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单词 unharmed
释义 Word family  noun harm harmlessness adjective unharmed harmful ≠ harmless verb harm adverb harmlessly  un·harmed /ʌnˈhɑːmd $ -ɑːr-/ adjective [not before noun]  INJURE#not hurt or harmed 未受伤(害)的;无恙的,平安的 The hostages were released unharmed. 人质平安获释。 The girl managed to escape unharmed. 这个女孩得以平安脱险。Examples from the Corpusunharmed• All fourteen people who were working inside the building when the blaze started escaped unharmed.• Four people were injured, one severely, and 84 escaped unharmed.• If the animal is free of tuberculosis, it can be released unharmed.• Montag and his new companions remain unharmed.• No one strikes at their interests and walks away unharmed.• This makes them useful for destroying tumours while leaving surrounding tissue unharmed.• The cat, although nervous, appears unharmed by the tennis ball which has just struck it amidships.• The hostages were released unharmed some time afterwards.escape unharmed• Her parents were alerted by their pet cats and the family escaped unharmed.• The girl managed to escape unharmed.• They were lucky to escape unharmed.un·harmed adjectiveChineseSyllable  harmed or not Corpus hurt




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