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单词 Battalion
1 Our battalion was ordered up, too.
2 A Scottish battalion was marching down the street.
3 Anthony was ordered to return to his battalion.
4 The battalion stood its ground in the face of repeated attacks.
5 He commands the 4th Battalion.
6 The battalion marched past their commanding officer.
7 He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards.
8 A new battalion arrived at the front.
9 The battalion went on parade to welcome the new commander-in-chief.
10 The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in.
11 The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.
12 An armoured battalion was sent to relieve the besieged town.
13 The battalion marched from the barracks to the parade ground.
14 His battalion commander was becoming a nuisance.
15 Our unit was a general support artillery battalion.
16 Each infantry battalion has five companies.
17 The others were discussing a battalion football match.
18 The second enemy battalion also attempted to move south.
19 The 555th Battalion marched in the parade.
20 They raised the roof,[] his battalion of coughs.
21 Battalion always had at least one maintenance ship on call for situations like ours.
22 The battalion group will complete in Safra by early evening.
23 It would have taken a battalion to root the fanatics out, and the casualties would have been horrendous.
24 Meanwhile, supply sergeants throughout the battalion were keeping their fingers crossed.
25 The methods taught in the 1983 manual and those used by Battalion 316 in the early 1980s show unmistakable similarities.
26 But the problems reported in this study were unrelated to that, for the construction battalion was nowhere near that facility.
27 All communication was lost between Charlie Company and the rest of the battalion.
28 How can that possibly be cost-effective in terms of the operation of a paratroop battalion?
29 Afterwards Macker moved forward to congratulate one of his battalion commanders.
30 I close the window again with a smug smile on my face, and wait for the next battalion of eager buzzers.
1 Our battalion was ordered up, too.
2 A Scottish battalion was marching down the street.
3 Anthony was ordered to return to his battalion.
4 The battalion stood its ground in the face of repeated attacks.
31 One frustrated local battalion has resorted to practicing with toy soldiers on a gymnasium floor.
32 On the way in, the battalion commander called in Puff the Magic Dragon.
33 Are we to take it that the company headquarters, not the battalion headquarters, will be in Glasgow?
34 Of course, the battalion commander with his artillery liaison officer was usually flying overhead.
35 He presented 23 soldiers with campaign medals on behalf of the First Battalion the Staffordshire Regiment.
36 Their arrival swung on to General Noriega's side a battalion which had previously declined to commit itself.
37 The first battalion of boffins will swing into action this August.
38 The battalion commander had been having a conflict with Division over how he ran the battalion.
39 The battalion boarded the vehicles to return to Chelsea Barracks, ceremonial duties - and Alice, of course.
40 Edward Smith, commander of the battalion which had sent troops to Nimba county, was replaced by Brig. -Gen.
41 As Bailey yelled, I noticed the whole battalion on the horizon coming up from the south.
42 Goldhagen found ample evidence that battalion commanders excused anyone who did not want to participate.
43 We want to look up and see the battalion commander is a women.
44 A judicial investigation implicated three members of the Caldas Battalion of the army.
44 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
45 I think he was so intense because he was the only black platoon leader in our battalion.
46 Miles ahead of us the lead company in the battalion was reporting machine-gun fire near the pass at 3000 feet.
47 The President stood as a battalion of soldiers paraded past him.
48 The siege of Pleime was still going strong in Ia Drang valley, but in our battalion nothing was happening.
49 A page of Herodotus would have been sufficient to put a battalion of biblical scholars out of action.
50 There had been no word on Stephen from battalion headquarters when he went to check that morning.
51 Unconvinced, the battalion marched out of the city, but the undaunted colonel followed, arguing as he went.
52 The day was too much, and the battalion commander requested to be relieved of his duty.
53 In the meantime, the 2d Battalion of the 271 Regiment, moving forward in a column, engaged the northernmost company.
54 VE-day saw the release of those members of the Battalion taken prisoner at Hazenbrouck in 1940.
55 Pass-Off Day: the end of training and the gateway to battalion life.
56 Other Companies of the Battalion were already moving off in time to take their appropriate places in the March Table.
57 He had executed in public deserters from his battalion when it fought for its life on the Basra to Baghdad road.
58 A battalion of infantry that was marching towards the cabriolet shuffled on to the grass verge.
59 As for the Danuese battalion, the Sons of Death, as they called themselves, a few still had revenge on their minds.
60 Our battalion would lie in ambush on the mountainside.
61 The town was garrisoned by a battalion.
62 The second battalion is / are going abroad.
63 Changeover of mechanism of battalion alreadylook forward to and enterprise reform had very great progress.
64 The missions of the Military Intelligence Battalion in the U.S. Army have renewed significance.
65 Support group: composed of the heavy weapon company of the3 rd battalion SS Rgt" Germania" and the artillery group( III/ SS AR5).
66 That afternoon I inspected the student battalion of St. John's University.
67 After complaining to their battalion officers, the men were allowed to chew on a type of hardtack, but this only made them thirsty and they guzzled water at every break.
68 It was at the season when the grain is tall; on the edge of the plateau a battalion of Kempt's brigade, the 95th, armed with carabines, was concealed in the tall wheat.
69 The battalion had a new commander : Lieutenant Colonel William F. Harris, 32, Naval Academy 1936, who had taken over from Major Roach on 11 November.
70 At press time, King Leopold was reportedly planning to amass a battalion of 1, 200 hardy foot soldiers, including 50 mighty water bugs, to seek out the location of the bedbug stronghold.
71 The Women's Death Battalion in Petrograd helped defend the siege on the Winter Palace and was among the last to surrender to the Bolshevik onslaught.
72 Enormous engine is plangent blow airline challenges civilian battalion the bugle of state - owned airline.
73 Besides beautiful money newspaper data, sohu is more beautiful is battalion accepts structural diversity, this and pattern of profit of other Internet company are onefold formed bright contrast.
74 Now, as a battalion commander, he had done well at Pusan and Inchon.sentencedict .com
75 Jack : Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks.
76 Soldiers of the English Gloucestershire Regiment battalion stop for afternoon tea.
77 We stopped a tank attack two hours ago at Third Battalion.
78 Wild boar battalion sergeant major of the Han Mok died!
79 Stugs equipped the Assault Gun Battalion of the Finish Armored Division.
80 On the AirLand battlefield, they provide the Army versatility and strategic flexibility through their capacity for rapid deployment. The battalion possesses limited combat service support assets.
81 I was in the Ninth Machine - gun Battalion. ".
82 Nathaniel Hahn and his fiancee Sarah Kaster share a moment following a send-off ceremony for the 290-member 147th Aviation Battalion based in Madison, Wisconsin which soon will be deployed in Iraq.
83 What use as plane battalion freight is elevatory, turnaround time will become more and more important.
84 In the army generals, former platoon, company, battalion, brigade, Longdong appeasement commander, commander.
85 The Ministry of Defence said the soldiers were from 1 st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment.
86 The next goal is to amass a battalion of troops that can quickly raze infested Terran structures during your brief windows of daylight.
87 Finally, an aviation battalion spread gravel for the road surface.
88 A battalion of brick buildings along the riverfront in Apalachicola reverses time some 170 years, back to the town's heyday as a thriving shipping port for cotton.
89 As soon as inquired that originally here is carrying on the Kasai training battalion.
90 In the contrast with the 3rd quarter, battalion closes, the expression that battalion receives quota of key of profit of amplitude, operation is goodish .
91 Restrain growth season network game and advertisement service battalion, partial countervail of gross profit embellish glide.
92 Run from opposite directions Niu Zhuang and battalion mouth are northeastern before port the position in cabotage, the article also has involve.
93 Knight assigned to guard Heigm Castle . Wields a Flame Flail . Was killed by and his battalion.
94 United States Marines from the 2nd Battalion 2nd Marines "Warlords" gather during an operation in the Garmsir district of the volatile Helmand province, southern Afghanistan, Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2009.
95 The division's assault gun battalion had some 35 StuG IIIs ready for action and the 101st SS Battalion's 25 Tiger Is.
96 The soldiers are with the Second Battalion 27th Infantry Regiment, based in Hawaii.
97 They've got a whole battalion there and two machine - guns !
98 United States Marines from the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marines "Warlords" rest during an operation to hunt for insurgents in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan.
99 Colonel Lewis B. " Chesty " Puller, the regimental commander of the 1st Marines, left late that afternoon by rail with the 2d Battalion, 1st Marines, "to clear up the situation.
100 US Marines from the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, 1st Battalion 5th Marines board helicopters at Camp Leatherneck for a night air assault in Afghanistan's Helmand province Thursday July 2, 2009.
101 One of those 1 st Battalion fuckers took a dump in my foxhole.
102 The Deutschland Panzergrenadier Regiment was to storm into Stepanovka, backed by the division's assault gun battalion.
103 The weapon is equipped by the PLA ground forces at battalion and company levels to provide instant, direct fire support for infantry troops.
104 While the Panthers held the British advance, Wisch intended to use his assault gun battalion in order to hit the British armoured phalanx in the flank.
105 Senior consultation specialist, the along front cathedra specialist. Fource of the strategy of industry planning, battalion management pattern design, financial affairs.
106 Almond agreed to the return of one KMC battalion in order to expedite the move of the 5th and 7th Marines to Hamhung.
107 I will not have an officer from my battalion working as a coolie.
108 A serviceman from 4th Battalion, The Rifles, died in an explosion near Sangin, in Helmand province on the morning of Remembrance Sunday.
109 But the kopeck and participated, therefore in the training battalion, they daily will perhaps not participate.
110 A battalion of combat - hardened public - relations officers stood on red alert twenty - four hours a day.
111 One might as well have been at a battalion headquarters in the line.
112 There was draw they had to cross a few hundred feet before they reached 1 st Battalion.
113 A battalion of about 1,000 Burundian troops was deployed earlier this month and the rest of the reinforcements are expected later this year.
114 Wave tide is moved, face of spring breeze stroke, on the beach that Chinese civil aviation reforms, kept the track of toddle of aviation of a few civilian battalion eventually.
115 Left: Marines and a Navy corpsman from Charlie Company, Battalion 1/8, kick back at Patrol Base Dehanna in Nawzad district on Jan.7.
116 Will he make you all officers over a regiment or a battalion of soldiers?
117 Fontal city is the ground city that the civilian battalion economy of famed whole nation developeds.
118 For the light infantry battalion, this requires squads, platoons, and companies to have expertise in combat skills and the ability to execute decentralized operations that concentrate on the enemy.
119 The battalion formed up by company on the barrack square.
120 Because clean water is the deliquescent media of all sorts of nutrition material, be helpful for what all sorts of battalion nurturance divide children absorbing.
121 The name comes from the French "les Diables Bleus" or "the Blue Devils, " which was the nickname given during World War I to the Chasseurs Alpins, the French Alpine light infantry battalion.
122 This is head coach franker first does not have Kyd and Jafferson's training battalion.
123 Does the budget carry to retaining a firm the action of battalion profit margin how?
124 A battalion of Nassau , seven hundred strong, was overwhelmed there.
125 An Afghan policeman smiles during a joint patrol with US policemen from the 504-th Military Police Battalion, 170th Company in the suburbs of Kandahar city, Kandahar province, August 18, 2010.
126 CHAOS - Sorceror who was trying to hunt down Haborym , but was killed by Denim and his battalion.
127 The first training cycle will be taking place at Tapa Air Defence Battalion and the second in France.
128 A battalion of 320 soldiers from the SPLA and 319 from Khartoum is in place.
129 No matter look from any angle, even if this catchword is a cover only, appear than the sort of dinkum business already battalion makes a person more hearten and self-identity.
130 River of the Huaihe River length ( fountainhead -- 3 rivers battalion ) about 1000 kilometers.
131 The men of the rebellious battalion were Red Army soldiers from the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic captured on the Eastern front.
132 The soldier, from the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, has not yet been named but his next of kin have been informed.
133 Sometime after boot camp, a group of us were sent to Camp Endicott in Rhode Island, where we joined to USN 28th Battalion.
134 MAJ Kajikawa Tomiji, the battalion commander , was a Military Academy graduate and a Kendo ( swordsmanship ) expert.
134 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
135 Matt is the night of the 13 th Battalion of Interpol detective.
136 Up on the plateau Ridge's 3d Battalion, 1st Marines, had come out of Koto -ri and relieved the 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, on Hill 1328 where it had a fight with about 350 resurgent Chinese.
137 Nowadays, the ave of the capital is off-street, restaurant inn is numberless as the sand, those who write car filling shoe is one chirp of one battalion of 3 paces, 5 paces more.
138 Battalion person includes 107 Hong Kong students and 125 continent students.
139 CHAOS - Knight who was assigned to guard Coritani Castle. Was given a Sword of Firedrake by Duke Ronway. Was killed by Denim and his battalion.
140 The Navy is forming the 10th Fleet and co-locating it with the Army Network Warfare Battalion at Fort Meade, Md. Brig. Gen.
141 Jiang Mou uses civilian battalion express delivery in Nanning, sent cogged material to Liang Mou.
142 If corneous layer heavy panel, battalion nurturance divides very difficult infiltration.
143 Is civilian battalion hospital primary the doctor monthly pay of the title probably how many?
144 Battalion and regimental cadres should go through intermediate officers'training schools.
145 Or that a lieutenant colonel, back from commanding a battalion in a hot spot, relays very specific information about the merits of Kotex vs.
146 Army men working in the company, from the battalion leader to the political instructor, the amanuensis, and cooks, all were in an excited mood.
147 This division was in control of the 20 Commando Battalion as well.
148 "The present state of play is that one NATO ship just finished escorting a ship that was bringing in supplies for the Burundi battalion for [the AU peacekeeping mission] in Somalia, " he said.
149 These are fabulous the medium second line net that passes moistly to still can pound 100 million yuan of battalion to close to close greatly even swims.
150 Informal group also is a kind of objective existence in civilian battalion enterprise.
151 The counterattack also overruns the aid station of the 2/134th Infantry and the motor park of the same battalion.
152 Seek new economic point of growth and battalion to receive mode, it is the demand that the company grows not only, also be the requirement of wall street investor.
153 So battalion forest cost and operating expenses defray merge into liquid assets kind it is reasonable.
154 Advocate battalion property manages and seek advice from service routine.
155 Soldiers of A Company from the 1st Battalion of Royal Gurkha Rifles and Afghan National Police patrol in Nahr e Saraj village, in Helmand, on June 24, 2010.
156 Corporal Mason 27, was serving with The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Scotland, when he was struck by a improvised explosive device in Kandahar Province in Afghanistan.
157 Those who already battalion to already became market fractionize is inevitable.
158 Asthe men and women of First Battalion, 87th Infantry deployed, planeload afterplaneload, to Afghanistan this year(sentence dictionary), there was an unspoken question in the air:Who among them wouldn't make it home?
159 Yogendra Singh Yadav was a member of an Indian grenadier battalion during a conflict with Pakistan in 1999.
160 Soldiers from the 2 nd Battalion, 3 rd Field Artillery enjoy the pool at Uday Hussein's Adamiya Palace.
161 a battalion of supporters.




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