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单词 Investigative
1. Investigative journalism presupposes some level of investigation.
2. Duncan Campbell is nationally known for his investigative work.
3. Conspiracy is a popular subject for investigative journalism.
4. The documentary was an example of investigative journalism at its best.
5. Children are encouraged to take an investigative approach to learning.
6. The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism .
7. Her image is that of an investigative reporter who doesn't pull any punches.
8. The hospital has been the target of investigative journalism .
9. A bit of sleuthing from our investigative reporter uncovered some interesting information on Mr Parkinson.
10. It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.
11. A general privilege for investigative journalists?
12. Where were the campaigning editors and investigative reporters?
13. Perhaps I should take up this investigative journalism.
14. It is investigative journalism of a very limited scope.
15. Thus, during 1984, investigative journalism had a field day.
16. If the two Democrats on the investigative subcommittee, Reps.
17. Sometimes technical skills are more important than investigative ones.
18. It's an occupational hazard of investigative journalism.
19. Their investigative chess journalism is also evidently of high calibre.
20. Investigative child protection interviews are one of the most challenging areas of social work practice.
21. Abuses of the investigative process may imperceptibly lead to abridgment of protected freedoms.http:///investigative.html
22. It's very easy to organise some investigative work by children on school meals provision.
23. But anomalies are bound to arise with any investigative scheme of limited scope.
24. The extension of the informal conciliatory system will not satisfy the demand for an investigative system.
25. Another would be to note the skills and knowledge used when pupils were engaged in problem solving or investigative work.
26. Among them are hundreds of university journalism professors who routinely offer courses in investigative reporting at their schools.
27. For nearly a decade, Robert Read has headed up the show's 10-strong investigative team.
28. With ratings down, however, the show last fall refocused on investigative reporting and celebrity interviews and stopped paying for stories.
29. Screening for the parasite should be part of the investigative procedures in children with chronic diarrhoea.
30. Thompson still is hiring and getting security clearances for his investigative staff and finding space for them to work.
1. Investigative journalism presupposes some level of investigation.
31. Assessing the effectiveness of learning mathematics by investigative methods; an open learning approach to investigative methods in mathematics.
32. Newsday, for example, had already won two Pulitzer Prizes for its investigative reports years before Watergate happened.
33. The buy was set up by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, whose agents were investigating possible drug use at the academy.
34. He was doing investigative work on that case, too, on Kennedy.
35. Some 600 Boston University journalism students had braved a rainy Friday night in 1976 to hear a panel discussion on investigative reporting.
36. All the necessary investigative and follow-up actions were taken and as soon as the problem was known local general practitioners were informed.
37. Time also has worked wonders, pruning many of the bad investigative reporters and retaining many of the good ones.
38. Who wants to become an investigative reporter? they were asked.
39. Working with Mr Sablosky as investigative counsel was William Callahan, a former federal prosecutor.
40. Investigative science is not yet firmly rooted in the curriculum, inspectors found.
41. A group photograph can be the starting point for further investigative work with pupils at Key Stage 1 or 2.
42. Small group work is ideal for investigative work using any of the four paradigms of software seen above.
43. Investigative sources said the cockpit crew probably threw the switches and moved the levers in a hasty effort to correct a problem.
44. As an investigative reporter, Mundy does a terrific job of untangling this complex snarl of interrelated cases.
45. Gingrich admitted to charges, brought by an investigative subcommittee of the ethics committee, that he brought discredit to the House.
46. As for the business with the docks, if that wasn't a case of drug smuggling, Hill was no investigative reporter.
47. Clues, legwork, investigative routine-none of this is going to matter anymore.
48. And Mark Thomas, 37, comedian and de facto investigative journalist, is nothing if not controversial himself.
49. She was thirty-two, an editor with a distinguished publishing house, married to an investigative journalist.
50. New investigative techniques have opened up the black box of the brain and have begun to shed light on its inner workings.
51. However, 11 different modes of assessment were noted, including mental, practical, calculator, project and investigative work.
52. Such a cavalier approach to customers surely leaves Expotel vulnerable to competitors and to bright, investigative trade journalists.
53. The attorney-general, Marzuki Darusman, said he would immediately form an investigative team to pursue the commission's findings.
54. The remarkable aspect of the first, the investigative, stage is the limited scope given to the police.
55. Improper behavior by individual political actors or by government agencies is exposed and widely communicated by investigative reporters.
56. This gave wide investigative powers, and made possible the seizing, freezing and confiscation of assets.
57. This is not entirely the result of political control, since the privately owned press shows no greater inclination towards investigative journalism.
58. The team felt it important to extend the evaluation to all investigative work.
59. The Sheppard investigative team believes that Marilyn, two of whose teeth were chipped, bit her assailant.
60. There followed a reassessment of the two principal investigative techniques.
61. Algebra is given a special emphasis as well as the application of Mathematics in the form of problem-solving and investigative work.
62. Drosnin is an investigative newspaper reporter who once wrote a best seller about Howard Hughes.
63. This intensive investigative process revealed infection by a previously unrecognized hantavirus.
64. What Watergate did do, though, was to popularize investigative reporting and bring it into the mainstream.
65. Categories are feature writing, investigative reporting, community service, commentary, photography, international reporting and pioneer.
66. As I understand it, the London food commission is a consumerist pressure group staffed by academics and investigative journalists.
67. The paper has earned respect for its investigative journalism.
68. Several investigative teams settled on essentially the same approach.
69. It was an accomplished piece of investigative journalism.
70. The investigative committee will hold hearings in chicago.
71. There are important corollaries to the investigative power.
72. The study was presented at the British Society for Investigative Dermatology.
73. The Watergate scandal was exposed by two investigative journalists working for the Washington Post.
74. But current City - viaduct transportation and affect the aspect to the city business development investigative are few.
75. And they pride themselves on the sophistication of their investigative methods.
76. 'I'd been an investigative reporter all my life, and then boom, ' says Mr. Wenske, an award-winning journalist of 30 years. 'Suddenly you're not the same person you used to be.
77. And an examination by David Barstow of conflicts of interest among the military analysts who help television networks cover the wars in Asia won the Pulitzer for investigative reporting.
78. As it happens, Reuters published an investigative report this week that powerfully illustrates the vileness of our current system.
79. House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC or HCUA) (1938–1975) was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives.
80. Assiduity , responsible, investigative , sociable, open - minded and all - round.
81. The city's newspapers still attempt to get down to the nitty gritty of investigative journalism.
81. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
82. Of course, certain folks will rail against this investigative approach.
83. He is that rare combination of gifted writer and great newshound, an exceptional journalist with both narrative and investigative skills.
84. Conclusion CT scan is a preferred investigative modatity to diagnose traumatic posterior fossa extradural hematoma.
85. Her images of China, for example, recall the visually investigative work of Marc Riboud and Lois Conner. But Lui's sense of displacement is also idiosyncratic and perceptually daring.
86. Mr Luzkhov faced harsh criticism in an investigative report on the state - owned NTV television channel.
87. RUSSIA'S most famous investigative reporter, Anna Politkovskaya, was gunned down in the lift of her Moscow apartment block yesterday in an apparent contract killing.
88. Are genes for writer's block linked to those for investigative talent?
89. Our giant of investigative journalism, Var-Matin, relegates sport to the dark interior of the newspaper.
90. The author, Richard Pollock, based his investigative report on Senate subcommittee hearings and upon "several off-the-record interviews with officials formerly associated with Mount Weather."
91. In this thesis, the penman primarily discusses the reasons and results of the Chinese Investigative Studying Practice by Athletic Sports Researching in the higher sports vocational institutes.
92. In regard of reproduction or photo provided, the situation of evidence collection shall be explained in the investigative records.
93. Investigative experiment results have evidential characteristics, and the probative value of the results should be analyzed in specific case.
94. Tissue engineering has become investigative hot spot in ocular surface reconstruction recently.
95. DHA has been gradually become the investigative focus in recent years for its biological functions of improving cerebrum growth, protecting vision, dropping blood-fat and preventing arteria sclerosis.
96. A frequency bias coefficient setting technique is proposed by analyzing the investigative status abroad and AGC performance in China.
97. In regard of the copy or reproduction, the sources thereof and the situation of evidence collection shall be explained in the investigative records.
98. The Special Investigative Unit was authorized by the Organic Law of the Court. Its arrangement does suggest some sort of independence.
99. Although I had thrived in the investigative environment of the NLRB, I did not know quite what to expect in a scientific research milieu.
100. The Centre for Investigative Reporting (CIR), based in Berkeley, California, was founded in 1977 and describes itself as "the nation's oldest non-profit investigative news organisation".
101. The reform of investigative system is essential to the reform of criminal suit system and judicature system.
102. From facies logo the clastic rocks of investigative area mainly develop in lake. The microfacies mainly include beach and bar, also include marsh mud flat facies and storm facies.
103. Now, investigative reporting, interpretative reporting and objective reporting stands in its place fairly, and has become the mainstreamed reporting type in western press.
104. I've just returned from what is likely to be the most harrowing investigative jaunt of my career, a four-day slog through teeming streets filled with screaming children.
105. An investigative reporter discovered that one of the projects we funded was a boondoggle.
106. Now we review the investigative status quo(SQ) of ICAM-1 in carcinoma of urogenital system, especially its relationship with invasion, infiltration and metastasis of carcinoma.
107. The journalist, who lives and works in the United Kingdom, used her experience as an investigative reporter in the United States to make FOIA requests on the expense claims of members of Parliament.
108. The president stood beside a parcel of cleared ground near the White House, preparing to lay the cornerstone of a federal office building and to plant an enduring epithet on investigative journalism.
109. In 1995, British fake news show Brass Eye conducted an "investigative report" on a street drug they invented called "cake, " claiming it affected an area of the brain called "Shatner's Bassoon."
110. As a general investigative agency, they're not in the same ballpark as the FBI.
111. EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor is an investigative hot spot in targeted therapy of non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).
112. Extending and exalting the Chinese way; immiting and fusing the idea and the custom consciousness of the investigative learning.
113. The magazine has long stronghold of investigative reporting in China.
114. Do some investigative work about the Twin Towers ( use newspapers, magazines,(/investigative.html) or books ).
115. Created by novelist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes was an investigative genius who could routinely assess seemingly random clues and solve the mystery.
116. Hoare was one of the few sources who allowed his name to be used when speaking to the Times last year for an investigative report about allegations of phone-hacking by the British tabloid.
117. The findings were published online Feb. 26 in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
118. Objective To investigative the effect that Tanreqing injection by fibrobronchoscope treats Acute Pulmonary Abscess.
119. At the same time, determine the field of investigation and the object as well as formulate the inspection investigative plan of Chinese Comparative Sentences by South Korea oversea beginners.
120. This thick, but readable book, is part travelogue, part scientific inquiry and part investigative journal.
121. Investigative datum confirm, the content of AlO(OH) 3 bauxite in ruddle is very high many ruddle have attained industry require.
122. Earlier, investigative sources told ABC News the bill might be coated with what appeared to be the residue of a recreational drug.
123. It sent police to ransack the offices of the country's leading investigative journalist, Carlos Fernando Chamorro, and those of a women's group.
124. In the 1980 s there are more investigative reporters than ever before.
125. The investigative articles we print are supported by documentary evidence thanks to the public-spiritedness of citizens who at great risk to themselves pass on this material to us.
126. The theory of micro-economics is mainly used to study how to make the investigative benefit maximum with minimum investigative cost while the economic analysis is made.
127. The influences of iron modulus on the formation kinetics of portland cement clinker have been investigative.
128. She has already been working in investigative journalism for over ten years.




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