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单词 Individually
1. Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.
2. Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.
3. The teacher talked to his students individually.
4. Individually we are weak, like a single twig but as a bundle we form a mighty faggot.
5. The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are far less powerful.
6. Individually the children are delightful; en masse they can be unbearable.
7. Each doll is crafted individually by specialists.
8. The bridegroom thanked them all individually.
9. A five-day week benefits more than individually and economically.
10. The hotel has 100 individually designed bedrooms.
11. The children were taught individually, not in a group.
12. The manager spoke to them all individually.
13. These paints can be used individually or in combination.
14. Each of the ten bedrooms is individually furnished.
15. Every part is individually checked before assembly.
16. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.
17. All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and development programme.
18. The children will first sing individually and then together as a group.
19. Individually, students have little power, but collectively they can be more influential.
20. It is advisable to practise each exercise individually before doing the whole routine.
21. There are 76 individually furnished bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.
22. The students work individually, then pool their ideas in groups of six.
23. The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold and silver foil.
24. Dublin people dress more individually than people in London or wherever.
25. A recipe for sibling harmony. Individually wrapped laundry.
26. Wrap cupcakes individually in plastic wrap.
27. Wrap the finest dessert specimens individually, in some newspaper.
28. The related publications are far too numerous to list individually.
29. Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually.
30. We have had a successful year, both collectively and individually.
1. Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.
2. Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.
3. The teacher talked to his students individually.
4. Each of the ten bedrooms is individually furnished.
5. Every part is individually checked before assembly.
6. The related publications are far too numerous to list individually.
31. Femfresh are individually wrapped, mildly fragrant, moist tissues.
32. Tanedo works individually with students, helping them brainstorm and write rough drafts.
33. Family stories seem to persist in importance even when people think of themselves individually, without regard to their familial roles.
34. Individually, each was a stylist with a voice and approach so distinctive they could never be mistaken for anyone else.
35. Individually and in groups, residents have taken their complaints to scores of government officials.
36. From May-September, each student undertakes a major practical project, individually or collaboratively.
37. Rather, these relationships are negotiated individually between the participants involved on a club-by-club basis.
38. Three really beautiful evening dresses, each individually wrapped in the black tissue-paper.
39. We must act with maximum efficiency, individually and collectively, in our neighborhoods as readily as in our international affairs.
40. From there the various groups would split up and make their way individually.
41. It is, of course, necessary to check carefully and individually the size of type that a visually impaired pupil can discriminate.
42. Volunteer tutors often help students individually, which can be very beneficial.
42. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
43. Indeed, they must be just about the most individually specialized operating team in any transportation system.
44. The new remit has to be clear about the purpose and contribution of members, corporately and individually.
45. This kind of collection, though usually available individually, is increasingly and intelligently proving to be a marketing ploy.
46. Individually we are very much the same, but the circumstances that govern our lives might be quite different.
47. They can be attended individually but are also offered as a weekend course.
48. Wealth does not bring about excellence, but excellence makes wealth and everything else good for men, both individually and collectively. Socrates 
49. Blacks, as groups or individually, continued the barrage of written complaints during the Calvin Coolidge administration.
50. Our patients were interviewed individually before endoscopy or function tests.
51. These two words in combination and individually were also associated with other part numbers.
52. There are 20 centrally heated bedrooms, each of which has been individually designed.
53. If you like, include individually wrapped, reduced-fat string cheese for calcium or substitute fruit juice for the dried fruit.
54. Coursework may be carried out individually or in groups; the latter may involve peer assessment.
55. Individually or collectively, they must have made a decision to keep their wits about them for the committee meeting.
56. There are plenty of fragrant roses available, too numerous to mention individually and including many old varieties with ravishing perfumes.
57. The solo quartet was not always well balanced, but individually the two female voices were particularly striking.
58. The Palisade units produced by Forest Fencing are individually machine turned to give a very neat appearance.
59. Let us consider animals first. It is conceivable that collective resistance would be individually advantageous.
60. Pot the cuttings individually.
61. Each individually named political actor mentioned in an item was coded in the order in which he or she appeared.
62. Even with low-fat snacks, buy foods individually wrapped or repackage into single servings.
63. Example 3: Four girls were seated round a table, each writing individually.
64. Each station is to be individually questioned, and an original deadline to provide information by August has been extended to October.
65. They all went individually to a Los Angeles spa called Ynessa.
66. Commissioners met individually with Castillo to present their proposals for neighborhood improvements to be funded under the pass-through allocations.
67. All modules are credited individually on the National Certificate and this flexible system has proved to be very successful.
68. In the parcel were 100 blocks of cannabis resin, each individually wrapped.
69. The judge will quiz jurors individually about their views on abortion and the insanity defense beginning Tuesday.
70. To be sure, the new generation of flexible, individually controlled telecommunications technologies offers new hope for educational improvement.
71. This is because every diode is individually calibrated and balanced to ensure uniform printing across every single line.
72. The character of most parks depends substantially on a scattering of trees - whether individually or in clumps.
72. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
73. We also realised that there was insufficient classroom time for the testing of children individually in dramatic performance.
74. After baggage and passport checks, passengers are individually quizzed by interrogators.
75. Software Approval Modules can only be approved via a package, not individually.
76. For example, to prepare lilies of the valley for pressing, you must remove each bell and press it individually.
77. These gifts would then be redistributed to the poor, either individually or collectively.
78. Each set-top decoder would then have its Macrovision-component circuitry individually addressed and activated through the network's addressable access control system.
79. But these choices are not seen as being so individually idiosyncratic as to make crime totally unpredictable or uncontrollable.
80. The newly refurbished Midland Hotel has 111 individually designed bedrooms.
81. Competitors are forbidden to give each other support and are individually timed.
82. Some little flames may be individually quenched, but there is a certain pattern to them.
83. We assume each member is individually and severally liable in what may be exceptional circumstances.
84. Each piece is individually made in solid gold and set with the world's finest alternative to diamonds.
85. The examination is a collection of questions and individually a question goes some way to satisfying the requirements of the examination.
86. Hard thinking and research may aid us individually, and eventually as a species, to counter some of these problems.
87. Too numerous to list here individually, most were of early-1980s, vintage and had not been airworthy for some time.
88. She adopted an individually structured approach to teaching which allowed students to work at their own pace as and when they pleased.
89. Individually, too, children on polio wards sometimes received considerable special attention, which could make their stays pleasurable.
90. The exercises are detailed below; it is advisable to practise each exercise individually before attempting the whole routine.
91. They are employed individually, and their employment contracts - real or implied - are individual.
92. Individually, people have little power, but collectively they can be more influential.
93. Spenser makes it clear that the villeins are not individually dangerous to the superior knights.
94. It is intended to accredit these individually as used but we would like to take the opportunity of thanking Mr Gilson now.
95. Each door and drawer is individually finished by craftsmen to bring out the full beauty of the grain.
96. Each mini roll is individually wrapped and features a character from the SuperMario computer game.
97. There is far greater willingness for action-both individually and collectively-to tackle market imperfections and market failures.
98. Yet individually, advisers and advisory teachers earned considerable respect for the extent and quality of support they provided.
99. Nor is it known how such circumstances arose or whether the balances are individually or cumulatively material in relation to the company's accounts.
100. Copies of the questionnaire and covering letter were sent to teachers individually.
101. Observations of individually marked birds have shown that this disruptive behaviour is adaptive.
102. These employees are paid based upon what they produce either individually or as members of small work groups.
102. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
103. Correlations across junction variables are all calculated individually for each subject and then averaged using Fisher's z transformation.
104. The quanta are individually so small that their interactions, statistically averaged, appear continuous.
105. Pot up cuttings individually as soon as fine white roots and young top growth are visible.
106. Individually, workers may feel that they are severely limited, even powerless, in what they can do.
107. It's a traditional vintage type, with individually adjustable saddles mounted on a plate which pivots on two height adjustable posts.
108. Each pixel must be individually addressed by a voltage to give the right shade at the right moment.
109. So that each member of staff got a chance to give her own opinion, the staff were interviewed individually.
110. They hunted in packs, and were individually from two to three metres long.
111. I will be speaking to you each individually about your role in the future of the lodge.
112. Reward systems, promotions and a sense of identity are individually geared and generated.
113. Individually and collectively, they refuse to allow us to be foreigners through our worst pain.
114. Pond remedies are invariably less stressful to fish, as they do not have to be netted out individually.
115. Now I asked them to work in pairs or individually to find the arrangements of ten fences.
116. Specialist work Solicitors wishing to work as insolvency practitioners require to be licensed by the Law Society individually.
117. Again, constitutional theory maintains that ministers are both collectively and individually responsible to Parliament for their actions.
118. People in smaller settings can contact career consultants individually about this kind of intensive feedback.
119. Internet Explorer saves each address individually as a shortcut, which makes them less convenient to transfer.
120. Also, with bulk buying you save a lot of time by not having to order each resistor and capacitor individually.
121. In no way am I going to be tough on him individually.
122. It is absolutely essential that each pupil's readiness for a particular grade should be judged individually.
123. There is little justification in using weights derived from individually based analyses in a regional formula for two main reasons.
124. Different versions of the individually labeled tests are given at different test sites.
125. The sachets can be frozen individually or in sheets for use in cooling boxes.
126. Additionally they need individually different attention, not simply because each child is unique but because the different stages require different interpretations.
127. Note that modules can only be hard copied if they are online and can not be nominated for hard copy individually.
128. Treatment in the young has to be decided individually, based on the relative risk and assessment of the most likely mechanism.
129. Ants can create a structured society without being possessed, individually, of very much by way of brain.
130. Sometimes they individually pursued selfish national interests that strained the tolerance of allies.
131. To complain individually is not as successful as to complain within a unified forum.
132. Travel Trivia: Only four states individually border just two other states.
133. It is strictly limited to 15,000[/individually.html], and each plate is individually numbered on the reverse.
134. The diagram has one segment filled in; pupils could fill in the others themselves, working either in groups or individually.
135. The waiters have vanished like spirits, and all the figures at the table are now individually distinct to me.
136. Policy is determined by the Prime Minister and ministers individually, and rubber-stamped by Cabinet afterwards.
137. Building a collaborative learning environment is not about whether or how often children are working individually or in groups.
138. Facing page: As well as pressing lily of the valley flowers individually, you can also press them in small sprays.
139. Because the creatures of the plankton individually are small, they are not always visible to the naked eye.
140. Each part must be individually dried off and sprayed with oil to prevent corrosion and then put back in place.
141. The latest one was a chess set, a perfect board and all the pieces individually moulded from sugar paste.
142. Products wanted: Video cassette tapes ( individually wrapped ).
143. The chocolates are individually wrapped in gold foil.
144. To mention, describe, or treat individually; itemize or specify.
145. Individually, color autocorrelogram performs better than texture spectrum.
146. There is no individually separable motion or power in the universe.
147. Comparing with the standard weight, the new weight brings significant differences, such as the better discreteness on the whole and the higher scores individually.
148. Individually they were no match for even a Covenant single ship.
149. Color Ring Back Tone is an individually and diversely service based on caller and callee.
150. All transactions of the branch will be reflected through vouchers, either individually or as a batch, which will be authorized by officials, as per rules given below.
151. The PX-120 can be divided into two keyboard areas, which can be transposed individually.
152. Submit your personal profile and the graphic information (marked emphasis on interview points) to the mail, magazine group will check individually interviewed.
153. GIF's software tools defeat the blocks, monitors, and traces authorities use to surveil individually owned computers.
154. He went diligently about, laughing at the town, individually and in mass.
155. Realizing positive justification and simple BER tester with a FPGA individually.
156. Such devices are divided into blocks, called sectors, that are individually - erasable.
157. Case law and statute law ire individually the main source of law in the common -law system and civil-law system.
158. How can a cartoonist who was once creating freely and individually compromise to be a stainer?
159. In order to eliminate the allergens in South American shrimp, proteases such as trypsin, papain and bromelain were individually used to hydrolyze South American shrimp proteins.
160. The matrix table of pair-wise comparisons can then be surveyed, queried individually, and archived.
161. Students read through the words and have the students repeat them chorally and individually.
162. In this paper,[sentence dictionary] the research of topology optimization under the static loads and structural dynamic characteristic topological optimization is individually presented.
163. There are 96 pieces and they are worth, individually and collectively, a lot of money.
164. Cultural mistranslation includes unconscious and conscious mistranslation , which should be treated individually.
165. All salvaged rollers must be individually inspected and measured for size.
166. One of the key design concepts behind Percolator was to provide random access to the repository to process documents individually, and thus avoiding the global processing required by MapReduce.
167. S. military is no longer NATO-centric, preferring to fold allies into operations individually in regional military headquarters than involve the machinery of politico-military decision-making in NATO.
168. The recommended changes will benefit developing countries individually and collectively.
169. MPPM is an individually managed account business that invests across equities, fixed income, property and cash.
170. They are not trying to confuse the audience with the inherent ambiguity of merely portraying a single moment; they are expressing their acknowledgement towards life from each of them individually.
171. Ability to individually troubleshoot mechanical problems, with experience of operation textile machine is an advantage.
172. These are replicated individually in bacterial cells to produce a library of different DNA clones.
173. During the sessions, a trained nurse provides individually tailored advice on getting to sleep and staying asleep.
174. Test results show that the model has better performance than using probability or fuzzy reasoning individually.
175. Optional dust filter ? Individually point calibrated ? Combination humidity, temperature transmitters available ? Threaded or wall box mount ? High quality at low cost.
176. The supply of purging gas to the porous plug is always done with individually controlled and regulated lines.
177. Our midfielders should overtake their opposite number individually more often.
178. Especially, this paper analyze the common software design model of NP, they are task pipeline model and thread pool model, and gives the advantages and disadvantages individually.
179. The exponential equation is used in master getting system in order to develop hero growth curve individually with a slowing down growth rate.
180. Moving a shipload of containers from the north to the south of the United States, as happened in the voyage of the Ideal X, was itself cheaper than trucking the containers individually.
181. In word processing, a repetitive letter sent to more than one person in which the name and address are either individually or automatically typed.
182. Professor Li Yongcheng 's treatment of skin disease is obviously individually , and its effect is affirmatively.
183. As a very crude approach to reconstructing a scan raster on the TV tube, these pulses can be stripped off and individually utilized to trigger a pair of single sweep generators.
184. All these things will make a small difference individually, but taken together they might shave a few percent off your total carbon footprint.
185. Both bundles as a whole and packages individually can be versioned, and increases in the minor number are used to signify new features (but remaining backwardly compatible).
186. Ninety crabs were individually placed in a brightly lit arena, and had the option of scuttling to two dark shelters.
187. A method to measure twist angle of basic yarn and slub individually for slub yarn is introduced in this paper.
188. They can be added to the navigation tree individually in the ADAC.
189. Then Kneaded , individually twisted and slow - baked to seal in all the flavor.
190. Dosage should be adapted to patients individually, on the basis of periodic tests of glycosuria and blood sugar.
191. Each category will need to be disclosed individually with sufficient information to enable the user to identify the relevant category in the listed issuer's Monthly Return.
192. Please note that they should not be priced as a group but rather individually.
192. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
193. Methods Kunming mice were set to take traction test and righting reflex test individually to determine the ED50 of the muscle relaxant vercuronium.
194. This article first discusses constitutional value and then individually evaluates the constitutional state value, constitutional social value and constitutional legal value.
195. The luminaires have a connection chamber for electrical supply, which can be equipped individually with sockets, fault current circuit breakers and line circuit breakers.
196. ISD was defined as a solitary gland lying individually in adipose tissue, either directly abutting adipocytes or separated from them by only a thin rim of fibromuscular tissue.
197. Amazon's website already features a range of TV shows and movies in its video-on-demand section that are generally available for sale individually from $1.99.
198. The only way to solve the problem, save completely re-starting the gate, was to go to each ship individually and re-program its navigation computer to be in synch with the gate.
199. In addition, the 2004 ASIMO had individually opposable thumbs allowing it to grasp objects and sense force when a human held its hand.
200. Methods Concentration of GSH and GSSG were measured individually in body fluid including serum, plasma and red blood cell fluid.
201. With the system's Zone Paging System, officials can broadcast remotely via an attendant phone and also have the option of broadcasting to towers individually, in selected groups, or all at once.
202. Each line must contain several hundred individually identifiable halftone light values.
203. The insets to the right of the composite show how each telescope individually views the Cartwheel.
204. But if we have credit markets, then people can individually choose to be off the production possibility frontier and at a higher level of consumption than otherwise would.
205. Two recommendation letters: the referees could either use the prescribed recommendation forms (Appendix I) or individually draft letters with content contained in the prescribed form.
206. Ask the students to read through the new words after the tape chorally, and then get some students to read them individually.
207. Vicki: Yes, people who don't have much money individually, like students might do a whip-round to buy something they couldn't afford unless they all contribute.
208. The subjective fetal movement count varied individually and false negative might be present, an objective test was needed then.
209. In a distributed query environment, the query is executed on each slice individually, and the top two elements of the merged lists are evaluated at the virtual database layer in memory.
210. At school he used to individually answer all his junk mail.
211. Candidate will be working with an assessor or individually, completing activities and assessments for each unit.
212. The product green that why sells a businessman of all building materials to weigh his individually is avirulent , but decorate the almost all bridal chamber that come out poisonous?
213. Diodes are individually fed into moving grippers. A continuity test is performed on each one.
214. Local ( Hong Kong ) delivery charges waived, overseas delivery charges to be advised individually.
215. Synchronize directories between your local and remote system without having to transfer files individually.
216. Partial current for the discharge of manganese, hydrogen and zinc individually increased, decreased and kept constant with the addition of sodium selenate.
217. They were all covered with a layer of protein film and dispersing in the protein matrix individually or by a coalescent way.
218. Nanotubes would serve as individually addressable electromechanical switches arrayed across the surface of a microchip, storing hundreds of gigabits of information, maybe even a terabit.
219. Children listened individually with headphones, as one of the free-choice activities available in their preschool classroom.
220. Knitting feeder system, adopting humanized design, make feeder mouth individually tuning and overall adjustment conversion more simple.
221. Based on the situation of flue gas disposal system of boiler 5 in Tianjiaan Power Plant, encrustation reason, scaling principle and the system running parameters are explained individually.
222. In addition to training your front desk to utilize these and other sales techniques,[] it's also important to measure the results both individually and on a department-wide basis.
223. If you used Spring AOP for transaction handling you could place the appropriate method calls declaratively, rather than having to place each one individually.
224. In the past, the only excuse to define directories individually was that your mkdir implementation did not support this option, but this is no longer true on most systems.
225. Individually, his list of awards seems to be increasing by the month.
226. But in times of broad market upturns, a low-cost index fund can perform as well as a mix of individually selected stocks.
227. I already used this technique above in the split() call, which matched the null string (it matches everywhere, so all the characters in the matched string are returned individually).
228. In this article, the longitudinal, the transverse and transverse bulkhead areoptimized individually using the Evolutionary Computation.
229. In addition to training the front desk to utilize these and other sales techniques, it's also important to measure the results both individually and on a department-wide basis.
230. Twenty-seven strains of E. coli, each missing one gene critical for survival, individually mingled with the synthetic-gene library.
231. Compass card is individually driven by a transistorized servo system and pointers driven by synchros.
232. Individually, no member of the Party owns anything, except petty personal belongings.
233. Your beloved pets will be cremated individually in prearranged time and date.
234. Dinner at a neighborhood pub or individually owned restaurant offers another kind of twofer: inexpensive, good food and a chance to mingle with locals.
235. Be sure to individually name and save all the random test cases generated so you can reproduce any failures you detect with this procedure.
236. In the pilot treatment experiment, strabismic subjects were tested for 8 weeks with an individually tailored motion task that was designed to stimulate the amblyopic eye.
237. The paper put forward the develop trend of fashion in 21century: diversified culture mixed, casualness, season undistinguished, electronic, environmental protection, individually custom-tailor.
238. For a watch, you must harmonise the crystal, the movement and the band individually.
239. We learn the importance of giving thanks to the Lord individually and corporately for His loving-kindness and faithfulness as well as His sovereignty over creation and righteous judgments.
240. We would begin with some simple form linking breath and body, or vinyasa, and graduate into more free-form movement, even dance, to individually express our inner longings through our bodies.
241. The results of stabilizer bar modeling and the attitude control optimization are presented for a small-size unmanned helicopter. The stabilizer bar is individually modeled.
242. Remarks : Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with official receipts which will be mailed out individually.
243. General cargo vessel (316): A vessel designed to handle break bulk cargo such as bags, cartons, cases, crates and drums, either individually or in unitized or palletized loads.
244. Objective To investigate the effect on fetal development and gravida health by instructing individually maternal diet during pregnancy.
245. In this paper, we proposed a new feature selection method called Conditional Mutual Information Maximin (CMIM). It can select a set of individually discriminating and weakly dependent features.
246. Methods HPLC method was utilized to determine the ingredients which were individually extracted from clonidine hydrochloride, hydrochlorothiazide, rutin and linarin of flos chrysanthemi indici.
247. Then it explores in treating crude copper and red impure copper material individually by the process, obtains the practice experience.




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