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单词 undone
释义 Word family  noun deed ≠ misdeed do doing adjective done overdone undone verb do outdo overdo redo undo  un·done /ˌʌnˈdʌn◂/ ●●○ adjective [not before noun]  1  FASTEN/DO UP#not fastened 解开的,松开的 Your zip’s undone. 你的拉链没有拉上。 One of these buttons has come undone. 其中的一粒纽扣松开了。2  not finished 未完成的 The washing-up had been left undone. 餐具放着没洗。3  old useHOPE# destroyed and without hope 毁掉的;完蛋了的 In the end, Othello is undone by his jealousy. 最后,奥赛罗被自己的嫉妒心毁了。Examples from the Corpusundone• It should not be too difficult, she thought, to allow one of those buttons to become undone.• Now knights no longer come everyday, and the good deeds are left undone.• She followed his eyes downwards and cringed inwardly when she realised the top buttons of her shirt had come undone.• Then she felt something on her arm and discovered her scarf had come undone.• They remain friends, though she is quick to be petulant over telephone messages left unanswered and favours left undone.• Left alone, Shae looked down at her own undone clothing and partly naked body, and shame burned within her.• Nothing is left undone, nothing left to chance.come undone• Early morning sun on the approach to Lliwedd At 15m I nearly come undone.• He could not tell whether they were broken ends, or perhaps the loose ends from underwater knots that had come undone.• She followed his eyes downwards and cringed inwardly when she realised the top buttons of her shirt had come undone.• The harbor; suddenly, was a coastal graveyard, one headstone overturning, and one plot coming undone.• Then she felt something on her arm and discovered her scarf had come undone.• But the damage he did came undone with the miraculous resurrection of Beloved.left undone• But this justifiable pleasure does not disguise the fact that much was left undone.• Now knights no longer come everyday, and the good deeds are left undone.• Our coverage begins with the biggest thing he did, then turns to the biggest thing he left undone.• Somebody is always dissatisfied or something is always left undone.• They remain friends, though she is quick to be petulant over telephone messages left unanswered and favours left undone.• Nothing is left undone, nothing left to chance.• These criticisms, which focus on what has been left undone rather than on what has been done, are inevitably inconclusive.• We have left undone those things which we ought to have done.un·done adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus not fastened




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