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单词 unnatural
释义 Word family  noun nature naturalist naturalism naturalization naturalness the supernatural natural naturist naturism adjective natural ≠ unnatural supernatural naturalistic verb naturalize adverb naturally ≠ unnaturally naturalistically supernaturally  un·nat·u·ral /ʌnˈnætʃərəl/ ●○○ adjective  1  NORMAL#different from what you would normally expect 不正常的,反常的 It was very cold, which seemed unnatural for late spring. 天很冷,对于晚春来说似乎不正常。2  seeming false, or not real or natural 看似虚假的;不真实的;不自然的 SYN fake Julia’s laugh seemed forced and unnatural. 朱莉娅的笑容看上去勉强而不自然。3  BAD BEHAVIOUR OR ACTIONSdifferent from normal human behaviour in a way that seems morally wrong 〔行为〕违反常理的,违背人道的 unnatural sexual practices 变态的性行为4  NATURAL#different from anything produced by nature 非天然的,人工的 SYN artificial, fake Her hair was an unnatural orange. 她的头发是非天然的橘黄色。 —unnaturally adverbExamples from the Corpusunnatural• Father Gannon's laugh seemed forced and unnatural.• It was a vivid reminder that descending the water column in a submarine is an unnatural act.• unnatural acts• Luke's stamp lay on her; in the swollen fullness of her lips and the unnatural brightness of her eyes.• unnatural colors• In some countries, it's considered unnatural for women with families to want to work outside the home.• Brown spoke out against what he considered the unnatural lifestyles of unmarried couples who live together.• It pushes women into unnatural shapes and ridiculous poses.• The unnatural state of his early years had been reversed.• The artificial and unnatural were extolled.un·nat·u·ral adjectiveChineseSyllable  normally would from what Corpus expect you different




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