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单词 tour
释义  Related topics: Tourism, Performing, Sporttour1 /tʊə $ tʊr/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable]  1  DLTTRAVELa journey for pleasure, during which you visit several different towns, areas etc 〔观光〕旅游,旅行tour of/around/round a 10-day tour of China 中国十日游a walking/cycling/sightseeing etc tour a cycling tour of Cornwall 康沃尔骑车游 We met on a coach tour in Italy. 我们是在意大利乘长途客车旅游时相识的。 → package tour► see thesaurus at journey2  DLTTRAVELa short trip through a place to see it 〔短暂的〕参观,游览tour of/around/round a guided tour around the Kennedy Space Center 肯尼迪航天中心的导游陪同参观 Kim worked as a tour guide in Cambridge last summer. 金去年夏天在剑桥当导游。3  APDSa planned journey made by musicians, a sports team etc in order to perform or play in several places 巡回演出;巡回比赛tour of the England cricket team’s tour of India 英格兰板球队在印度的巡回比赛on tour The Moscow Symphony Orchestra is here on tour. 莫斯科交响乐团来这里进行巡回演出。 the first leg of the band’s European tour (=the first part of it) 乐队在欧洲巡回演出的第一站4  PERIOD OF TIMEa period during which you go to live somewhere, usually abroad, to do your job, especially military work 〔尤指军人在外地、通常是国外的〕服役期;任职期 his third tour in Northern Ireland 他在北爱尔兰的第三个派驻期5. tour of inspection an official visit to a place, institution, group etc in order to check its quality or performance 〔正式的〕视察访问,巡察Examples from the Corpustour• Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke is putting up a crab cake dinner, and a tour of Baltimore.• We took a bicycle tour of Tuscany.• a bicycle tour• Did you see Bruce Springsteen on his last tour?• Norton is on tour promoting her new children's book.• They like to take package tours because they hate dealing with details.• Package tours that include tickets to Olympic events have sold well.• Half its resorts have snowshoe tours.• Naturally there's plenty of wine-tasting tours, visits to the huge cellars and between June and October wine festivals are held.• It was the latter's first innings of the tour.• The last leg of the tour will take the team to Dallas.• The tour includes stops in Salzburg and Vienna.• The prime minister has left for a three-week tour of South America.• a three-year tour in Germany with the Armytour of/around/round• The day commenced with a tour of the now almost deserted facility at Wadeville.• Stephenson drew huge, rabid crowds on his barnstorming tours of the Indiana countryside.• Prior to Feakle, army battalions were able to spend only five months outside Northern Ireland between tours of duty.• Today one can enjoy a relaxing boat tour around the harbour.• A large, blue twin-engine air boat that normally is used for tours of the Everglades serves as the major on-site platform.tour of/around/round• The day commenced with a tour of the now almost deserted facility at Wadeville.• Stephenson drew huge, rabid crowds on his barnstorming tours of the Indiana countryside.• Prior to Feakle, army battalions were able to spend only five months outside Northern Ireland between tours of duty.• Today one can enjoy a relaxing boat tour around the harbour.• A large, blue twin-engine air boat that normally is used for tours of the Everglades serves as the major on-site platform.tour of• The musical is making a year-long tour of the U.S. and Canada.• a four-month tour of South AmericaRelated topics: Tourismtour2 ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]DLTTRAVEL to visit several parts of a country or area 旅游,游历,观光 We’re touring the Greek islands this summer. 我们今年夏天去希腊的海岛旅游。► see thesaurus at travel2  [transitive] to go round or be shown round a place 巡视;参观 The minister had been invited to tour the new factory. 部长受邀到新工厂进行巡视。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustour• The team is currently touring Australia in a series of friendly games.• Steve and Maggie have toured extensively and together present a unique blend of traditional and Tilston material.• The theatre company will tour later this year.• He seemed to be touring other worlds.• The following morning there will be an opportunity to tour some of the local cultural attractions in informal groups.• For our summer vacation this year we're touring Spain in a camper.• We shall tour the city for two hours and then meet back at the bus.• The man behind the craze is currently touring the country in a one man and his puppets show.• Lots of boats and ferries tour the islands, and many excursions are available.• Sosa toured the world with an Afro-Cuban jazz band.• Relentless international touring was to keep the company afloat financially for three years.• Haynes recorded with Charlie Parker and toured with Sarah Vaughan in the 1950s.Origin tour1 (1300-1400) Old French tour, tourn “circular course, turn”; → TURN1tour1 nountour2 verbChinese  you a for several Corpus pleasure, which during visit journey




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