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单词 turquoise
释义  Related topics: Geology, Colourstur·quoise /ˈtɜːkwɔɪz, -kwɑːz $ ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz/ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]HEG a valuable greenish-blue stone or a jewel that is made from this 绿松石 turquoise earrings 绿松石耳环2  [uncountable]CC a greenish-blue colour 绿松石色,青绿色 The room was painted in turquoise. 房间被刷成青绿色。 —turquoise adjective a clear turquoise sea 清澈碧蓝的大海Examples from the Corpusturquoise• Necklaces, pendants, bracelets, rings; silver and turquoise glittered in the white light.• Ferroan dolomite Pale to deep turquoise with increasing Fe content.• No sea that Marion had ever set eyes on was that particular shade of transparent, light-filled turquoise.• There's a lot of lapis here, together with some very fine turquoise, coral and amber.• It is light turquoise in the east, grading to deep, dark, brilliant blue in the west.• The sea was a pearly turquoise, the far mountains ash-blue in the windless heat.• Black with midnight blue, scarlet with holly green and black with turquoise.• The bird is set with turquoises and the leaves are of green enamel.Origin turquoise (1400-1500) Old French turqueise, from turqueis “Turkish”tur·quoise nounChineseSyllable  stone or Corpus a valuable greenish-blue a jewel




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