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单词 Melissa
1. Melissa quickly became adept at predicting his moods.
2. Melissa had guzzled gin and tonics like they were lemonade.
3. I know it's outrageous, but that's Melissa for you.
4. Melissa was a tall, buxom blonde.
5. Melissa piled spaghetti onto her plate.
6. You've got to hand it to Melissa, she certainly gets around.
7. He leaned towards Melissa with an air of great confidentiality.
8. Melissa had chain-smoked all evening while she waited for a phone call from Tom.
9. Present on this grand occasion were Andrew Davies, Melissa Peters and other such stars.
10. With a shudder, Melissa returned to the hall.
11. Melissa felt a pang of remorse.
12. Melissa is in charge of the Marketing Department.
13. Melissa detected a growing rapport between them, and rejoiced.
14. Behind her back, Melissa smiled at this shot at appearing worldly-wise.
15. With a brief, tremulous smile at Melissa, she trailed meekly behind him.
16. In normal circumstances, Melissa would have found him stimulating company but that evening she found her thoughts constantly wandering.
17. She did not turn her head when Melissa entered and for a moment it seemed that she was unaware of her presence.
18. Melissa Summers is lured into a marriage to a deranged man by his satanically beautiful mother.
19. Melissa heard the sounds of a dustbin lid being replaced and the running of a tap as Eleanor washed her hands.
20. Melissa could not catch the words, but it appeared that Gebrec was giving instructions which Fernand appeared reluctant to carry out.
21. Melissa, the second daughter, visits during nearly every vacation from medical school.
22. She got the distinct impression that Melissa wasn't best pleased to find that Luke had company.
23. On our third date Melissa began to open up and told me about her family and about the years she spent in Italy.
24. She straightened up as Melissa approached, pulling off her gardening gloves.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. Melissa kicked off her shoes, dumped her handbag on the floor, flopped on her bed and closed her eyes.
26. With her vivid imagination, Melissa could visualise the scene and it sickened her.
27. Dear Melissa I really fancy this boy and I think he likes me too.
28. A joyful Lou called Melissa to thank her for her kindness and to say that Rick was now reconciled with his parents.
29. Melissa had the distinct impression that he held Iris's chair for a fraction longer than her own.
30. On stage, Gayle Wilson stayed strictly in character as the brooding, suicidal Melissa Gardner.
1. Melissa quickly became adept at predicting his moods.
2. Melissa had guzzled gin and tonics like they were lemonade.
31. Melissa murmured some banal phrases of encouragement and put down the telephone with a feeling of desolation.
32. She straightened up as Melissa approached, pulled off one of her gardening gloves and combed back her hair with her fingers.
33. Self-destructive Melissa, that kooky chick who sometimes wore braces over a singlet to hold up her baggy pants.
34. Women's National champion, Melissa Watson, who races with the Swindon team came a cropper.
35. Chapter Twelve Melissa slept late and awoke with a splitting headache.
36. Melissa made her way slowly upstairs, wondering whether or not she had inadvertently made matters worse.
37. When Gebrec approached, he took him by the arm and murmured something which Melissa took to be a mild reproof.
38. "Besides..." Melissa hesitated, trying to think of a tactful way of telling him the truth.
39. He saluted Melissa with a smile that faded as he became aware of the argument going on across the yard.
40. Melissa wondered what was passing though her mind and whether she and Rose had resolved their differences.
41. Melissa took her by the arm and piloted her through the booking hall.
42. Half-blinded, Melissa faltered, stumbled and collided with a burly figure hurrying towards the building.
43. Barney appeared to be mulling over what he had just learned; several times he looked searchingly at Melissa across the table.
44. Melissa was prepared for signs of strain and grief, but the change in Antoinette Gebrec's appearance came as a shock.
45. Facing him across the bleached wooden plank, Melissa became aware of an extraordinary change in his manner.
46. It's a good school, but it wasn't really right for Melissa.
47. Melissa Kirk Berkeley For the record, I am an overweight male or, if you prefer, a fat guy.
48. Melissa dumped her register and handbag on a chair, marched round the desk and tried the cupboard door.
49. Melissa : Dont be ridiculous. I dont date!
50. Melissa : Dont be ridiculous.
51. Did melissa catch him with another woman?
52. Melissa : It's my day off.
53. Melissa: What was all that about?
54. Melissa : What are you doing reading Jason's email?
54. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
55. Melissa : Well Jason , what's going on?
56. MELISSA: The hippies dressed in very casual ways.
57. He finds Melissa alone in the front room.
58. I cut it fine getting down the hill to catch my ferry, " Melissa said. "
59. According to Melissa Clearfield, the child's newfound locomotor skill arrives hand-in-hand with a raft of other changes in social behaviour and maturity.
60. Why should Melissa have to slog around the supermarket on her own?
61. Melissa Thompson wrote the message "the razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world.
62. Melissa : That little girl over there is having a temper tantrum.
63. Shortly, Kurt returns early from work. He finds Melissa alone in the front room.
64. WHEN Melissa Mahan and her husband visited the Netherlands, they felt imprisoned by their tour bus.
65. Effects of the species of fragrant plants, plant growth regulators, segments and matrices on cutting propagation of Melissa officinalis L, Origanum vulgare L and Lavandula angustifolia were studied.
66. Melissa : This may sound kinda funny, but I think that something might be wrong with Nick.
67. Melissa broke her news to a thrilled Garcia, who reminded her daughter that her status as an elected official allowed her to perform wedding ceremonies.
68. The result is:light has less affect in Melissa officinalis, Salvia officinalis, they have high value in Garden promotion.
69. Melissa slid in beside Paula, and her husband sat opposite.
70. Class Valedictorian Melissa Diaz, whose mom also graduated from Hostos, had this to say about tonight's "local girl makes very very good" story.
71. Blends well with Bergamot, Black pepper, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender, Marjoram, Melissa, Neroli, Sandalwood.
72. I am waiting to meet former CIA spy Melissa Boyle Mahle at a French brasserie in Washington DC.
73. Feeling scorned, Melissa had planned to flee yet another meeting in order to avoid an embarrassing run-in with Jon-Marc.
74. Melissa ( 1999 ) -- Melissa was an exotic dancer, and David L.
75. Judge Melissa Jackson said Mr Strauss-Kahn was a flight risk and should be kept in detention.
76. Why toil away in the office like a chump when today's technology means you can bunk off with impunity ?Melissa Harrison doesn't rate your chances of successful skiving .
77. In June, Melissa’s mom, Bonnie Garcia, a former California State Assemblywoman, visited Washington.
78. We're logged on, " wrote Melissa Chan, a correspondent for Al Jazeera, in a Twitter message.
79. Melissa : Lets not beat about the bush, has Yummy found anything out about Jason?
80. Melissa and Doug 6 Race Cars for Train Set NEW!
81. Jason has just gone to work and Kurt, Melissa and Allison are sitting in the lounge.
82. Melissa was one of the brightest children in my first grade.
83. Although she has her bratty moments, she has a strong relationship with her mother, Melissa.
84. That's Melissa Finucane, a Honolulu social scientist who recently conducted a study on how farmers and ranchers in Hawaii perceive and act on environmental risks.




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