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单词 Ignore
(1) There was a general disposition to ignore the problem.
(2) ignore those who try to discourage you .
(3) We cannot afford to ignore their advice.
(4) I shall ignore that uncalled-for remark.
(5) Don't ignore the fog warning signs .
(6) Nobody could ignore these problems.
(7) It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion.
(8) Ignore her?she's only trying to make you jealous.
(9) The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.
(10) I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.
(11) Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing.
(12) Often by those I ignore(http://), only in lost just know that is the most precious.
(13) Please don't play my feelings, also do not ignore my feelings.
(14) I tried to ignore their barbs about my new jacket.
(15) Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself.
(16) You can't ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison.
(17) She tried to ignore the heavy irony in his voice.
(18) I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy.
(19) The wisest course would be to ignore it.
(20) Ignore him - he's being lewd.
(21) A hard core of drivers ignore the law.
(22) It would be discourteous to ignore his request.
(23) He's his own man, but he doesn't ignore advice.
(24) I chose to ignore his advice.
(25) Governments cannot ignore the strength of public opinion.
(26) The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them. 
(27) The pernicious effect of this advertising on children is a problem that we ignore at our peril.
(28) Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.
(29) Her stratagem for dealing with her husband's infidelities was to ignore them.
(30) She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her.
(1) We cannot afford to ignore their advice.
(2) Don't ignore the fog warning signs .
(3) It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion.
(4) Ignore her?she's only trying to make you jealous.
(5) The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.
(6) The pernicious effect of this advertising on children is a problem that we ignore at our peril.
(7) Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.
(8) I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.
(9) Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing.
(10) Her stratagem for dealing with her husband's infidelities was to ignore them.
(11) She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her.
(12) I tried to ignore their barbs about my new jacket.
(13) You can't ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison.
(14) She tried to ignore the heavy irony in his voice.
(15) I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy.
(31) Ignore these warnings at your peril.
(32) Ignore what he said-it doesn't mean a thing.
(33) Ignore everything he said-it was all just a tease.
(34) He continued to ignore everything I was saying.
(35) I tried to stay calm and just ignore him.
(36) You should never ignore a breast lump.
(37) It would be foolish to ignore his advice.
(38) Do not ignore warning signs such as tiredness.
(39) Ignore the early warnings and illness could result.
(40) The government saw fit to ignore our advice.
(41) We cannot afford to ignore this warning.
(42) would be to ignore it completely.
(43) The girl's parents continued to ignore her very existence.
(44) Let us ignore these irrelevancies.
(45) It would not be politic to ignore the reporters.
(46) It would be irresponsible to ignore the situation.
(47) I can't ignore his rudeness any longer.
(48) Only a dummy would ignore the safety warnings.
(49) Scientists have tended to ignore these creatures.
(50) Ignore him - he's just baiting you.
(51) We shall ignore factors extraneous to the problem.
(52) Politicians ignore this issue at their peril.
(53) She tried her hardest to ignore what he'd said.
(54) The judge chose to ignore the views of the doctors.
(55) The other kids used to call me names, but I tried to ignore them.
(56) They knew that discrimination was going on, but chose to ignore it.
(57) Liam decided to ignore the warning and just hope for the best .
(58) If past experience is anything to go by, he'll completely ignore our suggestions and then change his mind at the last minute.
(59) This last clause is a thinly-veiled threat to those who might choose to ignore the decree.
(60) You have to ignore the pinpricks and just get on with the job.
(61) During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal and difficult to ignore.
(62) I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just didn't recognize her.
(63) Jim's in one of his sulks again - just ignore him.
(64) As citizens of the global village, we cannot ignore our obligations to others.
(65) Teachers ignore the importance of these results at their peril.
(66) It is relatively easy for newcomers to pick off the most lucrative business and ignore the rest.
(67) How can the government ignore the wishes of the majority?
(68) This issue was of such importance that we could not afford to ignore it.
(69) We hadn't eaten since yesterday and the hunger pangs were getting harder to ignore.
(70) He has this enviable ability to ignore everything that's unpleasant in life.
(71) His cry is pitched at a level that makes it impossible to ignore.
(72) She managed to hold her head high and ignore what people were saying.
(73) Just ignore him - he's only trying to put your back up.
(74) It appalled me that they could simply ignore the problem.
(75) It would be a mistake to ignore their strong sentiments on the issue.
(76) The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.
(77) There's no mileage in complaining to the Director - she'll just ignore you.
(78) Did you think I'd ignore the fact that you were suffering from shock?
(79) Just ignore the bad language - they only do it to shock.
(80) Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so.
(81) Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.
(82) We could ignore him and go direct to the chairman,()(/ignore.html) but we'd be skating on very thin ice.
(83) She felt sorry for the man but couldn't ignore the humour of the situation.
(84) You're laying up trouble for yourself if you ignore health problems now.
(85) How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion?
(86) He tried to ignore the heat building up in the confined space.
(87) I never answer his calls and I ignore him every time I see him, so you'd think he'd get the message.
(88) If he tries to start an argument, just ignore him.
(89) You'd be a fool to ignore a chance like that.
(90) The judge chose to ignore questions of the constitutionality of the Senator's actions.
(91) The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.
(92) Textbooks tend to ignore past military aggressions.
(93) Be so good they can't ignore you. Steve Martin 
(94) Ignore her, she is in a bad mood today.
(95) He would ignore chronology for the sake of truth.
(96) Ignore what it feels like, concentrate on the journey.
(97) The dignified thing would be to ignore them.
(98) So you can't ignore their alcohol content.
(99) Her body seemed determined to ignore the danger signals now at last flashing through her brain.
(100) They talked about their day, and tried to ignore the empty place at the head of the table.
(101) I ignore him and dive down to my furniture underworld to etch the bizarre scene on my mind once more.
(101) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(102) The Phillips curve was regarded as an inescapable constraint on policy action which the authorities could only ignore at their peril.
(103) Wycliffe tried to concentrate on the Wheel and to ignore the veritable forest of giant rock pinnacles with which they were surrounded.
(104) His discomfort was extreme and obvious, but he did his best to ignore the pain in his usual stoic manner.
(105) None of what has been said suggests that we should ignore ethical lapses or law-breaking by public figures.
(106) Waves ignore frontiers and time-zones as they echo round the world.
(107) But an alternative explanation had also come to him which he knew he should not ignore.
(108) Ignore companies that claim to be able to repair your credit ratings.
(109) I wonder if they will ask me to go, but apart from a few curious glances, quickly snuffed, they ignore me.
(110) But in practice, if most countries want to go ahead with something, they may well ignore a lone dissenter.
(111) College had exposed weaknesses they had been able to ignore in the past.
(112) When you are weighing up which lender to go to for your loan, you ignore their differences at your peril.
(113) Those who believe in hard work always turn out to be a winner in life. Those who ignore hard work always become a loser in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
(114) It is within your power to concentrate on selected aspects of your work environment and ignore others.
(115) The links between sunbathing and skin cancer are too strong to ignore.
(116) Such studies tend to ignore the influence of economic relationships on the development of the state apparatus under colonialism.
(117) The heat-seekers would be drawn by the steaming wound in the rock face, Defries realized; they'd ignore Daak.
(118) One could not ignore the existence of situations in which it was necessary to act the part of the cad.
(119) She tried to ignore his coarse jokes and crude innuendoes -- he was obviously drunk.
(120) He bullied the school board which, in theory, employed him, and he chose to ignore the black protest.
(121) Like the rest of Britain's many great long distance runners Zarei has this ability to ignore the pain and keep going.
(122) Life is what it is, not what it ought to be. The way life works does not require our approval. Those who ignore the laws of life pay a heavy price. Dr T.P.Chia 
(123) This means that we can ignore one row of A; we exemplify this below.
(124) One can not ignore the obvious influences, most notably the breathy stylings of Blossom Dearie with a pinch of Peggy Lee.
(125) Women conceive the future that men tend to flee; they feed the children that men ignore.
(126) But it was hard to ignore hard green crab apples lobbing in, and finally my sister made a dash for him.
(127) Those who ignore the above advice are likely to be flamed.
(128) She walked to the door, trying her hardest to ignore the man who fell into step beside her.
(129) If m is sufficiently small we can ignore the mutual attraction of the two masses.
(130) I told him to drive more slowly, but he chose to ignore my advice.
(131) That is carried to such an extreme that we will recognise dictatorships and ignore the coups which bring some despots to power.
(131) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(132) All in all, a difficult sight to ignore, which suited him fine.
(133) In our view, however, the cautious approach is not to ignore the epidemiological evidence of declining semen quality.
(134) I force her skinny little arms into the position I need and ignore the sharp intake of breath.
(135) If you routinely ignore this bit of advice, like most travelers, take a minute now and think about it.
(136) Because of the conservation movement, such catastrophes have become impossible to ignore.
(137) A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run - Sit still and ignore him and he'll come purring at your feet. Helen Rowland 
(138) They could not avoid criticism but they could usually ignore it.
(139) He had tried to ignore her and go on in an effort to help the girl.
(140) Whether Christians should welcome it or not remains an open question, but they can ignore it only at their peril.
(141) What the officials of these states ignore is that the age of fetishism is over, and importing military hardware increases dependence.
(142) Yet people ignore the plight of, say, the several species of bat which are on the edge of extinction.
(143) Here we ignore topological subtleties in the case of the cylinder by considering only paths that do not cross the cut.
(144) Perhaps the best bet would be to ignore the words altogether and focus on the music.
(145) The law does not allow the consumer to ignore the intermediate links in the chain.
(146) According to their ability they will be able to pick and choose which clues they will utilize and which they will ignore.
(147) They ignore the minor expense of health care for pregnant women, but pay the massive expenses of premature babies.
(148) Were we to say nothing about it, or to ignore the problem that exists and the unrest in the black community?
(149) Should you fail to appreciate this, and simply ignore them, there is a real likelihood that you could be bitten.
(150) The several criticisms of the market economy are reasonably accurate and certainly too serious to ignore.
(151) Corbett took his seat, trying to ignore de Craon who was grinning as if he had suddenly found something amusing.
(152) You must pay for your sins. If you have already paid, please ignore this notice. Sam Levenson 
(153) There came a day shortly afterwards when I could no longer ignore the fact that he was losing his mind.
(154) Often elected officials prefer to ignore bad news, so they question the accuracy of the numbers.
(155) A three-dollar conversion would have corrected the design defect, but the corporation chose to ignore the problem.
(156) Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death. Rumi 
(157) They allow browser programmers to ignore the complex networking code necessary to support every firewall protocol and concentrate on important client issues.
(158) Only those who can afford to ignore these constraints feel capable of exercising a choice to retain a more traditional agricultural landscape.
(159) Many people ignore this sign, comforting themselves that they probably brushed too hard.
(160) Education business partnerships, though recent in their current form, have antecedents which it would be foolish to ignore.
(161) Firms which ignore the requests could face fines of up to £400.
(162) Far better to spend some money exploring this new medium than to ignore the biggest competitive threat since television.
(163) In a buyer's market we ignore these at our peril.
(164) It can also be argued that as human beings, while engaged in decision-making, we often ignore our fully conscious preferences.
(165) That move means he can ignore federal spending caps that restrict the ability of other candidates to match his ubiquitous broadcast ads.
(166) The Archbishop's implied command that he leave the matter alone he decided to ignore.
(167) Usually he was oblivious of his working conditions, but a sub-tropical temperature was difficult to ignore.
(168) They ignore ambiguities in their own writing, and in their interview material, which they treat as unproblematically quotable.
(169) For ministers to ignore Parliament completely would prove equally untenable.
(170) Undifferentiated comparisons which ignore parental occupations and educational backgrounds and environmental conditions like housing are also of very limited value.
(171) Some things are hard to write about. After something happens to you, you go to write it down, and either you over dramatize it, or underplay it, exaggerate the wrong parts or ignore the important ones. At any rate, you never write it quite the way you want to. Sylvia Plath 
(172) The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life. Frank Lloyd Wright 
(173) On Sunday evening she would just sit there and ignore the baby.
(174) Ignore them and dig deeper,() where some truly good stuff can frequently be found.
(175) Her control of the stage is consummate, impossible to ignore and intimidating in the extreme.
(176) Critics have argued that an excessive commercial focus will lead researchers to ignore pure science.
(177) A developer could go ahead without applying for planning permission, or could even ignore a refusal of permission.
(178) The girls usually ignore the soldiers, though some have been killed by random bullets.
(179) The czars introduced constitutional guarantees, only to ignore them whenever it suited their purpose.
(180) When some one calls your bluff, you best ignore him.
(181) I begin my answer to the hon. Member by reminding the House that those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.
(182) This combination of cert hit movie and attached hit record proved too much for Hollywood to ignore.
(183) Take care how you cross the road. Most drivers ignore the traffic lights and just drive through.
(184) It's normal for people to ignore each other in an elevator.
(185) The Thing could be deliberately infuriating at times, but it didn't pay to ignore its advice.
(186) A start is to ignore the old Depression-era paternal messages about cleaning your plate.
(187) What is needed, perhaps, is a bit of disgraceful degradation of the sort that nobody can ignore.
(188) Observe the reeds waving as you pass. Tropical fish ignore you.
(189) He ground out the cigarette and watched her, the burning need in him too fierce to ignore.
(190) The Goddess tells Ari to ignore those things and concentrate on the pleasure.
(191) Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets.
(191) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(192) But was this political climate of friendliness towards the oppressed one that lesbians and gays could afford to ignore?
(193) It is not clear, he said, whether the review will formally abandon the policy or simply ignore it.
(194) When distracting thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not dwelling upon them and return to your breathing exercise.
(195) But one should not ignore the fact that the Party was also developing its economic policies and identifying closely with the unemployed.
(196) Would he publicly acknowledge the little boy as his, or might he prefer to ignore his existence?
(197) Pavlov was feisty in his opposition to the Soviets, but, aware of his fame, they were forced to ignore his insults.
(198) The professors laugh at the irony but ignore the message-that academic skills and fighting skills may not often coexist.
(199) Although Dole is bumping up against the federal spending ceiling, he could opt to ignore it altogether.
(200) I shall refrain from doing so, though even the dust jacket has chosen to ignore that discretion.
(201) In fact it is just as misleading to ignore the packaging and expect some one to assess the new situation without any help.
(202) They jointly chose to ignore their employer's orders and statutory safety regulations, by testing detonators without taking shelter.
(203) People tend to exaggerate their strengths and ignore their weaknesses. Don't exaggerate your strengths. Don't ignore your weaknesses. Dr T.P.Chia 
(204) There may be tendencies to stereotype a scholar and thus ignore his highly creative experience.
(205) I might ignore all the warnings and even try to convince other people that lung cancer does not really exist.
(206) Ignore it we try, but sadly, inevitably, there will be a death in the family.
(207) It was also a sign that William Mulholland chose, if not exactly to ignore, then to disbelieve.
(208) He can treat Mr Flynt as a figure beneath contempt, and ignore him.
(209) Merymose clearly had orders to ignore any trail that led to the palace compound.
(210) The ads he is financing this weekend refer pointedly to the Council, reminding voters of a "slush fund scandal" involving fake community organizations, but conspicuously ignore the mayor.
(211) However, if the gray-black skin deep, and even has begun a long spot, do not ignore, but can not clean things chaos must be on time.




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