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单词 Underfoot
1 The grass was cool and pleasant underfoot.
2 He trod the golden beetle underfoot.
3 The snow underfoot wassoft and deep.
4 He carelessly trod the lady beetle underfoot.
5 Ice made the path slippery underfoot.
6 He saved a little girl from being trampled underfoot in the rush for the fire exit.
7 People were trampled underfoot in the rush for the exit.
8 The ice creaked and groaned underfoot.
9 The ground was dry and firm underfoot.
10 The snow was crisp underfoot.
11 Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses.
12 Their interests and rights had been trampled underfoot.
13 The wet wood is very slippery underfoot.
14 Morgan dropped his cigarette and crushed it underfoot.
15 It was still wet underfoot.
16 The earth was soft and spongy underfoot.
17 The carpet of pine needles was soft underfoot.
18 The turf feels very springy underfoot.
19 The gravel crunched underfoot as we walked up to the house.
20 The children were in danger of being trampled underfoot in the crowd.
21 Many people were trampled/crushed underfoot when the police tried to break up the demonstration.
22 I was nearly trampled underfoot by the crowd of people rushing for the door.
23 It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields.
24 The pine needles were soft underfoot.
25 The bedding, which resembled black seaweed, oozed underfoot.
26 Iced sardines are trodden underfoot to soften them up.
27 The gleaming parquet floors creaked underfoot.
28 The ground underfoot was harder, almost dry.
29 The soil was dry and firm underfoot.
30 The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot.
1 The grass was cool and pleasant underfoot.
2 He trod the golden beetle underfoot.
3 He carelessly trod the lady beetle underfoot.
4 He saved a little girl from being trampled underfoot in the rush for the fire exit.
5 People were trampled underfoot in the rush for the exit.
6 It was still wet underfoot.
31 The problem is not, as you might think, that the butterflies are being trampled underfoot.
32 Carpets were thick underfoot and solid velvet curtains hung at the windows, parted just sufficiently to admit a little starlight.
33 Soggy underfoot it may be, but it's hard to dampen the spirit of the country's premier rowing event.
34 There was concrete underfoot, cracked but reasonably clear of vegetation.
35 As he followed Isaac, the air felt almost as hindering as the insect-ridden vegetation underfoot.
36 They were smashed to pieces, as if some one had ground them underfoot.
37 Relieved to have grass underfoot silencing his blithe escape, Laverne glances back with all the charm of a lowly jackal.
38 Underfoot the track was dirty, caking their boots and sandals with ordure and mud.
39 It's good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields and over hedgerows in the darkness.
40 The week's snow has become crusty and it yields underfoot, with a crunch like breakfast cereal.
41 This was open desert, and there was not a dune in sight and it was firm underfoot.
42 How can I get anything done with all these kids underfoot?
43 They swirled about us, rumbling overhead and underfoot, then drifted past.
44 There was no longer any carpet underfoot - merely drugget, a material he recalled from nineteenth-century novels dealing with servants' quarters.
45 The temperature rises with the cloud cover, and the snow underfoot becomes wet and soft, making progress difficult and tiring.
46 Some one else pulled her necklace, and imitation pearls spread underfoot.
47 Their black gowns flowed to the floor where they were frequently trampled underfoot by passing waiters.
48 Crisp yellow leaves scrunched satisfyingly underfoot, giving off a sweet sad scent.
49 Arriving at the foot of the ladder, Grant's feet crunched in a sprinkling of fresh soil underfoot.
50 Underfoot, a soggy tiger-trap of a burrow roof gives in like brown sugar.
51 So I met no one on the riverside path, soft-cushioned underfoot with years of leafmould.
52 The beautiful underfoot carpets of blue gentium delight the eye and, above fly buzzards, eagles, skylarks and wheatears.
53 And they drank a toast and smashed the Dixie cups underfoot and turned out the light and went to lunch.
54 I can hear his stomach rumbling, and long to escape among the cobbles underfoot, where lovely horse droppings lie.
55 The snow scrunched underfoot.
56 Wind resistance: I had no complaints even on blustery days with snow underfoot.
57 The ground was boggy underfoot(), though there was grass in abundance between the trees.
58 The sky was clear, the stars were beautiful and the snow creaked underfoot.
59 He ground his cigarette underfoot and walked slowly towards the Fiat.
60 The floor was cluttered underfoot, the walls black with soot.
61 There was thick mud underfoot; it stuck to the soles of her shoes.
62 She felt certain that she must fall on her face and be trampled underfoot.
63 Underfoot(/underfoot.html), the wild vibration of the centrifuge had likewise died.
64 Underfoot, ice forms sharp peaks and treacherous crevices for slipping, tripping and twisting ankles.
65 There was a clean, sweet smell of new wood and a tang of fresh paint. Wood shavings crunched underfoot.
66 It stank like a midden and the straw underfoot had lain so long it was a black, oozy mess.
67 The future of machines lies in the tangled weeds underfoot.
68 Between the viaduct and the seafront you crush the brittle flowers underfoot.
69 Thousands of victims perished, trampled underfoot.
70 Deep slush underfoot made her shoes wet.
71 I didn't realize it would be so muddy underfoot.
72 Quiet and smelless, they feel tiny and soft underfoot.
73 Her three children are always getting underfoot.
74 The bluebells were so thick underfoot that it was impossible not to tread on them.
75 In Plumas County, the fall color is underfoot and overhead: from the low-growing Indian rhubarb to the mighty English maples, the array of colors in this region could make a box of crayons jealous.
76 Use Monday Night Football as an opportunity to get housework pesky, if well intentioned , husband underfoot.
77 "Look at me—it's conservative, conservative, conservative, and then the red pumps, " Tucker said, as she elegantly navigated the treacherous decking underfoot, wineglass in hand.
78 Breeders spread feed underfoot, hoping the little ones will peck at it.
79 The beach was strewn with countless shells, and they crumbled underfoot.
80 When a tribe encounters civilization, the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe.
81 Caution: With portable vacuums, be aware that the electric cord and the hose are underfoot and can be stepped on or can cause the groom or horse to trip.
82 But for her the race of the world would have trampled him underfoot, a boneless snail.
83 There were rocks underfoot and boulders about them, rough to the touch like scoria.
84 Breeders spread feed underfoot, hoping the little ones will peck at it and mouthsrainstorms.
85 They were in a clearing, completely surrounded by bushes, the turf underfoot was clean and springy.
86 There's no cure for sorrow but to put it underfoot.




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