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单词 unstated
释义  un·stat·ed /ʌnˈsteɪtɪd/ adjective  not expressed in words 未陈述的,未阐明的 unstated assumptions 未说明的假设Examples from the Corpusunstated• Yet, the aspiration for social cohesion is the unstated aim of much of the republican agenda in New Labour.• These premises are often unstated and hence untested.• The unstated assumption here is that the time is not right for using force.• So looking at clauses joined by but is one way of revealing a speaker's or writer's underlying, unstated assumptions.• There was no flowering between us, just the unstated promise of responsibility between one friend and another.• But there were other, unstated, reasons.• It involves a change in both the stated and unstated rules which govern the behavior and beliefs of an organization.• Whether stated or unstated, these conventions remain true for all Mills and Boon, Silhouette, and Harlequin romances.un·stat·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  in words Corpus not expressed




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