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单词 useful
释义 Word family  noun usage use disuse misuse reuse usefulness ≠ uselessness user adjective reusable used ≠ unused disused useful ≠ useless usable ≠ unusable verb use misuse reuse adverb usefully ≠ uselessly  use·ful /ˈjuːsfəl/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  USEFULhelping you to do or get what you want 有用的;有益的 OPP useless useful information 有用的信息 A little Japanese can be really useful. 懂一点日语非常有用。useful for The space under the desk is useful for storing CDs. 书桌下面的空间可以用来存放激光唱片。useful to techniques that could be useful to teachers 对教师可能有用的技巧 Can you come and make yourself useful (=help people to do something)? 你能不能过来帮点忙? —usefully adverbn COLLOCATIONSnounsuseful information/adviceShe gave me some useful advice.a useful tipTheir website has some useful tips on selling your home.a useful way of doing somethingKeeping lists of the words you learn is a useful way of remembering vocabulary.a useful toolThe Internet is a useful tool for investors.a useful contributionHe played well and made a useful contribution to the team’s performance.verbsfind something usefulDid you find the book useful?prove useful formal (=be useful)This equipment could prove useful in testing babies’ hearing.phrasesit is useful to do somethingIt is useful to practise in front of an audience.come in useful (=be useful)The extra income would come in useful.make yourself useful (=be helpful)Don’t just stand there – make yourself useful!serve a useful purpose/function (=be useful)Sending her to prison would serve no useful purpose. THESAURUSuseful something that is useful makes it easier for you to do something 有用的,有益的He gave me some useful advice. 他给了我一些有用的建议。a useful thing to know 知道了会很有用的事handy informal useful – used especially about something that is convenient and easy to use 〔尤指使用简便的事物〕有用的a handy little booklet 一本有用的小册子The book is full of handy hints. 这本书里都是有用的建议。I always keep old jars – you never know when they might come in handy (=be useful). 我总是留着旧罐子——说不定哪天就能用上。helpful useful because it helps you to do something 有用的;有帮助的This drug can be helpful in treating depression. 这种药对治疗抑郁症有帮助。helpful advice 有用的忠告helpful suggestions 有用的建议of use [not before noun] if someone or something is of use, they are useful for you when you are doing something 有用的I hope you’ll find the book of use. 我希望你觉得这本书有用。He wants to be of use. 他希望自己是个有用的人。worthwhile if doing something is worthwhile, it is useful for you and you benefit from doing it 有用的;值得做的The training was certainly worthwhile. 培训当然有用。a worthwhile experience 有益的经历nIt is worthwhile to start by asking ourselves why people get involved in crime. very useful 非常有用的valuable very useful in helping you do something 有价值的His information was very valuable to the police. 他提供的信息对警方很有价值。The course was a valuable experience for me. 参加这门课程对我来说是一段很宝贵的经历。a valuable contribution 宝贵的贡献invaluable extremely useful in helping you do something 极有用的,极宝贵的His help was invaluable. 他的帮助极有价值。The drug could be invaluable for treating cancer patients. 这种药对于治疗癌症病人可能极有价值。nan invaluable experienceindispensable someone or something that is indispensable is so useful and important that you cannot do something without them 必需的,不可或缺的For walkers, a good compass is indispensable. 对徒步者来说,好的指南针是必备的。He became an indispensable part of the team. 他已成为队中不可或缺的一员。nan indispensable guide to travelling in Italybe great for something informal to be very useful for doing something 对某事物极为有用The bag is great for taking on holiday. 这包度假时很有用。Examples from the Corpususeful• For parts, he scrounged around various offices and supply rooms, scavenging what seemed useful.• See page 35 for a list of useful addresses.• The bank gave us a lot of useful advice about starting our own business.• The legal knowledge was useful, and the degree and license another step forward, but practicing law was not his ambition.• Investigators have not found any useful clues in the case.• Often a single chemical reaction is not sufficient to synthesize a useful end-product.• Yes, those ladies had given a useful fillip to his prestige.• Scotch tape is very useful for making quick repairs.• This equipment will prove useful in testing premature babies who we suspect might have hearing problems.• Other useful information is also given at the back of the book.• It is useful to minimize the reminders and lectures.• And a big stick comes in useful too.useful to• They are working to develop technology that is useful to farmers.use·ful adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or do get want Corpus to what helping you you




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