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单词 Turn back
1 Those who turn back never reach the summit.
2 We'd better turn back; it's getting dark.
3 We can't turn back now.
4 Turn back to the previous page.
5 Nobody can turn back the wheel of history.
6 We're lost - we'll have to turn back.
7 They were very nearly forced to turn back.
8 It's getting late - maybe we should turn back.
9 It was too late to turn back.
10 Now we're going to turn back the clock with some rock 'n' roll from the 1950s.
11 We took the wrong road and had to turn back.
12 Turn back to the summaries at the end of section 1.5.
13 Soldiers barred the road so we had to turn back.
14 We shall have to turn back if there's the slightest hint of fog.
15 We should turn back now. It's getting dark and I don't like the look of those rain clouds.
16 Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad.
17 According to the map we missed our turn back there.
18 His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.
19 Don't turn back the corners of the pages to mark your place.
20 No-one can turn back the clock.
21 He didn't turn back to face her.
22 I turn back to my class, bowing deeply.
23 It's getting late - I think we should turn back before it gets dark.
24 I was secretly relieved when Ed said it was time to turn back.
25 The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.
26 The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.
27 The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.
28 The climbers were half way up the mountain when two of them conked out and had to turn back.
29 Even the most stouthearted of hikers would have had to turn back in this weather.
30 Only if somebody can come up with a way to turn back the clock.
1 We can't turn back now.
2 I was secretly relieved when Ed said it was time to turn back.
31 Normally the fish would take one look at the lure, and turn back in disgust.
32 We failed to clear the farther islands which guard the entrance, and had to turn back to Po Ti.
33 But the young hedgehog, if she heard, did not turn back.
34 Only later did the skin of the shark turn back to its more usual blue-and-white shading.
35 Yet it wasn't long before he was remembering that journey as the last chance he'd had to turn back.
36 About a mile away from me they change course and turn back slowly in graceful, wide curves.
37 The peasants, having just come out to the fields, turn back, uttering loud cries.
37 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
38 North Beach and Union Square merchants wait for customers who turn back, frustrated by street closures and a lack of parking.
39 I speak from experience, as my wife and I had to turn back and miss the December 1990 meeting.
40 As the big jetliner continued its turn back to the airport, Duncan applied some power back to the left engine.
41 The expected revenue from this source was depended upon to help turn back the enemy.
42 But it is too late to turn back the clock on the bank's international expansion.
43 But it was too late to turn back, with troops on the ground.
44 The novelist and his wife cross themselves again and turn back into the night.
45 It is time to stop trying to turn back the clock.
46 There are times when I've pushed on when all the signals were saying turn back.
47 Think Thousand times before taking a decision But - After taking decision never turn back even if you get Thousand difficulties!! Adolf Hitler 
48 They were halfway up the mountain, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back.
49 But if the dove were crushed, they must turn back and give up all hope of the Golden.
50 We chased after him for about five blocks but then we lost him and had to turn back.
51 Suddenly, definitely, he decided to quit, turn back, go home, leave everything until tomorrow.
52 The pilot tried to turn back but the jet exploded and a large fireball ripped into a crowded residential area.
53 But inadequate and ill-prepared though she felt, she knew she could not turn back now.
54 I can only hope I am proved wrong: things have gone too far to turn back the tide.
55 Willing my heart to beat normally, I defy the urge to turn back or freeze or cry out.
56 And heavens knows, once launched it's all too hard to turn back and look again for the missed trace.
57 She reached the house, where a bird in a cage sang to her to turn back.
58 I signalled to turn back in the direction of the motorway, then I changed my mind.
59 Countries that have developed a taste for gas-guzzling machinery are certain to find it difficult to turn back to animal power.
60 The huge structures have endless corridors, barren hallways like tunnels that turn back upon themselves, leading nowhere.
61 When the needle indicates 1 to 2 dots on the scale Turn back on to the inbound heading.
62 It's believed they were shot after ignoring advice to turn back.
63 Can we turn back the clock and revive the system of predetermined roles?
64 Just as a ratchet turns easily one way but can not turn back, so genetic defects inevitably accumulate.
65 Tonight, in a special report, we turn back the clock to 1963.
66 Turn back to page six, please.
67 Turn back to page ten please.
68 Superman's gonna fIy around Earth and turn back time?
69 Turn back the clock because we're BACK IN TIME!
70 Turn back to page 16.
71 I wish I could turn back the clock.
72 The plane had to turn back to Berlin.
73 We have no choice but to turn back.
74 Britain is on the right track. Don't turn back.
75 It is impossible to turn back the clock.
76 I do not see why I should e'er turn back.
77 Notice what it says,"Forces sent by him--he shall turn back and pay heed to those who forsake the holy covenant."
78 Just as the narrator of his novel Ignorance regards Odysseus's return to Ithaca as accepting 'the finitude of life,' Kundera cannot turn back and continues his odyssey.
79 I turn back and sigh for life. people wanna different thing. until now I know she devoice with S . long time ago , I tried to cooperate with their music company , nobody know future .
80 The danger is certainly a lion in the way; you can go ahead or turn back. Which will you do?
81 Now however that you've come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly stoichea?
82 Richard wished that he had lived in frontier days, but he can't turn back the clock.
83 The danger is certainly a lion in the way; you can go ahead or turn back.
84 NIV Then I will teach transgressors your ways , and sinners will turn back to you.
85 While you can not turn back the clock you can take control of your life.
86 The energy absorbed by the electronic load simulator can be turn back to the utility system.
87 Thacher asked him to a farmland and find a wheatear which is the bigest and the most golden. He just had one choice and he can just walk straight, never turn back.
88 To end this chapter let us turn back to the previous century for a moment.
89 I wish I could start all and turn back to my freshman life.
90 For an agoraphobic person, it's a difficult and frightening experience. Some may turn back to head back to the safety of home.
91 John Russell Game Worn 1979 Turn Back Clock Pinstripe PiratesJerseyand Pants 100 % Authenticated by the MLB.
92 A good horse will not turn back to crop the old grass.
93 Not doing so you turn back into yourself, only to rediscover things you already know.
94 If we could turn back the clock, what would you do for them?
95 However, I would like to search for another opportunity rather than turn back the clock.
96 Tighter binding would cramp their ability to turn back to protection.
97 When you turn back to sun, you only see your own shadow.
98 We can't turn back the clock and undo past mistakes.
99 I watch Spook leave, then turn back to the crowd, still standing, glassy-eyed , and staring after him.
100 She was about to turn back when something about the bloated face struck her as fami - liar.
101 Benefits other people as well as the appreciation, must bounden ,[] be duty - bound not to turn back!
102 He wanted to go all the way to the Ganges River, but his army forced him to turn back.
103 Turn back and go in peace ; do nothing to displease the Philistine rulers.
104 The frightened sailors wanted to turn back, but their dauntless leader urged them to sail on.
105 'First point,'began Mr Smollett.'We must go on, because we can't turn back.
106 When lividity is not set, pressing into the skin with a finger will turn the skin a white color, and then it will turn back.
107 The Prince Regent himself attempted to move to another of his official residences, but was forced to turn back.
108 One would turn back to this system to prevent the invasion of socialism.
109 Conclusions:Jiangu granula could turn back the change of higher BGP of rat models which made by ovariectomy, reduce the high turn over in bone, and increase the BMD.
110 Kratos: Turn back to Olympus beast! I must face Zeus! You defy the god of war?
111 Years later, I Suddenly turn back, dreamily, I see multicoloured falling petals . The flying whiteness tells the innocence and immaculacy of our youth, and writes our initial glory and brilliance .
112 Please turn back to page 3 and start again from there.
113 NIV My enemies turn back; they stumble and perish before you.
114 You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.
115 Next day I talked with Larry on their relationship, but he gave me a double talk to suggest thatthat girl friend would never turn back.
116 Would you reach out for tomorrow, or try to turn back time?




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