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单词 undeveloped
释义 Word family  noun developer development redevelopment adjective developed ≠ undeveloped developing verb develop redevelop  un·de·vel·oped /ˌʌndɪˈveləpt◂/ adjective  1  DEVELOPused in order to describe land which has not yet been used for building, farming etc 〔土地〕未开发的,未开垦的 an undeveloped stretch of coastline 一段未开发的海岸线2  used in order to describe a country or area that does not have modern industry, and usually has a low standard of living 〔国家或地区〕不发达的,落后的 → underdeveloped the undeveloped regions of the world 世界上的落后地区3  not fully grown 未充分发育的,发育不良的 a child’s undeveloped mind 小孩未成熟的心智Examples from the Corpusundeveloped• Gettysburg was then only another Pennsylvania community, its role in the campaign undeveloped.• It is, of course, worth remembering that the region west of the Mississippi was still comparatively undeveloped.• No one, therefore, would lend them money and the estates went undeveloped.• The kiss of the prince breaks the spell of narcissism and awakens a womanhood which up to then has remained undeveloped.• undeveloped beachfront property• The book trade is relatively undeveloped in its use of computers to change the whole way in which business is conducted.• He recommended that local governments start buying undeveloped land for affordable housing.• Day after day, Newland spots the buses pulled over on the shoulder along an undeveloped stretch of Scottsdale Road.• The latter had been undeveloped while I lived in alien cultures.un·de·vel·oped adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus which yet been in to has not order used describe land




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