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单词 unfold
释义 Word family  noun fold folder adjective folded folding verb fold unfold  un·fold /ʌnˈfəʊld $ -ˈfoʊld/ ●●○ verb  1  CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTAND[intransitive, transitive] if a story unfolds, or if someone unfolds it, it is told 〔故事等〕展现,呈现;(使)展示 As the story unfolds, we learn more about Max’s childhood. 随着故事的展开,我们对马克斯的童年有了更多的了解。2  [intransitive] if a series of events unfolds, they happen 〔一系列的事件〕发生 He had watched the drama unfold from a nearby ship. 他从附近的一艘船上目睹了这一戏剧性事件的发生。3  OPEN[intransitive, transitive] if you unfold something that was folded, or if it unfolds, it opens out 〔卷着的东西〕展开;打开,摊开〔卷着的东西〕 He unfolded the map. 他展开地图。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusunfold• "I must lay the table, '' she said, unfolding a clean white linen tablecloth.• Eileen struggled to unfold a large map.• Roy Anderson took great pains to ensure there were no more surprises for any of the players in the unfolding drama.• Miss Male nervously folded and unfolded her napkin as she spoke.• Reno unfolded herself, pushed her bulk out of the car, and peeled her dresses off the back seat.• He took out his handkerchief, unfolded it, and blew his nose.• As the case against Wooten unfolds, Mustaf is expected to continue playing a leading role.• As the story unfolds, our image of Claudia changes.• Even those remaining were listening to the drama unfolding outside the hostelry.• The receipt had been folded and unfolded so many times that it was almost in pieces.• Because as the days and weeks unfold so will the true identity of her baby.• The woman turned and looked frankly puzzled, unfolding the note.• They unfolded the tablecloth and set out the picnic.the drama unfold• By ten the next morning, some twenty thousand people were on hand to watch the drama unfold.• He had watched the drama unfold from a support vessel.• Bruno, somewhat impervious to the drama unfolding in front of him, was still huffing and puffing in his monster role.• Even those remaining were listening to the drama unfolding outside the hostelry.un·fold verbChineseSyllable  a if or Corpus if story unfolds,




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