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单词 Slippery
1. The road was wet and slippery.
2. He safely negotiated the slippery stepping - stones.
3. The tiled floor was wet and slippery.
4. They clambered over the slippery rocks.
5. In places the path can be wet and slippery.
6. 'Be careful, the rocks are slippery,' Alex warned.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The road was slippery after the rain.
8. The concrete gets slippery when it's wet.
9. Ice made the path slippery underfoot.
10. He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.
11. The floor is slippery.
12. His hand was slippery with sweat.
13. Motorists were warned to beware of slippery conditions.
14. Don't believe what he says-he's a slippery customer.
15. The horse flounced on the slippery iced path.
16. The bottom of the pool is very slippery.
17. Mind out, the steps are slippery!
18. Wheels won't bite on a slippery surface.
19. The path beside the river was slippery with mud.
20. The wet wood is very slippery underfoot.
21. Harry's palms were slippery with sweat.
22. The stairs had become slippery with wear.
23. Freedom is a slippery concept .
24. It's slippery, so mind where you're walking.
25. She's as slippery as an eel.
26. We found it very slippery under foot.
27. Watch out?the floor's a bit slippery.
28. give a firm footing even on slippery surfaces.
29. We had to be mindful of every step we took on slippery sidewalk.
30. Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope.
1. The road was wet and slippery.
2. He safely negotiated the slippery stepping - stones.
3. The tiled floor was wet and slippery.
4. They clambered over the slippery rocks.
5. In places the path can be wet and slippery.
6. 'Be careful, the rocks are slippery,' Alex warned.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The road was slippery after the rain.
8. The concrete gets slippery when it's wet.
9. He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.
10. The floor is slippery.
11. Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope.
12. Mind out, the steps are slippery!
13. We found it very slippery under foot.
14. The walking is slippery.
15. The oil made the ground slippery and treacherous to walk on.
31. She tried to get a purchase on the slippery rock.
32. The company started down the slippery slope of believing that they knew better than the customer.
33. He's as slippery as an eel - you can never get a straight answer out of him.
34. These tyres give the bus better grip in slippery conditions.
35. She realized he was on the slippery slope towards a life of crime.
36. He is on the slippery slope to a life in crime.sentencedict .com
37. She clung to the handrail as she walked down the slippery steps.
38. Better driv-ing equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.
39. The walking is slippery.
40. I've waxed the floor so I'm afraid it's a bit slippery.
41. Martin is a slippery customer so be careful what you say to him.
42. Seb struggled to keep his footing on the slippery path.
43. You're on a slippery slope once you start lying about your age!
44. Once he'd tried that first cigarette, he was on the slippery slope to being a smoker.
45. A one - party state can be the start of the slippery slope towards fascism.
46. The man the police want to talk to is slippery as an eel, and has so far escaped arrest.
47. The oil made the ground slippery and treacherous to walk on.
48. He is a slippery customer, and should be carefully watched.
49. The loud engine, the road slippery with dust.
50. We are on a slippery slope right now.
51. But Catholics had started down a slippery slope.
52. Many transplant-zealots speak in slippery platitudes.
53. Be careful - the floor is very slippery.
54. In places, the towpath is slippery with mud.
55. The season has already started on a slippery slope.
56. That can make the tires slippery.
57. The sidewalk was real wet and slippery.
58. Martin's a slippery customer, a very nasty slippery customer.
59. Even when cornering on a slippery surface.
60. The sidewalks were icy and slippery.
61. In the 60s and 70s the announcement would have been the start of the slippery slope to election defeat.
62. Shards of glass were embedded in the foul slippery mess, and we tried to avoid stepping into the deepest parts.
63. He paused only to shake the wet from his shoulders, then trod up the slippery slope to the house door.
64. He dropped the soap and wrapped his arms around her, they slid against each other, their skin slippery and sensual.
65. I discovered that it was a slippery reptile that came at high speed to smack me in my face without notice.
66. Floor, garage floor, and step paints are hard wearing and not slippery, although they can not be called non-slip.
66. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
67. Repeat these long, firm strokes several times until the whole of the back is well oiled, but not too slippery.
68. He was having trouble controlling the heavy truck on the slippery road surface.
69. It was expected that identifying and resurfacing slippery roads would reduce skidding accidents by 1800 a year.
70. Blood constantly soaked the scaffold, making it almost too slippery for the executioners to stand up.
71. They looked like nurse and patient, managing the slippery steps.
72. In places the path can be wet and slippery, so obviously wear your boots.
73. They had to descend in growing darkness over rocks slippery with snow.
74. Showers spray everywhere, creating soggy toilet paper and slippery floors.
75. MacDonald's lack of trust in that slippery manoeuvre emerges from his conversation at the palace on Sunday morning.
76. Barnett swung away from the bar, his hand finding the slippery handle of the knife.
77. Like herself, he had a very slippery grasp on the past.
78. It forced the championship leaders to bowl and field with a slippery ball.
79. It was drafty, full of vast open spaces and slippery floors.
80. A new Skywalk sole with an environmentally-friendly cleat pattern gives a good grip even on slippery rocks.
81. There are sharp corners, rough edges and slippery surfaces to watch out for.
82. He moved slowly, as if in pain, taking care to stay on the planks, which were slippery.
83. Too often we are faced with clamouring up the slippery slopes to the law more than sliding down them.
84. Money passed through his hands with the slippery insecurity of a wet ball.
85. A longer pile carpet would flatten over time and might become slippery with wear.
86. With nervous steps, I crossed from one slippery wet boulder to the next whilst the water swirled and gurgled beneath.
87. I've put the finger on seven members of the ring since lunch, but the big guy is slippery.
88. Freshly wet roads are dangerous because oil and dust mix with the water to make them slippery.
89. Well, the whole leaf, shaped like a cup with slippery edges, is like a stomach.
90. It shares the conventions of ancient drama: unbreakable vows, divided kingdoms, miraculous births, meddlesome and slippery gods.
91. You do not even need anything as obvious as a party to start you on this slippery slope.
92. If you over oil the skin it will be too slippery to enable you to build up the necessary friction. 1.
93. He'd never felt skin like that, velvet skin, warm and slippery skin that absorbed him into her.
94. She knew she was caught in a vicious trap, sliding down a slippery spiral.
95. The quay was white and slippery with the granules of a recent hailstorm.
96. Good news for diaphragm users fed up with slippery spermicidal gel.
96. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
97. Nothing as haphazard as words, whose meaning and nuance shift enigmatically from one slippery slope to another.
98. A slippery liquid with curing powers is said to flow from near her tomb.
99. The gunners gripped their triggers tightly, Biggins could feel the joystick, slippery with the sweat from his hand.
100. We climb the slippery metal stairs to our cabin on the upper deck.
101. Use carpeting or other skid-resistant flooring to cover potentially slippery floors.
102. He felt it winding through his own arteries, something vile and slippery like heavy black oil in a crankcase.
103. There were inevitable casualties on such steep and slippery ground.
104. The man they wanted was a New Zealand-born heroin tsar, sought in a dozen countries but slippery as an eel.
105. The slippery, deceptive Mr Clinton will have a field day.
106. Some cliffs are very slippery or in very windy positions and are therefore not suitable for abseiling. 10.
107. Our brief but interesting tour completed we returned to the landing place, negotiating the slippery descent with caution.
108. The decks were slippery with blood, and arms and legs and chunks of flesh were strewed about.
109. He would have carried them between finger and thumb, except that they were too slippery.
110. But it's all downhill from here ... The slippery slope 1.
111. In this country, experiments are continuing with sticky goo to counteract the slippery leaf mould.
112. After Assen he said that West showed a lot of maturity on a wet, slippery surface.
113. Sprinkle the minimum amount of salt needed to lower the freezing point of water from slippery ice to safer mushy slush.
114. They may be wise as an owl, slippery as an eel or even a snake in the grass.
115. The silvery substance clung to his skin, looking like tiny beads of mercury, as slippery as graphite between his fingers.
116. These boots give a good grip, even on slippery rocks.
117. The practical result is improved traction and vehicle handling on slippery roads.
118. Notice how meaning becomes more and more slippery as we move from one layer to the next.
119. Although seemingly obvious, this principle is quite slippery and difficult to follow for reasons discussed at length in the next chapter.
120. Moss flourished on its north-facing walls, and the narrow brick paths around the house were slippery with it.
121. Far left: The Butterfish is literally a slippery customer and very hard to catch.
122. It had been a very hard frost, the path was very slippery, and that night was particularly cold.
123. All parties involved in the budget fiasco stand on a slippery slope.
124. What we have just taken is a fast ride down the slippery slope, right to the absolute depths.
125. The weeds on the path, crisp with frost, were slippery white hummocks in the darkness leading to the door.
126. Big shiny chunks, thin pale nuggets, dull velvety dust, huge rocks like slippery ice.
126. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
127. Onward and upward the track wound, clinging to the side of the ridge like a pale slippery centipede.
128. A third approach is to pray in aid the so-called slippery slope.
129. I was impressed by the good adhesion and grip of the Vibram soles, performing well even in wet and slippery conditions.
130. Do not wear smooth leather or rubber soles when walking on wet or slippery surfaces.
131. A salmon is slippery enough to handle at the best of times(), but one of this size ....
132. Let's just hope he doesn't go down the slippery slope of drugs and booze again.
133. She had to sit in the waiting-room, on a slippery horsehair sofa, while it was going on.
134. The slime they exude is obnoxious and slippery, and has the stench of rotting fish.
135. Some brands tie better than others, having a more slippery surface.
136. Dean lost control of his car on a slippery road.
137. More importantly, once we start nibbling naughty things our willpower slides down a very slippery slope.
138. He forged up the narrow path, slippery with a myriad pine needles, as though his feet were winged.
139. But money itself is a slippery concept, clouded in priestly mystery.
140. The trails up toward the stone sheds were slippery and I picked my way along slowly.
141. Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.
142. Look out ! The road is slippery.
143. Watch your step. The road is slippery.
144. The road is slippery; you'd better slow down.
145. Love liquid is a smooth and slippery lovemaking essential.
146. Jess: This motor oil case is still really slippery.
147. They were tripping one another up on slippery precedents.
148. Soft, slippery, strong grip strength, good flexibility, fine performance of ozone proof, hardwearing, oil stain proof. A smaller friction factor Long service life.
149. This person is very slippery : he treats people completely insincerely.
150. Carefully, we pick our way over slippery rocks and prickly pine needles, down 49 dew-covered log steps to the shore.
151. I advise you not to do business with him - he's as slippery as an eel.
152. Insert condition to maintain the penis to show when you are fluctuant, usable hand pulls his hip to you, or vacate a leg to circle him, make it unapt slippery piece.
153. Liberals may be humoring themselves, but for the moment it's fun to watch slippery conservative politicians—Newt, Mitt Romney—try to scramble to ride the tiger.
154. The hair with sere shag arranges slippery nature, bring withy arrange slippery beautiful hair.
155. Such alienation from proper social values is the slippery slope to crime.
156. Flag of brown earth ceramic tile, Dali, terrazzo , prevent slippery ceramic tile very durable also and beautiful, just price is a few more expensive.
156. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
157. Beware of that peddler, for he is slippery as an eel.
158. The same is true of rose hips, licorice, slippery elm, capsicum, or mullein teas taken to alleviate some of the symptoms of colds and coughs.
159. The clay court was slippery and he was unable to move freely.
160. Under normal condition, it is forbidden to drive a forklift on very rough or slippery surface.
161. He has nothing of the supple form or slippery manner of the modern Greek about him.
162. It combines loquat leaves with other key botanicals including the inner barks of slippery elm and wild cherry, two plants long used by traditional western herbalists for supporting respiratory health.
163. Adam: Oops ! I dropped it again! That is a slippery shrimp!
164. FA 9591 is a feel agent which is suitable for top coat, especially for nappa garment leather. It provides a waxy, natural and slippery feel.
165. Just how slippery is Apple's ( AAPL ) iPhone ?
166. These e-support system to a comprehensive amendment of the vehicles to over-or understeer , and improve the detour on the road slippery road safety.
167. The frozen snow was so slippery that it was hard to keep one's feet.
168. The floor is slippery, so be careful not to bite the dust.
169. All component Ying Guang of stair is slippery, fruity, did not highlight, acerb part, the person that lest be opposite, use is caused innocently harm.
170. The forest is thick and the mossy path is slippery.
171. Truffle Rhum Chocolate:Mellow and intoxication, refreshing and slippery like silk, the daintiness of the flavor invites his love to dance with her to the beautiful Waltz.
172. Loved the comfort it gave me as I drew on its slippery, rubbery tip.
173. That is, you do not die so long dead short, but a money - making slippery.
174. Gingerly, we pick our way over slippery rocks and prickly pine needles, down 49 dew-covered log steps to the shore.
175. The variety dispels wrinkle live skin essence, recover a thin line effectively, can make bulky pore constringency , make flaccid skin tight, reduce crease, make skin soft slippery full of flexibility.
176. Smooth-going is tender slippery effect, small bead make flowing effect much better, coarsen coarse skin restores bright and clean tender slippery.
177. Deep abysses, steep mountains, guileful catapult traps, hidden alleys and slippery ice-columns: there are jeopardies around every corner of the Lemurs world.
178. In parts of England hundreds of motorists were forced to abandon their vehicles, as black ice and drifting snow turned the roads into slippery toboggan runs.
179. To take notice of safe. The slippery are very crafty.
180. "She was a little scared of the slippery snow and the people and the camera crews but we lured her with some fish, " zoo keeper Fred van 't Hof told ANP on Thursday.
181. Lock Lacing also creates more friction, which should help prevent the knot coming loose, especially if you have slippery synthetic laces or are unknowingly using a Granny Knot .
182. The Kenyan rainy season has begun and the tiny paths that connect homes and businesses have turned into a slippery clay-like sludge.
183. slippery like a fish.
184. A wet and often slippery pathway cuts through the thick vegetation, interspersed by fig, mahogany and date palm groves and follows the edge of the gorge for an unrestricted view of nature at work.
185. This machine is used to seat the slippery course of various indexes of dynamic durability test and static index test.
186. Step1: Comb the hair with toothcomb orderly, arranging slippery hair is the foundation with long straight beautiful hair.
187. Nature's Way Slippery Elm bark is harvested from wild trees with a careful stripping process that does not hinder the tree's growth.
188. Gingerly, they maneuver over slippery rocks and prickly pine needles down 49 dew-covered log steps to the lake shore.
189. He felt the maw heavy and slippery in his hands and he slit it open.
190. All the way acrobatic feats , slippery appeared 2 pipe lines after descending a fetter.
191. Combining project instance, train of thought is put forward to tackle the highway slope forwardly by fully use of resist slippery ability itself before it's unsteadiness.
192. Different material, different road surface, different humidity, of its sole stop slippery sex is different.
193. The road ahead for GM and the other American carmakers is still potholed and slippery.
194. Slippery after arriving by slope, can multiply telpher return slope top again.
195. At the foot of the mountain, we see a waterhole, we landed in puddle slippery boat.
196. This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation, yellowish fur, and thready and slippery pulse.
197. The man can't be trusted. He is as slippery as an eel.
198. Nobody could catch the wet ball(http://), it was as slippery as an eel.
199. He is as slippery as an eel and simply refuses to be pinned down on anything.
200. Gingerly , we pick our way over slippery rocks and prickly pine needles , down 49 dewcovered log STEPS to the shore.
201. The PAP pointed to the "British disease" in warning Singaporeans about the slippery slope of state welfarism.
202. Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) bark was used both internally and externally by native Americans and early pioneer settlers.
203. "slippery strange") as a marine creature found in the Seto Inland Sea, often seen bobbing around on the surface of the water like some sort of giant jellyfish or octopus.




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