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单词 document
释义 Word family  noun document documentation adjective documentary verb document  Related topics: Computersdoc·u·ment1 /ˈdɒkjəmənt $ ˈdɑːk-/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL noun [countable]  1. RECORDa piece of paper that has official information on it 文件,公文2. a piece of written work that is stored on a computer 〔计算机中的〕文档,文件Examples from the Corpusdocument• You can attach any documents to an email and send them to friends or colleagues.• But other form documents, such as contracts and proposals, may have the same variables repeated throughout.• Your birth certificate is an important document, which should be kept safe at all times.• legal documents• The company was given a 55-page document detailing the criminal charges.• Several secret documents went missing from the government's Information department.• However, nothing in the document challenges the Communist party, and it opposes any action against the state.• Then debate began on the document on the Church.• They took the documents into a small building.• The document appeared in the press shortly before polling day and swung many votes against MacDonald.• The document could not be used for an independent inquiry arising out of other facts.• This can make your document look more professional.Related topics: Communicationsdoc·u·ment2 /ˈdɒkjəment $ ˈdɑːk-/ ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  TCRECORDto write about something, film it, or take photographs of it, in order to record information about it 〔通过文字、电影或照片来〕记录,记载document how/what etc His research documents how the crisis occurred. 他的研究记录了危机是如何发生的。2  to support an opinion, argument etc with recorded facts 用文献支持[证明]be well/extensively/poorly etc documented It is well documented that men die younger than women. 有充分文献证明男人比女人寿命短。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdocument• All these countries have handled incoming tours in the past with considerable ease and all their faculties are well documented.• All expectations and charges should be clearly documented in the final contract.• I sent him a bundle of clippings that I thought amply documented my charge.• Attempts to document social problems in some parts of the country had been difficult.• The photographs documented the anguish of the Great Depression.• Many writers have documented the changes in feminist politics over the last decade.• Two new books of note A comprehensive biography documenting the life and times of Josiah Wedgwood has been recently published by Macmillan.document how/what etc• This project will attempt to document how debt crises occurred and how they were handled in specific countries since the early eighties.• However, studies have documented how increasing economic dependency is the cost of trying to keep families in health and in credit.• Statistics aren't necessary to document what is painfully well/extensively/poorly etc documented• Its reliability and performance improvements are well documented.• The obstacles faced by companies experimenting with self-managed teams are well documented.• The overtly sectarian, aggressively anti-intellectual tactics of the party between 1928 and 1931 are well documented.• His time as Governor of Madras is well documented and is regarded as having been very successful.• The decision process for loan approval was well documented and of limited complexity.• Catches were well documented at the time and proceeds from sales were distributed to the poor of Doncaster.• These are well documented complaints - made repeatedly.• If there are conflicts and they are well documented, let them stand.From Longman Business Dictionarydocumentdoc‧u‧ment1 /ˈdɒkjəməntˈdɑːk-/ noun [countable] a record of important information on paper or computer diskHis main expense is photocopying thousands of legal documents.electronic document management systems → defence document → export documents → offer document → shipping documentsdocumentdoc‧u‧ment2 /ˈdɒkjəmentˈdɑːk-/ verb [transitive] to record important information on paper, film, or computer diskThe New York agency documented 60 attacks on journalists.→ See Verb tableOrigin document1 (1400-1500) French Late Latin documentum, from Latin docere “to teach”doc·u·ment1 noundoc·u·ment2 verbChineseSyllable  paper that piece official of Business it has on Corpus a information




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