Then she hit on a buoyancy technique.• Its chanting quality sounds a note of buoyancy and music in the evocation of the enormity of the Crucifixion.• The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray Are of advantage to me.• A few other sectors have some buoyancy.• There is not much temperature-produced density contrast at a given level; thus this does not much affect the buoyancy force.• the buoyancy of light wood• Six-year-old Michael Smith and his parents were spotted by a passing yacht as they clung to a tiny buoyancy bag in darkness.• The life streams were flowing with buoyancy.buoy·an·cy nounChineseSyllable   Corpus ability object an float the of to




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