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单词 Slacking
1. Stop slacking and get on with that digging!
2. He had never let a foreman see him slacking.
3. The instructors were slacking on the job.
4. The rain is slacking.
5. He was accused of slacking and taking too many holidays.
6. After intense work in the summer, we are slacking off now.
7. There can be no excuse for slacking off.
8. This is no time to be slacking off!
9. The rain was slacking and we were moving along.
10. He was scolded for slacking.
11. The economy was responsible for the slacking down.
12. You feel I'm slacking in my role as host?
13. He would worry frequently that his subordinates were slacking off and the work was becoming sloppy.
14. He was accused of slacking at work and taking too many holidays.
15. Business is slacking up.
16. One manifestation of bureaucracy is slacking at work due to indifference or perfunctoriness.
17. Molly: So many excuses. Are you slacking off in the office?
18. He's gone from success to success in his movie career[ ], and there's no sign of him slacking off.
19. Some one wrote in all capital letters that unqualified disabled workers were slacking off and getting special privileges.
20. A lifetime of low-level employment is a high price to pay for slacking off in junior high.
21. She called me into her office and accused me of slacking and taking too many holidays!
22. Reinforce relationship by proving yourself within the workplace. Instead of slacking off , do the exact opposite.
23. We lie about taking days off, being late for work or acts of skiving and slacking.
24. He stared emptily at the floor, his arms hanging limp, his mouth slacking.
25. I heard her ticking off her girls when they were slacking.




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