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单词 doddering
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitydod·der·ing /ˈdɒdərɪŋ $ ˈdɑː-/ adjective  MIWALKshaking slightly and walking with difficulty because of old age 〔因年老而〕步履蹒跚的 a doddering old man 一个步履蹒跚的老人 —dodder verb [intransitive]Examples from the Corpusdoddering• The cab journey downtown was an anguish of effort, of clogged and doddering crisis.• I was particularly amused by Anthony Dowell's cameo as the doddering Emperor, complete with gilded wheelchair.• He pretended to his family and friends that his doddering gait was due to old soccer injuries.• Why add them, with their evocation of the doddering loon, slumped, with listless ear-trumpet, over the board table?• I had expected Gillis to be long since dead or at best a doddering ninety-year-old.• Couldn't get round that doddering old snail.dod·der·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  difficulty and Corpus slightly walking with shaking because




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