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单词 crap
释义  crap1 /kræp/ noun  1  [uncountable] spoken not politeSTOP DOING something something someone says that you think is completely wrong or untrue 瞎话;胡扯 SYN rubbishYou don’t believe all that crap, do you? 你不会相信那些胡言乱语吧?load/pile of crap (also bunch of crap American English)That’s a bunch of crap! I never said that. 那是胡扯!我从来没有说过那样的话。He came out with a load of crap about how he’d tried to call me yesterday. 他说了一大堆谎话,说昨天他如何试着给我打电话。Greg’s full of crap (=often says things that are completely wrong). 格雷格这个人是谎话连篇。cut the crap (=used to tell someone to stop saying things that are completely wrong) 别胡说了Just cut the crap and tell me what really happened. 别胡说了,快点告诉我究竟发生了什么事。2  [uncountable] spoken not polite something that is very bad or is of bad quality 蹩脚货,质量很差的东西 SYN rubbishThey sell a lot of stuff cheap, but most of it is crap. 他们很多东西价格便宜,但大多数质量很差。load/pile of crap (also bunch of crap American English)The game was a load of crap. 这场比赛很糟糕。3  [uncountable] spoken not politeUSELESS things that are useless or unimportant 废物;不重要之物What is all this crap doing on my desk? 我桌上的这些破玩意是干什么的?4  [uncountable] spoken not polite bad or unfair treatment 恶劣的对待;不公平的对待take/stand for/put up with crap (=to allow someone to treat you badly) 忍受别人的恶劣态度I’m not going to take any more of this crap! 我再也不能忍受这种委屈了!I don’t need this kind of crap (=used when you are angry about the way someone is behaving towards you). 别跟我来这一套。I’m tired of you giving me crap (=saying bad things) about my long hair. 你对我的长头发说三道四的,我已经受够了。5. [uncountable] spoken not politeHBH solid waste that is passed from your bowels 粪便,屎6  [singular] spoken not politeHBH the act of passing solid waste from your bowels 拉屎,大便take a crap 拉屎,大便 (also have a crap British English)7  craps [plural] American EnglishDSO a game played for money in the US, using two dice 双骰子赌博游戏shoot craps (=to play this game) 玩双骰子赌博游戏Examples from the Corpuscrap• There's nothing but crap on television these days.• The stereo's great but the rest of the car is crap.• Someone told me it was a really interesting museum, but I thought it was a load of crap.• Jane doesn't really think we believe all that crap, does she?cut the crap• Can we just cut the crap and start this meeting?take a crap• I need to go take a crap.crap2 adjective British English spoken not polite  BADvery bad 极糟的a crap film 一部烂片I’ve had such a crap day. 我今天倒霉透了。crap atI’m really crap at tennis. 我的网球技术蹩脚透了。crap3 verb (crapped, crapping) [intransitive] spoken not polite  HBHto pass waste matter from your bowels 拉屎→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscrap• Mere seconds later, the world's most malicious pigeon crapped on my head.• After all, if he peed or even crapped on the wooden floor the cleanup was simple.Origin crap1 1. (1800-1900) crap “outside covering of grain, solid material from melted fat” ((15-19 centuries)), from Middle Dutch crappe “piece torn off”, from crappen “to break off”2. (1700-1800) Louisiana French French crabs, craps, from English crabs “lowest throw in a dice game”, from the plural of → CRABcrap1 nouncrap2 adjectivecrap3 verbChinese  is someone completely you that says something wrong think Corpus




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