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单词 usage
释义 Word family  noun usage use disuse misuse reuse usefulness ≠ uselessness user adjective reusable used ≠ unused disused useful ≠ useless usable ≠ unusable verb use misuse reuse adverb usefully ≠ uselessly  Related topics: Languages, Linguisticsus·age /ˈjuːsɪdʒ, ˈjuːz-/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]SLL the way that words are used in a language 〔词语的〕用法 a book on modern English usage 关于现代英语用法的书2  [uncountable]USE something the way in which something is used, or the amount of it that is used 用法,使用方法;使用量 Water usage is increasing. 用水量在增加。Examples from the Corpususage• That, in turn, amplifies credit card usage figures.• Best of all, Dialplus usage is charged on time only, not the volume of data transmitted.• Promote the efficient usage of all forms of energy to reduce consumption.• Gas usage fell by almost 14 percent.• The Host Connection Services offer two pricing options-a fixed monthly fee and unlimited usage-or usage based pricing.• He expects widespread usage of computer technology to be commonplace before that·age nounChineseSyllable  used way Corpus are words that a the in




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