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单词 unformed
释义  un·formed /ˌʌnˈfɔːmd◂ $ -ɔːr-/ adjective  DEVELOP#not yet developed 未成形的;未充分发展的 the unformed mind of a child 儿童未发育完善的大脑Examples from the Corpusunformed• His new company is still unformed and unnamed.• To an unformed child, Edna Madalyn McGurk Ting was like nuclear fusion.• The tiny, sac-like dumplings looked like pale, wet, unformed creatures in their uncooked state.• I knew little of psychology but enough to be aware of the impact on the unformed ego of an absent father.• In his unformed fantasies he imagined himself reborn and baptized, a martyr and a saint.• Now he saw something else there, a rough groping for some unformed, folded life.• The impish Forrester scribbles pedagogic remarks all over Jamal's unformed jottings and a sparky, mutually nurturing relationship gets going.• For it is a curious characteristic of our unformed species that we live and model our lives through acts of make-believe.• Her unformed talent was for curing injuries; and she was destined to die.un·formed adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus not yet developed




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