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单词 unfriendly
释义 Word family  noun friend friendliness friendship friendly adjective friendly ≠ unfriendly friendless verb befriend  un·friend·ly /ʌnˈfrendli/ ●●○ adjective (comparative unfriendlier, superlative unfriendliest)  1  not kind or friendly 不友好的,不友善的;冷漠的;有敌意的 The old man looked cross and unfriendly. 老人看上去生气了,很不友好。 a lonely unfriendly place 偏僻冷漠的地方unfriendly to/towards The villagers were really quite unfriendly towards us. 村民们对我们真的很不友好。2  not helping or wanting a type of person or thing 不适合的;不利的unfriendly to We have created cities that are unfriendly to pedestrians. 我们建造了不适合步行的城市。3. an unfriendly government or nation is one that opposes yours 〔政府或国家〕敌对的 THESAURUSperson/voice/behaviour 人/声音/行为unfriendly/not friendly behaving towards someone in a way that shows you are not interested in them or are not ready to talk to them or help them 不友好的;冷漠的The hotel staff were unfriendly and unhelpful. 酒店员工态度很不客气,不愿意帮忙。an unfriendly tone of voice 不友好的语调nThey didn't seem very friendly to strangers.nShe gave him an unfriendly glance.hostile very unfriendly, and ready to argue or fight 有敌意的He was openly hostile towards me when I arrived. 我到的时候,他毫不掩饰对我的敌意。A hostile crowd gathered outside the US embassy. 满怀敌意的人群聚集在美国大使馆外面cold behaving towards other people as if you do not like them or care about them 冷淡的,冷漠的He gave her a cold stare. 他冷冷地瞪了她一眼。a cold voice 冷冰冰的声音frosty unfriendly, especially because you are angry with someone 不友好的〔尤指对某人生气〕When she spoke, her tone was frosty. 她说话时语气很冷漠。He got a frosty reception from his wife when he finally returned home (=she was not very friendly towards him). 他终于回到了家里,然而妻子对他却是冷冰冰的。aloof [not before noun] not wanting to talk to other people or spend time with them, especially because you think you are better than them 〔尤因自以为高人一等〕冷漠的,疏远的Some politicians are criticized for being too aloof. 有些政治家被批评太孤傲。antagonistic unfriendly and always trying to start arguments with someone 对立的,敌对的Why are Kate and John so antagonistic towards each other? 为什么凯特和约翰这样敌对?antisocial not interested in meeting other people or forming friendly relationships with them 不喜欢社交的,不合群的Sorry if I'm being antisocial, but I need to get my work done. 抱歉,我可能显得不合群了,但我必须把工作做完。He was an antisocial loner with no friends. 他是个不爱与人交往的独行侠,没有朋友。place/organization 地方/机构unfriendly making you feel as though you are not wanted 冷漠的The report found that the church can seem unfriendly to outsiders. 报告称教会在外人看来有时显得冷冰冰的。unwelcoming unfriendly – used especially about the physical characteristics or appearance of something 〔尤指某物的特征或外表〕不友好的,不欢迎的The entrance to the factory is cold, bare, and unwelcoming. 工厂大门冷冰冰、光秃秃,看上去毫无亲切感。nThe new fence is just one example of the city’s attempt to make public spaces unwelcoming to the homeless.impersonal lacking the normal friendly relations between people who work or do business together 没有人情味的,冷淡的I had no desire to work for a large impersonal organization. 我不想在一个毫无人情味的大型机构里工作。nThey just handed over the keys and walked out – it was all so impersonal.forbidding unfriendly, uncomfortable, and a little frightening, so that you do not want to go there 令人生畏的The school was a rather forbidding building surrounded by a high steel fence. 学校是一幢令人生畏的大楼,四周围着高高的铁栅栏。Examples from the Corpusunfriendly• His eyes were watchful, unfriendly.• In fact my Independent on Sunday piece about Kate Adie was not unfriendly.• Is that villager friendly or unfriendly?• He wasn't actually unfriendly, but I still didn't feel comfortable.• an unfriendly expression• Their mission is to rescue friendly foreigners from unfriendly territory.• Unions and retiree groups insist they have it on good authority that the White House budget is unfriendly to feds and retirees.• Some company members were unfriendly to the new recruit.• He was not unfriendly with me.unfriendly to/towards• Ell wasn't unfriendly to Bernice.• Unions and retiree groups insist they have it on good authority that the White House budget is unfriendly to feds and retirees.• It was an interview broadcast by a privately owned company, said to be not unfriendly to the Conservatives.• Some company members were unfriendly to the new recruit.unfriendly to• We have created cities that are unfriendly to pedestrians.un·friend·ly adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  friendly Corpus or not kind




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